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What defines the dominant profile information when merging accounts? [duplicate]

I created this account because I cannot login to my original account. A user suggested merging accounts. This implies combining account data, posts, and reputation. However, I can only have one ...
Block of Diamond's user avatar
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Unable to update profile at Stack Overflow [duplicate]

I try to update my account at Stack Overflow, but see this error: Oops! There was a problem updating your profile: This email address is already registered. If it belongs to you, log in above or ...
Evgeny Veretennikov's user avatar
5 votes
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How to find my StackExchange profile link

A bit lost sorry, can't find the answer. Obviously, I've 2 SE accounts and I want to merge them. Problem is when I fill in the merge form, I need to provide the links of my profiles. I thought those ...
romu's user avatar
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My Stack Overflow Careers profile disappeared after an account merge

I had two accounts on Stack Overflow. After they were merged, my Stack Overflow Careers profile disappeared. Here is my landing page, but without profile:
Damjan Pavlica's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Profiles - different or not?

I have posted to different sites (Ask Different, Tex, Stack Overflow, and now Area 51) but on the Area 51 photo (after I commit) only my Stack Overflow reputation score is shown. Now, are these two ...
Rainer's user avatar
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19 votes
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Fairly minor bug on Stack Overflow edit profile page

When trying to save my profile on Stack Overflow, and the email is already taken, this is what happens: The account recovery page bit is not linked, and the HTML code for the link is displayed. Yes, ...
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