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Visibility of links with uppercase letters in protocol section is inconsistent

Any link is visible in post preview despite of case in protocol section. But only links where protocol in lowercase are visible in result. Here is the link with uppercase letter in protocol section: ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
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Period (.) after a link renders after the link in preview, but as part of the link in the rendered post, when there are bold/italic markers

This is not a duplicate of this similar, much older bug report, as the Markdown renderers have changed since that report (as a result of the CommonMark transition), and that report was marked ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
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Raw-Link titles not rendering properly in preview

When editing a question on Cryptography.SE I noticed that when using the full (adress-bar) link, the full (raw) link would also appear in the preview and when saved it would properly show the title. ...
SEJPM's user avatar
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Link in quotes rendered as title in edit preview mode but as URL in the rendered post

It looks like links to questions within quotes are being rendered with the question title in the edit mode preview, but as a URL in normal viewing. Given the following question Markdown: Testing some ...
M. Justin's user avatar
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Edit preview bug - preview doesn't match real

I was editing an answer that left the url malformed and misparsed. Below is an image that illustrates the problem. Now, I understand this has come up before, and has been classified as "by design....
corsiKa's user avatar
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`'%` breaks hyperlinks in Markdown preview

'% breaks hyperlinks in Markdown preview. Example: The link works once the edit is saved: Experiment below:'%20example
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Why is there a difference between rendering of links in tag-wiki and in editing preview?

I have recently edited this tag-info on MathOverflow. Only now I have noticed that links are shown as bare urls: On the other hand, when editing, the links are rendered as titles of the question in ...
Martin's user avatar
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Inconsistent auto-hyperlink behavior between post preview and actual post

In the preview zone for posting, this link:égorie_de_la_caverne breaks just before the é. Here's a screenshot to demonstrate: However, as you can see in the ...
zneak's user avatar
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Automatic URL parser is wrong (discarding character after URL)

When using the part for in a question, the trailing colon is discarded. IMHO it should be obvious that the colon cannot be part of the URL (link), so it ...
U. Windl's user avatar
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Inconsistent Markdown rendering between preview and final post

When I attempted to edit this revision of a post, I noticed that the preview is different from how the post appears: Preview rendering: Post rendering: Markup: The actual URLs of the links are also ...
SE - stop firing the good guys's user avatar
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Link formatting broken when it renders correctly in preview

I went back to an older answer of mine and I realized that the link formatting was broken (as you can see in this revision): But the preview (see—but don't save—here) showed that everything looked OK:...
Laurel's user avatar
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Internal links for Movies & TV not converted to title

In my answer to Where can I ask questions about TVs?, the internal links to questions on Movies & TV were not converted to question titles. The titles display properly in the markdown preview ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
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links with $ signs handled ambiguously

It appears that links like$uri are shown with the $uri part being part of the link during the live preview (JavaScript), yet not when shown statically on the page (server-side). ...
cnst's user avatar
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Links are not parsed in preview, but are parsed after editing

Here's the question body. The links after the paragraph after the numbered list, aren't parsed in the preview. If you remove the paragraph right after the numbered list, they are parsed.
Dan Dascalescu's user avatar
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Incorrect preview for link with closing parenthesis at the end

When I write a link whose URL ends with a closing parenthesis, it's handled correctly when I save the post, but not when I look at it in a preview. For example this markdown: [`CSharpCompilation....
svick's user avatar
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Culture and language specific links in tag wikis

This is not a huge issue, but something I found when reviewing this suggested edit (ensure you have markdown selected). I noticed that one of the links pointed to the French version of MSDN for doco ...
slugster's user avatar
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Different link parsing among preview mode and in the final

The post Localization bot links are broken now contains two links to transifex strings. In the question body links look like this: I.e. both links have the tail which doesn't recognized as a part ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
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Adding a meta question link in a meta question doesn't resolve question title in preview, but does in actual post

Best described with images: When Editing Actual Post (Highlighting by me). This also applies when editing the post after it was posted.
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
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Link 'properly' set in the edit mode but incorrect in the final answer

I have posted recently a link (among others). I set it, as always, with [](). The bug happens is in this answer to an old question. The JavaScript preview looks properly. The parsed code looks this ...
Francisco Presencia's user avatar