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Questions tagged [mobile-firefox]

For questions about site appearance and functionality on the mobile version of Firefox. Note that this browser is not officially supported by Stack Exchange and so bug reports with it will not be fixed. (See also: the [firefox] tag.)

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Won't let me post on Astronomy.SE [duplicate]

Using Firefox on Android device. Tapping the "review your question" button does nothing. Browser version is updated. But surprisingly I can post here...
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Unable to view Recent changes post in new tab on iOS Firefox [closed]

As of right now, I am unable to view Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange in a new tab. This is on Firefox on iOS 16.6.1 on an iPhone 12 Mini. Hovering over the link gives me a correctly rendered ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 15.1k
8 votes
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"Modified" link sometimes takes me to footer

On the site's start page, if I open the "modified" link of one of the listed questions in a new background tab, I sometimes end up in the footer rather than at the modifed question or answer....
tripleee's user avatar
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14 votes
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Moderator message is not responsive on mobile

I received a message from the moderators, but it's rather hard to read on my mobile (Firefox on IOS 16.3.1, iPhone 12 Mini) because the text is wider than the viewport. Wasn't the whole "...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 15.1k
1 vote
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"add comment" & "show more comment" no longer working on android tablet with firefox [duplicate]

Since a couple of days I'm no longer able to view more than 5 comments nor to add one myself. This happens on two different up to date android tablets, one with an older firefox (the last one ...
Gerard H. Pille's user avatar
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Stack Overflow design broken in Firefox Mobile [duplicate]

Is there an issue when Stack Overflow is used with Firefox on Mobile devices? A few weeks ago the design suddenly changed, now it looks pretty much like the desktop version, see screenshot. The nice ...
Wernfried Domscheit's user avatar
4 votes
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Browser's back button doesn't work correctly on the "Global Inbox for a user webpage"

My Firefox for Android (version 62.0b7) browser's back button doesn't work correctly on the Global Inbox for a user webpage (click here for your own) after you use the next or numbered buttons. Once ...
Rob's user avatar
  • 17.9k
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Crashed when clicking a link in an Area 51 post

The link is the first on in this post: Why is this question not shown up on its proposal? App Version: 1.0.95 Device Manufacturer: Sony Device Model: E2312 OS Version: 6.0.1 (4059386522)
Ooker's user avatar
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5 votes
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Mobile chat: Selecting a message is very CPU-intensive under Firefox for Android, top bar animation likely culprit

On both my Nexus 5X and Nexus 9 running Firefox, selecting a message in the new mobile chat interface is extremely slow, pegging one CPU core for several seconds before the options appear in the top ...
bwDraco's user avatar
  • 11.5k
3 votes
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Code blocks wrap on mobile sites

For some reason, code blocks wrap lines on mobile sites. Seen on Android 6.0.1, both Firefox and Chrome:
muru's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Can't vote or flag in full site on mobile Firefox

This used to work, but as of several weeks ago, stopped. I noticed on Photography first but it's not just limited to that. If I click on upvote or downvote, upvote comment, or flag comment, ...
mattdm's user avatar
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