Questions tagged [network-profile]

For questions about or problems with a user's network profile.

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2 votes
1 answer

Account duplication in my network profile list of accounts

I was browsing my network profile because I was trying to find a complete list of the sites I have accounts for. (I was trying to locate the source of a +1 rep increase, and didn't find anything on ...
Maroon's user avatar
  • 425
2 votes
0 answers

How long is the cache refresh time in

I just changed my username, because I quit eating Unicorns. However, its been 2 days and in, it still shows my old username: Also, I noticed that going to my profile page refreshed the cache: ...
Universal Electricity's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Answers with >=5 score not appearing, while others with score == 4 do in network profile

I recently noticed that my network profile has enough answers with score >= 5 to full the 10 pages of it. However, I see at least one answer that has a score of 5 and does not appear, whereas two ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Unable to add new login method

I've tried adding both a new Gmail account and Stack Exchange account to my existing account, however it just seems to redirect me to nowhere. For example, I am currently using in-private browsing, ...
Samuel Nicholson's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Current user directive in profile doesn't work with tabs on

If you go to it will open the all actions tab for the currently logged in user. When going to
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

In activity tab, the site logo overlaps the time

Here's the image: Using Ubuntu 14.4 with firefox
Universal Electricity's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why show joined communities count (106) for the Community ♦ moderator when the network profile shows only (1)? [duplicate]

I know that Community user (♦ moderator) is a background process (and not really a person). Upon visiting the "Community user's Profile page", I noticed that it has joined 106 communities (...
HackerKarma's user avatar
  • 6,204
4 votes
0 answers

Network profile about me parent account setting [duplicate]

I think about me on the network profile synchronises with the oldest account of the user (for example: for me, it is Ask Ubuntu). But I want that it would be synchronised with another account (say ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 10.6k
3 votes
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SE user page last sync time doesn't show UTC time on hover

On the Stack Exchange user page, below the About Me area, is the "Last Sync 2h ago". But when you hover over this doesn't show the UTC time it was synced - which all other times do.
Tim's user avatar
  • 21.3k
1 vote
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Intercommunity Reputation Leagues [duplicate]

SE has Reputation Leagues for different communities, which are fun and enhance competition (willingness to participate) among users. Can we have a Stack Exchange Network reputation league, where users ...
anshabhi's user avatar
  • 238
6 votes
2 answers

Deal with "famous" profiles (and the possibility of fakes)

I'm starting now to use the Stack Exchange sites and didn't find any discussion about this issue. Imagine the hypothetical situation: I'm trying to contribute to the Linux Kernel. I find some ...
James's user avatar
  • 279
2 votes
1 answer

Account in Network Profile missing posts

I had an account on Stack Overflow, and when I wanted to post on Super User, I went on to create another account before realising that those could be linked together. Now when I go to my Network ...
clem steredenn's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Area 51 showing wrong score/old name for Stack Overflow account

I am having a reputation of 2042 reputatin points on Stack Overflow, but when I visit Area 51, it's showing the wrong score. (adding 162 of Area51 score) My Area 51 page Please see ...
Dimag Kharab's user avatar
45 votes
1 answer

Question still appears in my top network posts even after having it disassociated from my account

A while back I asked to have a question disassociated from my account (this one). It was, but today I noticed that it still appears on my profile page on most Stack Exchange sites where I have an ...
AlliterativeAlice's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Network profile list same account twice

Why does the network profile (account tab) for this user list the Stack Overflow account twice?
Bjørn-Roger Kringsjå's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

How can I see flags I cast from all sites?

This morning I flagged something on one of the sites where I have fairly low rep. Now I can't remember which site it was. I've checked my flag history on about half of them, even editing the URL for ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
  • 75.1k
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'Code edited on answer' looks way too big (and doesn't sound right!)

In the network profile, on the inbox tab, the Code edited on answer looks too big to fit in the box, spanning 4 lines! Could the column width be increased? At least to bring the 'on' onto the same ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
  • 19.3k
2 votes
1 answer

Changing email address for the whole network [duplicate]

I'm able to change the email for Stack Overflow, but for login, it still asks for my old mail. Checking Network Profile > My Logins, the old email still appears. How do I fix this? Furthermore, on ...
Display Name's user avatar
36 votes
1 answer

Don't force sync with my oldest account on my network profile

I tend to put information on my profiles that's relevant for that particular site. For example, my profile on Stack Overflow says what languages and technologies I'm familiar with and currently ...
starsplusplus's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

View all network badges in a single place

I think there should be a single place to view all your badges from the whole Stack Exchange network. For example, if I want to find out: which gold badges I have in total across all sites* which ...
starsplusplus's user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

Will the network profile get an update that corresponds with the new profile?

Upon visiting my network profile, I noticed it was not updated in the major profile update. Is it scheduled to get a face-lift as well? As a sidenote, it would be pretty awesome to see the sum of ...
Carrie Kendall's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Hidden profiles are not hidden at all

I just tried out the relatively new ability to hide profiles on certain sites, and it turns out that it doesn't really hide anything at all since the hidden profile still has a link to my network ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

"Achievements" toolbar at SE proposes that new users edit their profile

Upon creating a new account, users are shown the below message if they click the "Achievements" toolbar next to the inbox on the top: The first link works in any network site you may see the ...
JNat's user avatar
  • 24.2k
1 vote
1 answer

How many points do I need for the community icons appear on my Flair? [duplicate]

So, I have a few accounts on the Stack Exchange Network, and most of them are around 100 points. I've recently added the Network Flair to my profile, but it's only showing the Stack Overflow icon; ...
Chun's user avatar
  • 113
1 vote
0 answers

Reputation graph in network profile could have clarifcation of "All Accounts" [duplicate]

My reputation graph has options to select "Top 5 Accounts" or "All Accounts": But selecting the "All Accounts" only shows ones with 200+ rep. This is understandable - I don't want a graph with 66 ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 21.3k
-12 votes
4 answers

Why is Meta.SE on my profile?

Meta.SE is treated like any other parent site in the network. Consequently, it is displayed on the profile. This is bad because it's not a field of expertise one wants to show on profile. Why did SE ...
user178465's user avatar
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1024 pixels wide: overlap between time of activity and site icon in network profile (activity tab) and other issues

Looks like site CSS's aren't fit for 1024 pixel-wide screens. Link: The image shows it all ("11m" overlaps the SEx.SE beta logo): ...
Deer Hunter's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Why one user's network profile reputation graph isn't loaded?

This is the user I am talking about, why the rep graph doesn't work in his profile (maybe the problem is he exhausted his rep graph by tons of bounties :D)? He obviously has accounts with over 200 ...
nicael's user avatar
  • 34.6k
4 votes
1 answer

What happened to the words' size

I was frantically searching for my profile page link when I came across this. Don't you think the question "Are secret hats limited to..." is getting all the spotlight? I'm using Safari for iPhone. ...
54D's user avatar
  • 2,782
8 votes
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Links to comments in the Network Profile just send you to the post, and don't scroll to the specific comment

I was checking my network profile and I noticed two things: Shouldn't "Activity" be renamed to "All Actions", to be in line with the main sites? The links to the comments just ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
8 votes
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I'd like to be able to sort my favorite questions in my Network Profile by Site

I have an ever-growing list of "favorite" questions from different SE sites. Because I often forget which site I saved a specific question from, I go to my Network Profile, where I can find the whole ...
Sue Saddest Farewell TGO GL's user avatar
20 votes
0 answers

Make the Hide Communities feature apply to the network profile too

The "Hide Communities" page (on the "Edit profile & Settings" tab of your profile) says that communities you have hidden will not appear in a couple sections of your profile: ...
pacoverflow's user avatar
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Why is this favorite appearing in my network proflile?

I've noticed that this question on Math SE is listed under favorites in my network profile, but not for Math SE account. I don't recall ever favoriting it, except when I tried favoriting it and ...
Kimball's user avatar
  • 442
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Modification of StackExchange network profile [duplicate]

A few years ago I created an account on Askubuntu. Now I would like to change my SE network profile information because I am a member of several more SE sites. However, It seems that the only way ...
NoviceSEMetaGeek's user avatar
4 votes
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Add indicator that account is scheduled to be deleted on the network profile

It'd be useful to have an indicator telling us which of our accounts are marked to be deleted on the "accounts" tab of our StackExchange profiles. This could be used, for example, by a user who has ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Should the welcome message be blank in my inbox tab?

When I signed up I received a welcome message: Is that message supposed to be blank if I look at my network profile's inbox tab? It has a date, the site logo, "welcome", and a desolate empty ...
D.G.'s user avatar
  • 976
-13 votes
2 answers

Unify reputation across multiple accounts?

I have multiple SE accounts (mainly on SO, but also SF and SU), for Home, the Day Job, and for each Consulting Client. This is because I want Job and Clients to be able to see what I'm doing with ...
BobC's user avatar
  • 17
0 votes
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Why don't new sites appear on the reputation tab of my network profile? [duplicate]

I am a participant on Lifehacks.SE, which is in private beta. As of writing, I have ~1800 rep on Lifehacks.SE. However, on the reputation tab of my network profile, Lifehacks.SE is not seen in the ...
Mooseman's user avatar
  • 13.6k
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List of network accounts doesn't include display name in each link

I'm pretty sure it used to, but no longer does. When viewing my list of network accounts, none of the profile URLs for each site except for Area 51 include the display name at the end of the URL. This ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 189k
13 votes
0 answers

Answer count in network profile is less than the actual count

My network profile cites the number of answers on Mathematics that is consistently less (by 13) than the actual number, shown on my site profile. Over the time, the counts changed as: network profile:...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of the reviews filter under the activity tab of the network profile?

What is listed under Network Profile -> activity -> reviews? This section of my network profile is currently empty. I would like to know what it is used for.
John Sonderson's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Viewing all my posts to all Stack Exchange sites in reverse chronological order?

I am able to visit any Stack Exchange site and view all my posts to such site. However, I would like to be able to view all of my posts to all Stack Exchange sites in reverse chronological order, all ...
John Sonderson's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Show network-wide rep on network profile [duplicate]

All that empty space would be a great place to put the network-wide rep and badges, as appears in the flair. This would fill the space, in addition to making it more in line with the regular site-...
Scimonster's user avatar
  • 14.7k
-6 votes
1 answer

Add extra info about user's bio

I'd like to propose a feature or change, where under user's bio there would be a small-font print about: when was the last time this bio was updated, whether it is a local bio or the one copied here ...
trejder's user avatar
  • 4,021
1 vote
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Global inbox is giving me an error page [duplicate]

I can access my user profile, and view all the tabs execpt for the inbox one. I get the "Oops! Something Bad Happened!", and a cute panda falling off a slide. The url bar shows this: ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 21.3k
10 votes
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What happened with Community♦'s network profile

Top questions gone (used to show two posts from MSE) No accounts shown except Area 51 (there used to be a list of the accounts) Activity gone (it was there) seems to be fixed
nicael's user avatar
  • 34.6k
6 votes
2 answers

Top bar broken on SE [closed]

If I go to my SE profile the top bar looks broken I'm using last version of chrome. EDIT: Today (Nov 19) something out there got updated and the problem is gone.
Felipe Pereira's user avatar
11 votes
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Link to the actual comment in my network-wide activity

On this page, under the comments subtab, there's a giant list of comments. However, they only give links like, which open the page the comment is on but don't ...
Undo's user avatar
  • 50.8k
15 votes
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Display number of accounts on network profile page

The user profile pages (example) display the number of accounts next to the account list: The network profile page (example) does not display this info: I think it would be handy if the number of ...
Jason C's user avatar
  • 26k
12 votes
1 answer

Typo in tooltip on network profile

On the network profile, the tooltip of accounts tab has a typo. (it says "accross" instead of "across")
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