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Generally used to describe bugs with unordered and ordered list elements.

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Numbered list indentation shows in edit mode but not in normal mode - when using parentheses (")") [duplicate]

Look at this answer in normal viewing mode: There is no numbered list indentation, so you might think about editing it using a dot, i.e. 1., instead of using a parenthesis i.e. 1), in order to fix ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Incorrect rendering in all but answer list

If I visit, the lists are how I expect them to be - correctly indented: However, that same source code's rendering shall break, should I: ...
RokeJulianLockhart's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Post formatting is not accurate for numbered lists of code blocks. Is this a bug?

Compare the way this list looks in the post versus the screenshot of the preview: text: 1. { label: `Baz ${x ? n1 : n2}`, kind: "B", } satisfies B, 1. { label: `Baz ${x ? n1 : n2}` ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
-11 votes
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feature request: make numbered list formatting less math unfriendly

As explained in this other post, numbered list formatting can be quite math unfriendly. Would it be possible to use a new numbered list, used on circles, squared or "bracketed" numbers, as ...
Dominique's user avatar
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12 votes
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The "Describe why you would make a good moderator" box uses "►", creating less-accessible "lists"

This is my third report of the same phenomenon (one, two) and it's the same deal. The sidebar list items look like they're a list to a visual user. However, a screen reader will be unable to interpret ...
bobble's user avatar
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Separator bar in numbered list breaks formatting

Using Firefox 110.0. Including a horizontal separator (---) in a numbered list causes the item with the separator to overlap other items. Markdown: 1. One 2. --- 3. Three Result (image): Result (...
GSerg's user avatar
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Markdown reformatting is broken if a list item starts with a block element

The new/stacks editor, when switching from source mode to Markdown mode, breaks alignment of list items <li> if it begins with a block-level element (<blockquote> or <pre>). For ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
12 votes
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Show 40 last votes, rather than 30, on my Votes tab

On the currently-logged-in user's Votes page, a list of the the last 30 votes is displayed. I would like propose that the number of rows should be adjustable, preferably by a URL query parameter (e.g. ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Snippets in nested list items break nesting in post preview

Similar to "Why aren't runnable code snippets formatted correctly within lists?" (which appears to be resolved), when a snippet is in an item in a nested markdown list, it breaks the nesting....
outis's user avatar
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22 votes
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Where are all the bullets and numbers for my lists?

They took not only the letters but the bullets for all the lists. Now my list of reasons we need to have bullets is lacking: Nobody is really anti-bulleted lists We need them Not only that, other ...
Laurel's user avatar
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26 votes
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"How to Format/Tag" uses "►", creating less-accessible "lists"

The "How to Format/Tag" boxes that pop up on the right sidebar when on a question edit page use less-accessible "lists" with the "►" character. For example, there's this ...
bobble's user avatar
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2 votes
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Unordered list is shown as nested in the on-site rendering but flat in the post editor

I use Chrome (latest version), and there is an obvious bug. Look at this post. Click to "edit" that post and without making any changes, just look at that post how it looks like in the &...
T.Todua's user avatar
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Lists using #) instead of #. break on render, but not preview, for this old post [duplicate]

This question looks like this in the editing preview: Here the #) list formatting works. But when the question renders on-site, it looks like: The #) list has lost its formatting and shows up as ...
bobble's user avatar
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Incorrect revision diff for lists

In the second revision of my post I've added two links as list items and removed a sentence. The Markdown diff looks fine: But the inline and two-column mode diffs look weird: The first eight list ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
23 votes
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The styling for lists (numbered and bulleted) got switched to None

The answer here has a numbered list in it. This is the markdown: 1. one 2. two 3. three But in the post that gets boring: one two three Funny enough the HTML looks okay, but for CSS rules we only ...
rene's user avatar
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Markdown, nested list : how to incorporate a nested list between two lines of a same list element

This is something I never managed to do with markdown. I write a list. In one of the elements, I am writing a paragraph, and then I want to list things again. So I create a nested list. So far so good....
Ricola's user avatar
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3 answers

Bug in Stack Overflow Markdown rendering when code follows a list [duplicate]

Code following a list, though not to be included in the list itself, is not correctly rendered, as shown below. I have tried inserting linebreaks, to no avail. Inserting "dummy" text will ...
Richard Michael's user avatar
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Numbered lists display fine after newline only if the first item starts with 1; otherwise, they need an extra newline in between

See this markdown: hello 1. Point 1 2. Point 2 bye 2. Point 2 3. Point 3 Now see how it renders: hello Point 1 Point 2 bye 2. Point 2 3. Point 3 As you see, the numbered list items just display ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
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Bullet lists beginning with empty first bullets render correctly in the preview, but not on the actual post

It displays correctly in the preview. Post Link On this input: * * John * 陳大文 I get the following (as shown in the above screenshot): * John 陳大文
Smart Manoj's user avatar
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Adding indented text after a 2nd-level list in a nested list messes up the spacing of the outer list [duplicate]

If I have a bulleted list and I want to add some indented text after a certain element, I do something like this: - Point 1 - Point 2 Indented text - Point 3 ..which renders like this: Point 1 ...
41686d6564's user avatar
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Does <Shift> + <Enter> create lists automatically if the line starts with a dash or a bullet?

I just noticed that if you have some text and you add a dash in front of the first character, then when you hit Shift + Enter before any character in the text, then it gets rendered as a list. This ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
4 votes
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Appearance of numbers for an ordered list element starting with a code block

These: 1. ``` foo bar baz bad ``` 2. foo bar baz bad Render as: foo bar baz bad foo bar baz bad Screenshot: I am pretty sure the list numbers were aligned ...
muru's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Stack Exchange Markdown rendering shows incorrect list spacing

Related to, but believed not a duplicate of, List line break/spacing format issue. Below is explained a rendering issue for MarkDown affecting many if not all SE sites. Further, I seem to be finding ...
brainchild's user avatar
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Numbered list in Winter Bash blog post isn't working correctly

The list at the bottom of the Winter Bash blog post has four steps, all numbered 1.: Whether you’re new to Winter Bash or need a quick refresher, here’s how it works: 1. Ask, answer, vote, edit, and ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Why aren't runnable code snippets formatted correctly within lists?

Consider the following code snippet. console.log("this line is all right"); console.log("but this line is indented"); This should be a part of the same bullet point but it's not. ...
Aadit M Shah's user avatar
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Code block is not visible after using HTML <ul> (or "-" before text if you prefer) [duplicate]

When answering/asking a question if you want to achieve a black dot before the text, you can either use "-" before your text or use: <ul> <li>some text</li> <ul/> So far ...
Tamir Abutbul's user avatar
2 votes
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Unenclosed <li> element without <ul> or <ol> creates bullet point outside text area

If I simply put a bare <li>...</li> Element like below in my post, without wrapping it in a <ol>...</ol> or <ul>...</ul> as usual, it still creates an unordered ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
9 votes
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Spoiler in list hides list number

While reading an answer over on Puzzling.SE, I noticed that having a spoiler in a list hides the item number/bullet. I can demonstrate it here. (It seems to be an issue only in Chrome.) Ordered lists....
Just a student's user avatar
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How to prevent a numbered list when starting a paragraph with "1."? [duplicate]

I just stumbled upon this answer on Chess Stack Exchange, where it looks like the author wanted to start a paragraph with "1. Nxc6" (which is the common notation for a chess move) but did not want a ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Inconsistent spacing when using paragraphs in lists [duplicate]

If you do something like this: - This - Is Some - Text You end up with some inconsistent spacing: Is this a bug or is this a feature request to change this so the spacing above is the same? ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
2 votes
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Numbered list misaligned when I use intermediate bullet points

When creating this answer, I cannot make points 3 and 4 (in the red rectangle) line up with numbered points 1 and 2. I have followed the "Styling/Headers" suggestions with spaces in multiples of 4. ...
MechtEngineer's user avatar
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Adding auto numbering for numbered list

Problem 1: Open a form for asking a question Write several paragraphs of text Select all of them and press Ctrl+O Expected result: several list items; actual result: only one numbered line Problem 2:...
Cherry's user avatar
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Extending paragraph indentation in a list [duplicate]

I am typesetting some explanations that work in steps, so that a bulleted or numbered list is appropriate. But the explanations may extend on several paragraphs and I would like to keep the ...
Yves Daoust's user avatar
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How to insert subitem into list without breaking layout? [duplicate]

What I want to see in final (i.e. Outer begin x-pos is same as outer end x-pos, top & bottom margins for inner approx. equal): What I really see (too large v-space before inner) as picture: ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
3 votes
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Empty strings within a list ignored in web, but not in app

Web version of SE sites ignore empty strings within a list while rendering. Test post here. Both lists look same: But in the iOS-app (android-app too) they look different: App Version: 1.6.1....
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
5 votes
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Why does line spacing depend on presence of subsequent lines in list items?

Today I was editing a post on Ask Ubuntu, when I saw this odd behaviour: 1. 2. In the first image, the "press enter..." line wasn't indented and hence not part of the list. The code block above ...
muru's user avatar
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Bulleted/numbered list should recognise multiple items separated by new line [duplicate]

I've got the following list separated by new line characters (without bullet points yet): aa bb cc dd ee now I'm selecting these 5 lines and applying Bulleted List option in editor. This is what I'...
kenorb's user avatar
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Add markdown option for ordered lists with brackets [duplicate]

I searched for this first and couldn't find it already suggested. I'm finding I'm coming across posts (often from new users) where an ordered list is included but is not formatted properly, because ...
Tim Malone's user avatar
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Please add more space around code or quote blocks in lists

Since a CSS update a while ago, code blocks and quotes in lists are too close to the line above for comfort: This is a code example. Particularly annoying with code spans in the line. Example code ...
muru's user avatar
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Should numbered lists be required to be sequential?

Is there a way to override the Numbered List Tool's need to make numbers sequential? There are times that I really appreciate the fact that it's smart enough to make the numbers sequential regardless ...
Catija's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot add single line breaks in Questions

I can't seem to add a simple line break in the text of my question (this is on Blender S.E. but happens on other communities as well): What I am trying to do is make a list where each sentence is on ...
MicroMachine's user avatar
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Line spacing after nested bullet points is inconsistent [duplicate]

Correct duplicate: Too small indent after nested list Regarding the claimed duplicate (consecutive lists): that question was closed since it apparently follows Markdown spec in the Markdown => HTML ...
Bob's user avatar
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Spoiler text doesn't work with numbered lists - Intended behavior? Workaround?

The spoiler markdown is sometimes cough messed up. Today's edition: Spoiler doesn't work with numbered lists. >! 1. Foo 2. Bar 3. Baz renders like ! 1. Foo 2. Bar 3. Baz I could ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
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Bug in ordered list preview

When typing an ordered list, the preview of the last item is indented and restarts numbering (like an additional sublevel of the list) until any nonwhitespace character is added. Thus, somebody ...
WBT's user avatar
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Images covering right side bar [duplicate]

When in a list, adding a picture that is indented covers up the background on the right where links normally go. See picture below: (source: As you ...
Canadian Luke's user avatar
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Recognize incorrect lists and inform users

A lot of (relatively) new users post answers looking like 1) Item 1 2) Item 2 which renders as 1) Item 1 2) Item 2 or if they notice the problem 1) Item 1<br> <!-- or with an empty ...
David Mulder's user avatar
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How to add "Code sample" under "Numbered list"? [duplicate]

I want to add Code sample under Numbered List but unfortunately I am not able to do so. Here is an example of what I want to achieve: Using Numbered List - This is my first point I want to add my ...
Rahul Mane's user avatar
24 votes
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How can I embed a list inside a blockquote

I have an answer that I want to use a block quote to cite and outside reference. That reference is a bulleted list. Pretty sure I have seen this before but I cannot find anyone using it. How can I ...
Matt's user avatar
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Images within nested lists can overflow outside of the post cell [duplicate]

This was originally noticed here but some quick checks show that this is not an issue exclusive to GD.SE. It occurs in both questions and answers. Here's a Demonstration: List Image credit ...
JohnB's user avatar
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Padding on list items is incorrect in preview

This is a list without empty lines between items: - Foo - Bar - Baz Foo Bar Baz This is a list with empty lines between items: - Foo - Bar - Baz Foo Bar Baz Both lists render the same ...
nhinkle's user avatar
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