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Questions tagged [merge-accounts]

For questions about how the account merge system works.

3 questions from the last 365 days
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Help merging accounts [duplicate]

I am an infrequent user with two login, one tied to my private email address the other tied to my Google/gmail account. From my profile I see I have 6 or 7 accounts as shown in first attachment. I ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
  • 1
29 votes
1 answer

I log in and I find out I am another user. What are the privacy implications?

I just logged in after being off for a week and I found out I was in the profile of another user. I understood what happened because some notifications pointed me to this and this question. I ...
FluidCode's user avatar
  • 467
9 votes
1 answer

Regressed Issue: some Stack Exchange sites that are not registered by me but shown in “my community” and can be accessed by me

I know this thing has happened to me before, see Why are there some Stack Exchange sites that are not registered by me, but shown in “my community” and can be accessed by me?. See my Stack Exchange ...
user1176409's user avatar