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Questions tagged [private-notes]

For questions about the Private Notes feature, which is part of the Saves features.

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11 votes
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Please add a character count for the private note edit boxes on the Save to dialog for saves

It is possible to create a private note when saving a post to a Saves list and this private note can be up to 500 characters long. However, at the moment, there is no indication how many characters ...
PeterJames's user avatar
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6 votes
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Saves’ private notes has some escaped HTML on sites where I'm a moderator

There’s a bug with the private notes for Saves, but I can only manage to reproduce it on the site on which I'm a moderator. This does not happen on sites where I'm not a moderator. On Music.SE, go to ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
9 votes
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Possible to inadvertently delete a private note when "unsaving" a post from a Saves list

After displaying a Saves list, it is possible to add a private note to a Saved post or "unsave" the post from the Saves list: Both of these actions are fine and create no issues. However, ...
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