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32 votes
1 answer

How many sites changed their highest-rep user as a result of the recent question rep recalc?

In the recent reputation recalculation resulting from weighting question upvotes back to 10 rep instead of 5 rep, some sites on the SE network underwent not only a reshuffle of the reputation leagues ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

The query on Stack Exchange Data Explorer returns different results from Stack Exchange website

I am running this query on the Stack Exchange Data Explorer (for Stack Overflow): select owneruserid , row_number() over(order by rep desc) as ranking , rep from ( select p.owneruserid ,sum(...
Anoroah's user avatar
  • 345
6 votes
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Discrepancy in Stats for StackOverflow's Top Users by Week, Month, Quarter, or Year

There is a discrepancy in members stats (position/ranking) shown for the StackOverflow's Top Users by Week, Month, Quarter, or Year on the Stack Exchange Leagues web page. The listing incorrectly ...
HackerKarma's user avatar
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Is there a userpage for all of stackexchange?

I'm curious to see the top users by sum of reputation across all sites in a single userpage, as though it were one site. I see the leagues, but those still sort by site. Of course the top users of ...
Pollyanna's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What does "change" on the Stack Exchange leaderboard mean?

I was just looking at the Stack Exchange leaderboards, and noticed that I have negative "change". However, I have definitely not lost 808 reputation this quarter. What does this value mean?
Linuxios's user avatar
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6 votes
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Some user information not loaded when searching for users in Reputation Leagues

When I search (like "smi") for users in the reputation leagues of stackoverflow, the information of some users is not loaded and the loading symbol ("Loading user information") ...
Jehof's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why is my account appearing on SO top users?

When I view the top users page for SO, my user account is right up top. However, I noticed that when I change the drop-down to select any other SE site, my account disappears from the list. Here's a ...
Rob's user avatar
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51 votes
2 answers

Did my parents lie to me?

I just happened to click on the all-time rep leagues. I seem to be there twice. Can you tell me more about my twin? Is he the evil twin, a representation of the dark side of the soul that every human ...
Pekka's user avatar
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