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Questions tagged [linked-accounts]

For questions about linked accounts

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26 votes
1 answer

No association bonus for Area51?

My Area51 account crossed 200 rep today, but still other accounts don't reflect the change in reputation. When will the changes be applied? or is there no association bonus for Area51 account?
1 vote
0 answers

associate account un linked

In other account tab all of my account just disappeared
10 votes
0 answers

Area 51 account disappeared

I tried to login to Area 51 after a long hiatus and got: Unable to log in: No user found I also notice it's now missing from my list of Stack Exchange accounts. Instead, my Area 51 account is linked ...
19 votes
0 answers

Directly support cross-site queries in the Data Explorer [duplicate]

Often you want to query some statistic for a user across all sites. For example, you might write a query to find your rejected suggested edits across all Stack Exchange sites. To implement this, you ...
13 votes
2 answers

How can I write a cross-site Data Explorer query that joins databases on linked accounts? [duplicate]

The answer to this question implies that you can write cross-site Data Explorer queries, but the sample query doesn't appear to do what I think it should. SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [StackOverflow....
0 votes
0 answers

Why are all communities unlinked? [duplicate]

I examine questions on Stack Overflow, Stack Exchange, and the subdomains for specializations. Every time I want to upvote or save a question or ask one on a new site, I am prompted to make a new ...
7 votes
1 answer

Can I get more than one association bonus awarded on all my accounts? [duplicate]

On Stack Overflow I crossed 200 and got 100 rep association on all accounts. Now, if I cross 200 on Mathematics (I am on 188 reputation now) then will I get another 100 rep association bonus on all of ...
8 votes
1 answer

What has happened to account de-association? [closed]

According to an official press release account de-association should be a deployed feature. However a de-associate button is nowhere to be found: What has happened to it?
6 votes
0 answers

Why does trying to log in to a new Stack Exchange (Area 51) with SE credentials still have bad UX?

I have seen Stack Exchange cross-site signup: login with Stack Exchange doesn't work and noted that it is marked as "completed", but that doesn’t square with the experience I just had. ...
4 votes
3 answers

Why do I have different reputation on each Stack Exchange site?

For example, on and and I have different reputation scores. This is very frustrating because I have no interest in wasting hours ...
8 votes
1 answer

Account not linked with

I created an account at data.stackexchange, but it never got linked with my SO account. For any other SE site I create an account in it will say that my account is already linked with other SE sites (...
13 votes
0 answers

Associated users endpoint gives empty response for meta users

The /users/{ids}/associated endpoint of the Stack Exchange API has the option to set ?types=meta_site to get the child meta users of a network account. But when I try it now, I get an empty response ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why aren't all communities shown in the user profile? [duplicate]

When I go to my own profile, only five communities are shown under Communities. Why aren't all displayed? For one there is an, about, 1340 pixels empty space below the grouping, and the hassle of ...
121 votes
3 answers

Allow users to hide connections between accounts

This feature request is inspired by the question on Programmers.SE on whether it is appropriate to ask an interview candidate for their Stack Overflow user. Stack Overflow is a site aimed at ...
-5 votes
1 answer

Why is a user allowed to have different names on different sites?

Why is a user allowed to have different names on different sites? It causes confusion and all.
1 vote
0 answers

Is there a way to subscribe to questions asked by members of a "private" Stack Overflow on the "public" Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

My company has a "private" Stack Overflow space. But my company members often have general questions that they ask on the "public" Stack Overflow, because they don't concern ...
177 votes
3 answers

Award account association bonus automatically upon reaching 200 rep

Currently if a user has more than 200 rep points on one of the Stack Exchange sites, and then associates his account with another SE site account, the linked-to account gains a one time bonus of 100 ...
2 votes
1 answer

I did not start with 101 rep on a new site, despite doing so before

I came originally from SO and I know when I joined SF, SU, and programmers.SE, I started with 101 rep with a gracious in-network bonus - or whatever y'all call it. I recently joined outdoors.SE and ...
4 votes
1 answer

How can I change the website URL displayed on my Stack Exchange profile webpages?

In 2020, in a browser where I'm not logged in to Stack Exchange, I go to my Meta user profile page. That page offers a Profile link at the top left and a Network Profile link at the top right. Below ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can I associate my account with posts I made before registering? [duplicate]

I posted a couple of questions as an unregistered user (this is not a Google account or a standard OpenID account). Later, I added myself as a registered user through my Gmail account. Is there a ...
22 votes
2 answers

Answer draft is lost if you click to sign up

When writing an answer on a site where you don't have an account or are not logged in, below the answer entry textbox are options to create an account or continue as guest by providing a nickname and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Orphaned question [duplicate]

I asked a question on Mathematica Stack Exchange. The system sent me an email, and in it I clicked "Set Your Password" and followed that process to set up my account. Yet, the question I ...
4 votes
0 answers

Accounts not linked across some communities

I am a member of many communities, including Stack Overflow, Super User, Server Fault, DevOps, and others. My settings show 20 communities. But it seems not all my communities are linked. I can see ...
4 votes
5 answers

Automatically create accounts in all sister sites

I've seen a number of cases when questions have been migrated from one site to another (SO-->SF, SO-->SU etc). If the original asker doesn't have an account on the site to which the question has ...
16 votes
2 answers

Don't let the association bonus be given away as bounties

When a user with at least 200 rep on any Stack Exchange site registers a new account on another SE site, they immediately receive 100 rep on that site as an association bonus. This is a deliberate ...
2 votes
0 answers

Error after verifying a new account + pressing back

I just registered a new account on Japanese SE by signing in with my SO account. When you link an account, there's a "confirm your new account" message that pops up, and you have to click the orange ...
18 votes
2 answers

What is the point of the "Parent User" in Chat?

I've looked at the Chat FAQ and I'm still not sure what the point of having a "parent user" of the chat account is. Why can't a Chat account be associated with multiple other Stack Exchange ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to get reputation changes network-wide via the API?

Using the notifications API, I can get everything that shows up in the achievements popover, except for reputation changes. I can use reputation history for this, but it's per-site so would require a ...
4 votes
1 answer

Merged accounts on multiple sites, but not all completed

I recently had two accounts merged (old, new); now my accounts on the following sites all use the same OpenID: Stack Overflow Meta Stack Overflow English Language and Usage Photography Ask Ubuntu ...
16 votes
1 answer

Why am I being notified just now of comments that were posted six years ago?

I've recently got notifications from two comments from six years ago: Some history: It was posted by an account that I deleted years ago, and the post was later reattributed to my current account. ...
11 votes
3 answers

How to apply multiple - email accounts to single Stack Overflow account

I have 3 regular gmail accounts. I may be logged in to any of it, but when ever I try to log in to Stack Overflow - It just follows single account. I have tried Gravatar for that. I have added all ...
13 votes
3 answers

Single location for SO/SF/SU user info

With the addition of Server Fault and the future addition of Super User, I can imagine it gets relatively hard to keep track of all that is going on without having three windows open at the same time ...
6 votes
2 answers

The current site appears on the list of related accounts

I've also just spotted that the current site appears on the related accounts tab. Meta here on Meta, SO on SO etc. (source: Promoting this answer to a question.
1 vote
1 answer

No way to change or delete Stack Exchange login

My Stack Exchange login is registered to a email address on domain that will soon be owned by another person. For security reasons, I would like to deactivate my login on Stack Exchange and dissociate ...
12 votes
2 answers

Choose information when copying profile

Could there be a list of checkboxes to single out which information to update when copying profile info to linked accounts? For example, if you had moved and only wanted to update your location ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Take into account all of the reputations from all stackexchange sites [duplicate]

I use the Stack Exchange sites very often to find solutions to problems and help me with decision-making. In some sites I have asked question and received answers, and I have more than 15 reputation. ...
26 votes
1 answer

Why separate Stack Exchange accounts?

I understand the reason why Stack Exchange has different sites to separate Cooking from Programming or Gaming. I understand too why the reputation is associated on each site. Why do I have to create ...
2 votes
1 answer

CareerOverflow: Footer link, Associate Accounts option

Neil Butterworth's comment on this Stack Overflow question notified me that there was a new Careers Overflow. Can we have a link to it on the footer with the rest of the Stack Exchange links? ...
2 votes
1 answer

Are Stack Exchange accounts automatically linked?

If I open an account on a second Stack Exchange site with the same email address as my Stack Overflow account, will they automatically be linked? If so, how can I avoid it?
6 votes
1 answer

I think my account is glitched on Quantum Computing SE

Usually when I join another network site on stack exchange, I start with 101 reputation because I have more than 200 reputation on another SE site. Why do I have only 1 reputation in Quantum ...
6 votes
1 answer

Are users trackable from outside over the network?

If I use one and the same account for all sites in the SE Network, can people from outside link my activity on different sites, even when I choose different names? I am aware that of course the ...
4 votes
1 answer

My reputation is way too low to comment [duplicate]

I vigorously request that the reputation system be revised to let people with higher reputation in other Stack Exchange sites be able to comment on questions/answers. A possibly reasonable approach ...
5 votes
1 answer

Association bonus not awarded when joining new site, plus profile not updated

I just joined While joining Error page appeared (error page does not specify any details but URL indicates openid error?) I noticed I did not receive association bonus and ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to create a new account without having to change email, so I can ask questions anonymously?

I tried to ask a question on workplace, and for what is probably obvious reasons, I did not want the question associated with my account. I looked at, for example, Need to ask a question anonymously, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Missing association bonus?

I have received the association bonus in all sites I was registered at the time of first having >200 rep (I do not recall whether that was SO or SO Meta). Joining SE Math had me with 101 rep there, ...
6 votes
1 answer

Add users' linked account ids to the data dump

Adding this would seem like a low effort/high reward type of thing. It would certainly open up a lot of possibilities in seeing how the Trilogy is used as a whole, instead of analyzing individual ...
40 votes
1 answer

Switch Stack Overflow account from Google login to Stack Exchange login [duplicate]

Right now I have an account on Stack Overflow that was created automatically when I logged in using my Google account. The point is, what happens if I lose access to my Google account? It seemed ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can I separate a Stack Overflow account from other accounts on the Stack Exchange network?

I was wondering whether it is possible to separate a Stack Overflow account from other accounts (e.g., for meta.SE, math.SE, etc.) such that one can use different login credentials and profiles for ...
8 votes
0 answers

Wrong number of questions shown on network profile

I noticed what I think is a bug on my network profile accounts list. I currently have 9 questions on Super User (and that's correctly shown on my Super User profile) but if I look at my network ...
3 votes
2 answers

My network profile flair keeps showing that I don't have any linked accounts with 200+rep [duplicate]

A few months ago I discovered that my network profile flair had stopped appearing as before, and instead it was showing that I don't have any linked accounts with 200+rep. Like this question: You do ...

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