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Questions tagged [privacy]

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3 votes
1 answer

How can you change your privacy settings?

hmmm...A friend of mine accidentally knows about my Stack Overflow username, but I don't want him to see all past questions. Is there a way that I can hide myself from the public (i.e., like Facebook)?...
watashiSHUN's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Do people see my e-mail in my various SE profiles? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to make e-mail invisible on Stack Exchange profile I have used my e-mail to sign up for Stack Exchange. Each SE site in which I participate has created its own profile. ...
ltcomdata's user avatar
  • 153
3 votes
1 answer

OpenID on Stack Overflow

Is OpenID on Stack Overflow private, or can other users tell what email address posted the question?
Jon's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes
1 answer

Punctuation issues in the privacy policy page

In the Stack Exchange, Inc. Privacy Policy page, there are two punctuation issues. In front of the "This privacy policy" the space is missing. In the first paragraph: ... and as such are committed ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 39k
3 votes
2 answers

privacy and global StackExchange user profile

I recently realized that even without being logged in, anyone may view my complete StackExchange profile including such detailed information as when I commented on what question, what I said exactly, ...
blubb's user avatar
  • 288
3 votes
1 answer

Does Stack Exchange collect immutable data?

I want to use Stack Exchange but I am unsure what data is collected. The data I am most worried about is data that cannot change, like my race, device id's, or legal identity. Does SE collect data ...
Braden's user avatar
  • 55
3 votes
1 answer

Anonymity on SE sites [duplicate]

I have following questions about anonymity on SE sites: In which cases (or how) can a user become anonymous on an SE site? Are there any levels of anonymity on SE sites? Can a registered user be ...
SMR's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Do Stack Exchange websites know my location? [duplicate]

Do Stack Exchange websites know my location? Stack Exchange uses cookies, right? Do my coordinates go to some database?
John Carter's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow login (or other OpenID sites) - without accepting cookies from not visited 3rd party sites?

The login to Stack Exchange sites on Firefox only possible if you allow cookies from "not visited 3rd party sites". That's not so nice I think, because normally you won't ever accept cookies from ...
Mr.Gosh's user avatar
  • 139
2 votes
3 answers

Why can everybody see almost all profile information?

I wonder why everybody -- not only SE members, but also the entire internet -- can see almost all profile information, especially: the last log in date and time, the actions, and the favourite ...
elegent's user avatar
  • 239
2 votes
2 answers

"This post is hidden" but it's not

Why does Stack Exchange leave posts around claiming they are "hidden", when in reality they are totally visible, but just have a pink background? Example: Obviously the author of this post ...
Mentalist's user avatar
  • 346
2 votes
1 answer

Privacy error on some .SE sites

Google Chrome 41.0.2272.118, Ubuntu 14.04 This is the second time I have had this error in the last week or so. Is this a bug on my part, or is there something up with the SE security certificate? I'...
Tim's user avatar
  • 21.3k
2 votes
1 answer

'Mirrors' of Stack Overflow [duplicate]

I like Stack Overflow. However, I found that some sites 'mirror' stuff from here, for example:
Herbert's user avatar
  • 165
2 votes
2 answers

What to do if user inadvertently includes email in a post? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What should I do if a user posts sensitive information as part of a question or answer? I came across a post on SO where the OP included their email address in the post (no ...
Niall C.'s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How much anonymity can you have on Stack Exchange websites?

I don't see the option to have your name as just "anonymous" like on Quora. Is there an equivalent to that on here? Or if not, what's the next best thing?
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are the private user pages cachable?

Please be patient with me, as I'm not too knowledgeable on this topic. This question has been prompted by Hijacked session: Signed in as someone else. When I access my user page on Stackoverflow, the ...
Oak's user avatar
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2 answers

Would rel="nofollow" be sensible for links to post revisions?

As it looks like, post revisions are public. Sometimes, a new user (or somebody who did not think long enough) posts code samples that contain real-world data that should probably not have been there ...
Tomalak's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

"Moderator only" or "Private" flag for sensitive questions

Would a flag be useful for discreet questions? Say you wanted to highlight bad behavior that can't be flagged (say serial anonymous down voting), you can either email the team or post a public ...
gbn's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Privacy settings in question belongs to me

I have asked some questions which is private for me so I never want to give my username to my co-workers. Is there a solution for this? At least can I make them invisible from my profile?
Freshblood's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Same e-mail after account deletion

If I delete my account, in order to anonimize my content, and then I'd like to register a new user, what's the policy and pitfalls when using the same e-mail account for it? At first, is it allowed, ...
Cjxcz Odjcayrwl's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

"Hidden Profiles" still shown in Network Profile Top Posts list [duplicate]

I just noticed that although the hidden profiles are hidden in the "Accounts" tab on the Network profile, top questions from hidden profiles are still shown under the "Top" tab (...
Jai Ganpati's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Area 51 login apparently requires the HTTP referer to be on

I have a Mac on Mojave 10.14.6 (10.15 is newest) with Firefox 69.0.1 (according to Mozilla's website, the current release is 69.0.3). I just tried to log in to Area 51, and got stuck on the page ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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0 answers

How to change my login and login provider [duplicate]

I have been using an authentication through my Gmail account because many years ago I thought it was a good method from a security standpoint, (even if the fact to use an E-mail as an account is a ...
athena's user avatar
  • 221
2 votes
0 answers

Each site's moderator agreement - privacy policy linked to stack overflow page instead of the site's own page [duplicate]

On every Stack Exchange site except Stack Overflow, in the Moderator Agreement (<>/legal/moderator-agreement) page's The agreement section contains two links. The first link is ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 39k
2 votes
0 answers

Why does Stack Overflow use two trackers unlike other Stack Exchange sites and for what purposes? [duplicate]

I recently installed a browser extension to detect trackers on a webpage. According to that extension, Stack Overflow uses two trackers: Comscore Beacon Quantserve Tracker While other Stack ...
NSNoob's user avatar
  • 1,258
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to disable the public linking of accounts on various Stack Exchange sites? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: The Stack Exchange Network Profile/Accounts links should be made optional I realized that anybody can see the list of Stack Exchange sites I currently use, read the questions ...
Azo's user avatar
  • 137
2 votes
1 answer

Why can't we see what others have voted to close?

When I go to the votes tab on my profile, I can see what I have voted to close. When I go to someone else's profile, I can't see the votes tab, meaning I can't see what they voted to close. What's ...
Undo's user avatar
  • 50.8k
1 vote
4 answers

Account creation question regarding personal and job use

Will StackOverflow discourage creation of two accounts with one used for personal use and another for job use? Also, what if my co-workers 'mess' with me on stackoverflow?
KJYe.Name's user avatar
  • 369
1 vote
2 answers

Is there a complete and list of the different actions one user can see of another?

After being around Stack Overflow for about two months, I find myself looking through lots of other peoples' profiles/activity to see if there is anything else I can learn from one of their old ...
chown's user avatar
  • 3,823
1 vote
1 answer

Can anyone see my CV before it has been "filed"?

If I've created and saved my CV but haven't filed it, can anyone see it?
Rob Sobers's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Email privacy - published on profile [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Make clear which profile data is visible to whom On my profile are fields 'website', 'real name' and 'email'. I deliberately left the 'real name' field blank and when I signed ...
Colonel Panic's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Automate account removal and provide full info

To make Stack Overflow great it should not only be very easy to sign up, but it should also be very easy to delete an account. I have browsed my profile and could not find out how to delete my account....
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What is the point of being able to hide a community on your profile when people can see it anyways? [duplicate]

Click: Profile -> View network profile -> accounts or activity Any community you've selected to "hide" from actually is not hidden here; it's completely public. I logged out and tested it on my own ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

About open ID privacy

When login stackoverflow (or other open ID sites) if I am already logged in in an open ID site I simply "click" on the open ID logo of the account and ZAA! I am logged in... so..this is my simple ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can employers see how many employer messages I have said "No thanks" to?

If an employer looks at my resume, sends me a message and I respond to that message to say "Yes I'm interested" or "No thanks" or "I'm not looking for work right now" (the three default system ...
user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Why am I unable to close the cookie consent popup on iOS 12.5.7? [duplicate]

Not a Duplicate It does not seem to be a duplicate of these: The cookie consent dialog (coming from keeps popping up Why can't I dismiss these Stack Exchange cookie popups on mobile ...
WordPress Speed's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

An option to disable an RSS feed for others on your activity?

I think that user should have an option to allow/disable this feature. It can be abused for "stalking" people. I really don't want anybody to be notified that I just posted an answer or a question. ...
lisak's user avatar
  • 153
-1 votes
2 answers

Archive Stack Exchange posts (or make them private)

Is there a way to archive posts on Stack Exchange? I want them to be private.
angel_30's user avatar
  • 157
-1 votes
2 answers

Option to remove the @username references in the replies from your history, when you change your name [duplicate]

Regarding Change all @username references in comments when a user changes their name? and taking into account the issues raised. Rather than suggest a change, I suggest a reference removal from every ...
Anon's user avatar
  • 454
-1 votes
1 answer

Prevent Automatic Updates of Profile from Google / Yahoo Logins [duplicate]

Every time I login using my Yahoo account, my profile is automatically updated to include my email ID and Real Name from my Yahoo Account. I find this disconcerting and irritating, as I do not wish to ...
Sam's user avatar
  • 31
-2 votes
4 answers

Privacy settings in chat

If I have a candid conversation about politics, vent about home or work, make an off-color joke, or say things intended only for channel views and not a wider audience, then I'd like to keep those ...
Juliet's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

How to escape cyberstalking without losing points and reputation?

Suppose someone is cyberstalking me on Stack Exchange. They could gain quite a lot of insight on what I am doing by simply reading my posts. I could create a new account, but that would mean losing ...
Jordan Jamingsons's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How to search for a group of people?

How to search for a group of people in Stack Overflow? For example, I need to know posted Android questions and are from in India? How can I find these users?
Praveen's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Please STOP requiring Google profile info, and switch to the other endpoint!

I know this change already took place some months ago, but I wanted to write about this now. Here's the situation: When I click on I login on my Gmail account and get :And I don’t have a public ...
user2284570's user avatar
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1 answer

Does SE track previous website access?

I am wondering if tracks or otherwise has a record of specific user-initiated access to the site, from a certain device at a specific time and date.
McKenna Fellows's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

When will a deleted answer be removed completely? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Are deleted answers automatically removed, or is that done by a user with access to moderation tools? I have deleted one of my answers a week ago, it is still being kept under ...
hkBattousai's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

privacy: how to delete account etc. should be in generic FAQ [closed]

Currently to figure out how to delete account and similar privacy questions you have to search meta. This is one of the most frequently asked questions on this and other SE metas. I think that this ...
vartec's user avatar
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1 answer

What privacy expectations are moderators who gain privileges by being SE employees subject to?

The moderator agreement, located at, has the following text at the bottom: I acknowledge and agree that I am an independent volunteer ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Let people know they can use a safer Gravatar identicon on these sites

Since some time, new users and users who change their profile image, get a salt added to their email address when they want to use an automatically generated Gravatar identicon. Great! With the ...
Arjan's user avatar
  • 28.2k
-6 votes
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New idea for permalinking questions

There's a number of articles that suggest we lose some privacy in perma-linking of questions, because it ties to a user account's user id. This is somewhat true. What if we implemented a tie table ...
Brian Deragon's user avatar