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Account merge leaves behind empty network profile

I recently merged two of my Stack Exchange accounts. This causes the user with the higher ID to be deleted on each site where I had accounts that got merged. Except it doesn't remove the network ...
smitop's user avatar
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Merge entire network account

I currently have two stack exchange IDs, one linked to my old google ID with all my rep and accounts on multiple stackexchange sites. While another that is linked to my new gmail ID. I wanted to merge ...
TDsouza's user avatar
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How to find my StackExchange profile link

A bit lost sorry, can't find the answer. Obviously, I've 2 SE accounts and I want to merge them. Problem is when I fill in the merge form, I need to provide the links of my profiles. I thought those ...
romu's user avatar
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Merging Accounts didn't merge number of questions on Network Profile

I while back I merged an old Lifehacks account with my main account. Before the merge, I asked one question using my old account. The correct amount of questions are shown in my lifehacks account ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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Merged accounts don't show correct post count on network profile?

Not a big issue, but it seems the network profile counts might be off when accounts are merged. Example: for some time (about a week, possibly longer), a merged account has been showing only 1 ...
Arjan's user avatar
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Merged accounts on multiple sites, but not all completed

I recently had two accounts merged (old, new); now my accounts on the following sites all use the same OpenID: Stack Overflow Meta Stack Overflow English Language and Usage Photography Ask Ubuntu ...
Animesh D's user avatar
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