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8 votes
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Got the "one-of-the-top-posters" e-mail but half was the Association Bonus (+100) [duplicate]

I don't think this was the intended response. I joined and posted only one answer and managed to snag the #4 slot for that week. But had it not been for that initial 100 points I would have been only ...
Loren Pechtel's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Leaderboard email sent under incorrect circumstances

This morning, as I checked my email, I noticed the following friendly email in my inbox: Hello, I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for participating in the ongoing beta of Freelancing ...
Chris Forrence's user avatar
6 votes
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Email to top new users has a link to a page that doesn't mention me

I received the following email from StackExchange: Hello, Congratulations -- you are one of the top new Programming Puzzles & Code Golf - Stack Exchange users for the week of May 28 2012! https://...
Mark Byers's user avatar
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