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Post formatting is not accurate for numbered lists of code blocks. Is this a bug?

Compare the way this list looks in the post versus the screenshot of the preview: text: 1. { label: `Baz ${x ? n1 : n2}`, kind: "B", } satisfies B, 1. { label: `Baz ${x ? n1 : n2}` ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
16 votes
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Can we warn users if the first line of a code block is silently discarded if placed on the same line as ```?

Here's an example. If a user types following into the question box: ```#include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hello, world!\n"; } ``` It will look like this: int ...
HolyBlackCat's user avatar
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Markdown inconsistency between preview and post when using blank lines [duplicate]

This happened in an answer on Code Golf.SE, where we have all sorts of uncommon programming languages to put in a code block. OP's code is copied here at the markdown level: bbcccbc-cc-b--b-- c b &#...
Bubbler's user avatar
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Formatting bug: preview doesn't look the same as the published question or answer

In answering a question earlier today, I used some funky formatting. While this formatting might not be the best way of doing things, there is still a bug where the preview question doesn't look the ...
AlwaysTalkingAboutMyDog's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can the </pre> tag start in a new line (possible previewer bug)?

How is the exact syntax of the <pre> tag? Can I put the closing </pre> tag on a new line? If I do, then the preview is completely messed up, but the final result is as expected. (I know ...
Hendrik Vogt's user avatar
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Inconsistent preview with unclosed <pre> tag

The following text: * Boo <pre> Zoo Is previewed as But rendered (at least on my Firefox) as
Oak's user avatar
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Multiple <pre> blocks are not rendering correctly

How to determine which NIC data/traffic is using? My answer has two <pre> blocks in it. The first one came out OK, the 2nd one looks funky in the preview but still readable. In the final answer, ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar