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-14 votes
1 answer

For rule-following sock puppets, is there a "guaranteed" way to request they be merged into a puppeteer account?

Background I am musing on the idea of carrying out an elaborate joke where I create a puppeteer account named "Dio" and then create a rule-following sock puppet, using it to add value to the ...
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-13 votes
2 answers

Questions about merging sock puppet accounts

Recently I created two accounts, and I must admit, I use them to sock puppet (not on meta), but now I want to merge them, because it's really hard to live with this lie, and I have several questions: ...
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13 votes
1 answer

Why is my account suddenly merged with a totally different user's account?

My account has been merged with another user (previously named "moderator") on the suspicion that the latter was my sock puppet, but this is not the case. Now, that user is using my account ...
JM97's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Should I let someone I know login to Stack Exchange from my machine?

So there's this girl I know. She's kind and funny and sweet and basically kinda awesome, and as we've gotten to know each other better, my participation in Stack Exchange has come up as a topic of ...
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49 votes
1 answer

Provide explicit moderator tools to deal with sock puppets

Determining whether a specific user is a sock puppet is not an exact science. While many cases are clear-cut, the line can get a lot fuzzier when for example coworkers and friends are involved. So ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
2 votes
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Merged accounts don't show correct post count on network profile?

Not a big issue, but it seems the network profile counts might be off when accounts are merged. Example: for some time (about a week, possibly longer), a merged account has been showing only 1 ...
Arjan's user avatar
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