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Questions tagged [markdown]

Markdown is a lightweight, plain-text, markup language. It is used across the entire Stack Exchange network for post formatting (Questions, answers, wikis, chat).

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Why does this code block has weird formatting? [migrated]

COMMAND and OUTPUT is formatted as italic in this post. I know <pre><code> can be used to format texts in code blocks but this answer uses just a normal code fence ``` ```. Here's the ...
phuclv's user avatar
  • 281
14 votes
6 answers

Please, I want some more HTML

Stack Exchange supports a restricted subset of HTML. In some ways, this is good; but in others, it's a little too restrictive. It would be nice to have the following: Elements <details> / <...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
  • 22.8k
3 votes
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Workaround for bug causing \ before dollar signs to be rendered as \\\ on MathJax enabled sites?

As the title says, a single \ in a code block is being rendered as \\\ if preceding a $. This seems to be the same bug reported here, but since it hasn't been fixed, I am asking for a workaround. ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 25.6k
5 votes
3 answers

It should be more obvious how to add titles to images

There's a related feature request from 2010, but I'm not sure that feature request is necessarily asking for the right thing. Image tags have two attributes - alt text and titles. The alt text is used ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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Url protocol should not be required for image links

It is possible to write links without specifying the protocol, in this manner: [This is a reference-style link][some-link] [This is an inline-style link](// [some-link]: //...
Robotnik's user avatar
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Numbered list indentation shows in edit mode but not in normal mode - when using parentheses (")") [duplicate]

Look at this answer in normal viewing mode: There is no numbered list indentation, so you might think about editing it using a dot, i.e. 1., instead of using a parenthesis i.e. 1), in order to fix ...
Greenonline's user avatar
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45 votes
1 answer

Markdown code for tags in older posts is rendered as text

We were able to add tags in a post using a special syntax, like this [tag:example]. For older posts, they don't appear as tags anymore. Instead they are rendered as hypertext links. This bug is "...
pinckerman's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot paste into SE code blocks when Editing, breaks text editor and Markdown preview

There seems to be something wrong with the text editor when editing code inside ``` code blocks. I've noticed this when editing questions. Copy code from my IDE Edit a question Highlight all of the ...
pkamb's user avatar
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6 votes
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Incorrect rendering in all but answer list

If I visit, the lists are how I expect them to be - correctly indented: However, that same source code's rendering shall break, should I: ...
RokeJulianLockhart's user avatar
3 votes
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Too low baseline with italics in comments

I noticed that some of the italicized words in comments are too low, on at least one site. See I pronounce question as kweshtin. Is my pronunciation wrong? and also the following screenshot: Comment ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 54.6k
4 votes
2 answers

How can I make a reversed numbered list in a question or answer?

Numbered lists are easy: Item1 Item2 This is how it looks when I'm typing this question: Reversed numbered lists are not that easy: Item2 Item1 This is how it looks when I'm typing this question: ...
Dominique's user avatar
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-5 votes
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HTML tables are unusable [duplicate]

I want to modify, Source The following **bold** parts of URLs *may* be case-sensitive, ...
RokeJulianLockhart's user avatar
2 votes
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Escaping a backtick with a backslash in backtick-delimited inline code seems to be broken

In the comments, you can use `\`` to escape a (code formatted) backtick, like so: resulting in However, in question (and answer) posts, it doesn't work. It ends up looking like three backticks: ```....
Greenonline's user avatar
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1 vote
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Bold text conversion doesn't work across paragraph break

When there is a paragraph break between two bold codes (double asterisk), the asterisks are displayed and nothing is bolded.  Is it a bug, or intentional? Possibly related; not duplicate: Markdown ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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Post formatting is not accurate for numbered lists of code blocks. Is this a bug?

Compare the way this list looks in the post versus the screenshot of the preview: text: 1. { label: `Baz ${x ? n1 : n2}`, kind: "B", } satisfies B, 1. { label: `Baz ${x ? n1 : n2}` ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
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Inline code in blog contains raw markdown (backticks) instead of proper inline code

In the recent blog post on Rust & the White House, there's some unescaped Markdown: (and Rust will let you explicitly mark code `unsafe`) But suppose you can’t rewrite your entire C or C++ ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Code formatting sometimes overflows to the right column

Here is an example in this now-deleted question: Copy-pasting the problematic line here: SELECT enterpriseid, lastUpdated, oldrecords,case when array_size(newrecords)>0 then ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

feature request: make numbered list formatting less math unfriendly

As explained in this other post, numbered list formatting can be quite math unfriendly. Would it be possible to use a new numbered list, used on circles, squared or "bracketed" numbers, as ...
Dominique's user avatar
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-13 votes
3 answers

What is the best formatting to quote an LLM/ChatGPT question/answer?

Say I want to mention what ChatGPT said. How is the best way to delineate what is the prompt and what is the response?
vaughan's user avatar
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Markdown for links in comments sometimes breaks with angle brackets and nested square brackets

The following markdown: [[example].com]( (<>) Produces this in a post: [example].com ( But this in a comment: [[...
Artyer's user avatar
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Markdown inside HTML tags breaks formatting when switching to Rich text mode

This behavior is relevant to the Stacks Editor (used by default in SO Teams, and as an optional mode here on MSE). How to reproduce: Enter the following text in Markdown (with preview) mode: <sub&...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
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Moderator action popup doesn't support Markdown, but contains item with it

Moderator action popup has an option "convert to edit": * text autotranslated to English Original text here is: Answers should be converted to an edit of the question when they represent ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
17 votes
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Space to first character after quote broken if full stop [period] used

If you quote a number & add a full stop after it, the formatting jumps off to the left. > 1234 > 1234. > 123456789. > 1234567891. 1234 1234567891. It seems it keeps moving left ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Markdown errors in blog post about RAG

Editor note: While there's at least one other applicable tag, I'd like to leave it at four tags to allow for a status-* tag. In this blog post, there's an unusual use of a code block to quote LLM ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Mistake in code in recent blog post

The recent blog post looks like this: Timing of the blogpost aside, can the post be updated to remove python at the start of the code block? I presume someone intended to set the language and instead ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 14.7k
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Produce a continuous bar on the left side of a blockquote of several paragraphs [duplicate]

I have an issue producing a continuous bar on the left side of a quotation if there are several paragraphs. If I push them together the bar becomes continuously, but the whole text isn't separated in ...
philphil's user avatar
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Enhancement Request: Attribution Block Markdown

Over at Worldbuilding we constantly bring images and quotes in from outside sources. I suspect other Stacks do that a lot, too. When it comes to images, charts, and graphs, we want people to properly ...
JBH's user avatar
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Why is my MathJax formatting so messed up? [duplicate]

Just look at this mess. The following source: We have $G$ solvable, so that we can find a tower of subgroups $$ G = G_0 \supset G_1 \supset\cdots\supset G_m = 1 $$ so that the conditions on ...
paulina's user avatar
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Unparsed Markdown in blog post "Ask like a human: Implementing semantic search on Stack Overflow"

Here is the blog post I'm referring to. See this paragraph (link ommitted from paragraph as it isn't relevant here) Building on the work we did to build course recommendations, we used the same ...
cocomac's user avatar
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More fun with "Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code."

I have tried to post the following to Stack Overflow: I have a very simple HTML form embedded in an email I send to people who have subscribed to my blog so they can confirm their email addresses. ...
P. James Norris's user avatar
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URLs in double quotes are not resolved [duplicate]

There seems to be a bug inasmuch that there is a disparity between the auto-resolving of Stack Exchange URLs within double-quotes contained in posts in normal viewing mode and in edit mode. Example (...
Greenonline's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to escape spoiler in blockquote that starts with exclamation point

How can I "escape" the spoiler syntax when putting some text in a blockquote that starts with an exclamation point? Here is the text that ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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Bolding in the first cell may remove it from the table

I noticed this bug in my Lit answer when I bolded the first column in some rows. The preview works (as it always does). The actual post does not, and those bolded cells are just missing: ...
Laurel's user avatar
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Code highlighting and image placement breaks despite correct syntax

Signal Processing answer, normal vs preview: It's only toward the bottom of the post, yet it doesn't happen toward bottom of a much longer post. I confirmed it's also reproduced only with the ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
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Missing a backtick from Markdown table in preview was well rendered, but not server side

Related: In the table below, 1{print} is missing its closing backtick. The preview handles this well by having it render as plain text instead of code but when ...
Gilles Quénot's user avatar
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Comment markdown formatting doesn't render correctly when immediately followed by a forward slash

Consider either of the following Markdown formatting examples: a**b**/c a*b*/c They will (as expected) render as ab/c and ab/c, respectively, in posts. However, in comments, it does not work for some ...
41686d6564's user avatar
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What tool is there for creating Stack Exchange markup language tables which do not involve typing the tables one key-stroke at a time?

The Stack Exchange (SE) network has many different websites to support the learning of natural languages. Links to some of these SE sites are provided below: German / Deutsch | Spanish / Espanol ...
Toothpick Anemone's user avatar
1 vote
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Long, formatted spoilers: word wrap? [duplicate]

So we have ye olde spoiler: Ah. But you want a fancy spoiler. We can do that too, by using pre html tags. But suppose you want a spoiler that is both fancy and somewhat lengthy. Is there a way to ...
JamieB's user avatar
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Why aren't two subscripts in same line allowed in MathJax?

I'm trying to write the following equation on math.SE: (\mathcal L_r \eta)_{\mu_1...\mu_p}=(r+p)\eta_{\mu_1...\mu_n} However, you will find that if you put this expression between dollar signs, it ...
dennis's user avatar
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What is the proper way to emphasize the central sentence of a question (if there is any)?

It's quite common for authors, in the post body, to emphasize a sentence which is 'central' to their question. It's often similar to the title, and for well-written questions with some introduction, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Image markdown - remove to re-add isn't smooth

If I edit a post to swap a quick phone snap for a properly cropped version, straightened & punched up in Photoshop to be more legible, better exposed [a dozen reasons I edit many photos a day ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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Can one use Markdown in the contact page?

I wonder whether using Markdown in the contact page ( will be properly rendered to the readers.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
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Markdown rendering changed for this quoted bullet list

This answer contains some quoted bullet list that used to be better displayed. What happened? In 2017: Now:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Text following a setext heading in a <pre> blocks is rendered in editor preview as non-pre-formatted text

I noticed that if one puts a setext heading and some following text inside a <pre> block, the text following the setext heading gets rendered in the editor preview as non-pre-formatted text. My ...
starball's user avatar
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How can I change the Markdown of a post that was created using the "Ask Wizard"? It's formatted using 'heading' formatting

Take a look at this (badly asked) question: When I try to implement the project it fails and I get this error I tried to change the Markdown of the question since the text is enlarged and in bold: ...
MendelG's user avatar
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Email does not support SE-style Markdown, to everyone's disappointment

I just received an email from Stack Overflow community support, checking in with me about why I haven't taken moderator activites on Constructed Language Stack Exchange lately. The answer is simple; ...
Mithical's user avatar
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Font size in the Stacks Editor when editing Markdown is too small; please increase it to match current editor

I've been using the Stacks Editor's Markdown preview mode, and I've found the font size to be a bit too small, which makes the text harder to read for me. Here's how it looks like in Microsoft Edge on ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
5 votes
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Direct links don't render when inside square-bracketed text, although the preview shows them correctly

Normally, pasting the URL of a Stack Exchange post (from the same site that you're posting on) results in it being rendered into hypertext showing the title of the post. This is a nice shortcut for ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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Links in comments delimited by less-than/greater-than signs occasionally include the delimiting greater-than sign

Over at Stack Overflow, I wrote a comment that renders like this: and links to>, which returns 404. The way I wrote the link in the markup is <>...
user3840170's user avatar
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Special characters in moderators' names break formatting in 'whois' response

The Teachers' Lounge has a chatbot with a whois function listing moderators for a specific site. The response is in italics, but it's a Markdown message, and moderator names with an underscore at the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 254k

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