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Questions tagged [not-a-real-question]

An old close reason which was used to indicate that a question is ambiguous, vague, or incomplete. Since replaced by more descriptive reasons.

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2 votes
1 answer

Answer formerly NARQ Questions - or not? [closed]

I just stumbled across this question about jqgrid, which is clearly a question showing neither research effort nor code and failed attempts. Now i left a comment for the OP to improve his question, ...
Vogel612's Shadow's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why was this question pertaining to clockwork and Amazon AWS Elastic Beanstalk closed as Not A Real Question?

The following question just got closed for lack of realness: I'm stumped. What makes this question ...
user754111's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

(When) are questions asking for checklists appropriate?

Are any questions asking for checklists appropriate for Stack Overflow, i.e. neither "not constructive" nor "not a real question"? If the answer is "it depends", please explain with examples what it ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Not enough research == Not a real question? [duplicate]

Technically, a question such as is not off topic according to the FAQ: it is a specific programming question it is answerable However that question (now deleted), although not ideal, got closed as "...
assylias's user avatar
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-23 votes
3 answers

Closing a question as a duplicate of a NARQ should reopen the NARQ automatically

Seeing that it is possible to close a question as a duplicate of closed "not a real question" (NARQ) post, I propose that the NARQ be automatically be reopened with votes from the closers of ...
phwd's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Can we be more specific as to why a question is "NARQ?" [duplicate]

Not a real question (NARQ) is a "broad" category that encompasses the following: It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or ...
Tom Au's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Change the "not constructive" closure description on meta [duplicate]

The closure reason for "not constructive" on meta currently reads: As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, ...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Should a question's closed reason be changed from NARQ to duplicate if a duplicate is found?

I just answered a C# question that was asked by someone who clearly doesn't know C#. The question was almost immediately closed. I don't have a problem with the question being closed, but I do have ...
smartcaveman's user avatar
  • 10.3k
-19 votes
2 answers

The Closing process is flawed [duplicate]

I ran afoul of the SO closing process here: my question. The whole process has been incredibly unpleasant and it has been so because of the close process. The process only works in one direction and ...
LostInTheTrees's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Add an automated message to posts that have at least 1 "Close as [Low Quality]" vote

As a >3k rep user on SO, I try to do my part and cast close votes on low quality questions. For new users, I've tried to be a good citizen in the past and leave a comment with suggestions to ...
cpilko's user avatar
  • 543
-10 votes
2 answers

Ultimatum for NARQs

I see quite a lot questions that might be useful but do not provide enough information in order for us to be able to answer. See this one, for example. Strictly speaking, these questions should be ...
user65560's user avatar
  • 9,854
8 votes
1 answer

Why was the "not a real question" flag declined?

I flagged the question as not a real question. My flag was declined and ...
888's user avatar
  • 497
2 votes
2 answers

Rationale for having this post closed?

I randomly stumbled upon this post yesterday, which apparently was closed by a moderator. It was closed for "not being a real question". I didn't understand why this particular post was singled out, ...
Lundin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can they say my question _cannot be reasonably answered_?

I've put this question on SO and the question was closed as not a real question. So I read the FAQ, it says - not a real question It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

I would like to understand the reason behind closing this question

Below SO question has been closed as not a real question. How to fix the Script Task code that downloads ticker price files from Yahoo and inserts into database? I believe that this question is ...
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-17 votes
2 answers

Close-vote count for not real question

If a question is answered (not self-answered) and upvoted, isn't it understandable (at least to some)? If a few people don't understand the question, doesn't mean a majority didn't understand it. If a ...
pradyunsg's user avatar
  • 205
4 votes
1 answer

If a question in review needs significant improvement, is it okay to let it pass with a comment?

This question appeared in the First Post review queue. I took a minute to edit it and clarify things, but it still isn't great. It contains several questions and many of them are asking for work to be ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Invalid flag as not a real question

How is this question "not a real question"? Sort HTML attributes with JavaScript
Petah's user avatar
  • 151
21 votes
2 answers

Change "Not a real question" to "Not an appropriate question" [closed]

It irks me every time I vote to close a bad question as "Not a real question" when it is in fact a properly formed interrogative statement, just one not appropriate to the site in question. Could we ...
L. Cornelius Dol's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Add link to explanation what is real question to not make user confused

Please add an explanation in section with comment what is real question to not make user confused with valid or invalid moderation. It will be nice to see on this page that this question was closed ...
Chameleon's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

not a real question [duplicate]

I'm curious as to what the distinction for 'not a real question' on Stack Overflow is. It seems like if it's about 'what are the pros and cons of something' or 'could you suggest a resource', it gets ...
timpone's user avatar
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-13 votes
4 answers

Why was this question closed as "Not a real question" instead of another close reason? [closed]

This question was closed as not a real question. Why are SO reviewers in such a rush to close questions? I was expecting a better reason. Correct me if I'm wrong though. EDIT: By saying "In a rush" I ...
cprogcr's user avatar
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-5 votes
4 answers

Question closed as Not A Real Question [closed]

This question was closed as Not A Real Question, which states: It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
-9 votes
5 answers

Why was this question closed as "not a real question"?

Aryan Manoj Raj is a new Stack Overflow user (member for 4 days at time of writing). He posted a question about a MySQL query he was having difficulty with. The question was a little bit hard to ...
Iain Samuel McLean Elder's user avatar
-14 votes
5 answers

Why can answered questions be closed as "not a real question"? [closed]

Where is the logic in being able to close a question as "It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be ...
krazykat1980's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I make questions that are extremely clear to me less vague to others?

I recently asked a question that was the programming equivalent of "How can I check if this carton contains only eggs?" It was closed as not a real question after an answer has already been accepted. ...
idlackage's user avatar
  • 141
24 votes
1 answer

What is considered a "real question"?

Note: This close reason is old and only applies to old questions that were closed prior to the closing overhaul. This has been replaced by the reasons "unclear what you're asking" for unclear ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why was my question on algorithms closed?

My question on algorithms was closed as "not a real question," though I don't understand why. I believe I stated the problem clearly even though I am not a native English speaker. Could someone ...
candyman's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Improve Not a Real Question close reason message

When closing a question as Not a Real Question (NARQ) it looks as follows: Closing questions is often badly received by the OP, which isn't that surprising really. Let's try to analyze how they could ...
Steven Jeuris's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

How about a top-ten like answer feature for StackExchange sites?

It seems that there are many good questions that end up being closed as "not constructive" because they are open ended or end up being never-ending lists of small answers. Examples are "best hidden ...
glenviewjeff's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Do you also find these low-quality, poor-title questions really frustrating? [closed]

Simple poll: does the fact that SO is filling up with all this kind of rubbish bother anyone else? Or is it just me being OCD? It feels like an unstoppable scourge.
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

A number of sites are missing the "overly broad" clause in the NaRQ close reason

The not a real question close reason's description on most sites is the following (emphasis mine): It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, ...
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Best practices for "not a real question" flagging. (Or the evolution of a question from not real to real.)

Please understand that I'm not complaining about my flag that was declined. Rather, I want to increase my understanding in order to hone my flagging skills. The basis of my question is this ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Duplicate question of closed as not-a-real-question? is a duplicate question of, which is closed as ...
Levi Morrison's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Change "not a real question" to post a comment like "must read FAQ"

There are multiple reasons why a question gets closed as "Not a real question". I'd like the system to automatically post a link to the SO FAQ as a comment to the question when the first Not a Real ...
ChrisLively's user avatar
  • 1,041
2 votes
4 answers

Was this moderator closure appropriate?

In the original wording had a lot of superfluous text: Title: Sir plz tell me how to develop flv player aplication or is ...
bdonlan's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Criteria for NARQ

I'm confused why this question was closed as Not A Real Question (NARQ): Why can't I explicitly cast an int to a string? What should we be looking for to determine what isn't a question on SO? To ...
Yuck's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Why is an Obj-C question about -dealloc not a real question?

Someone just asked a question about how -dealloc gets called. The question was closed without comment shortly after it was posted, despite being fairly clear and having a definite answer. I'd agree ...
Caleb's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

How to restrain improper "Not a real question" votes?

Recently I've had the misfortune to come across a question that came very close to being closed due to "not a real question". Although in its original form it was missing important information (ie, ...
bdonlan's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How much chance/warning should newbie first questions be given before closing as 'not a real question'? [duplicate]

This new user's first question got closed as 'not a real question', way too abruptly in my opinion. As a first question from a new user it was pretty ok, considering what else is out there. He did ...
smci's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to handle a question that isn't a question, but still helpful?

I just found a question that isn't a question, but the intention is good. IPhone EventKit Discrepancy with NSDate ( Time is off by 1 hour ) It's not a real question, not a question at all actually, ...
Erik B's user avatar
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5 votes
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Asking for "Requests for Comments"

I'm currently writing a set of tutorials on advanced OpenGL topics. Stuff that's in the intermediary level and would like to get some feedback on them. SO is about asking programming questions to ...
datenwolf's user avatar
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-5 votes
2 answers

Why was this closed as "not a real question"?

Was closing this question the right thing to do? The description reads It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical ...
aioobe's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Do Community Wiki Serves as Blogs Also

Say a particular question has no specific answers, in fact they are more about asking for crowds opinions and experience. For example, a question might be, "Your Failed project experience". These ...
Shamim Hafiz - MSFT's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Should more questions be closed as Too Localized, than Not A Real Question?

I recently found this question. In case it gets deleted, it's basically a huge wall of text and the author gives us some compiler error and asks how to fix it. Now, my question is this: Is this Not ...
Earlz's user avatar
  • 14.3k
7 votes
7 answers

To close or not to close questions that are very poorly made?

Hello, recently there has been a disagreement with me and another user over if This Thread should be closed. Put simply, someone gave a big chunk of code with a (disguised) comment stating what the ...
Earlz's user avatar
  • 14.3k
2 votes
2 answers

Questions with incomplete information - downvote or close?

Consider a question where: It is clear what is being asked More information (code and/or stack traces) is needed to give anyone a realistic chance of answering the question The asker is not ...
user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Where is the "blog" part in S*?

Regarding this "question": Google Chrome OS Review. What is your take? It looks like the user really put some effort into his ... lets call it article. In the comment section he refers to the about ...
foraidt's user avatar
  • 343
-5 votes
8 answers

Is this question really a real question? [closed]

Recently, I voted to close What does the _ in [a-zA-Z0-9_] mean? as "Not a real question". My reasoning is simple: Anyone who knows what the - in that expression means cannot possibly be ignorant ...
14 votes
8 answers

Why is my question "not real"

I don't really understand why my question, What is the difference between an array and a list?, was closed. It's clear that there are a lot of different answers and the people aren't really sure ...
Ollie Saunders's user avatar