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Questions tagged [reputation-leagues]

Friendly comparison chart showing the reputation gains and losses between users on a site

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-1 votes
2 answers

Problem with Stack Overflow reputation league [duplicate]

I was quite impressed when I saw this week's Stack Overflow leaderboard: But the user's reputation activity doesn't quite match: What's going on?
Nick's user avatar
  • 149
4 votes
0 answers

Reputation league info not showing in the profile page of some users [duplicate]

I just noticed that some users do not have the "top X" blue box in their profile. See for Glorfindel: or Shadow Wizard: While for me it works: Also for Mad Scientist: I see this ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
2 votes
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In fact, we need "more than 200 reputation" instead of "at least 200 reputation" for "tracked in the leagues"

The original question: I have observed this on Ask Ubuntu community, but this probably applies to all communities on Stack Exchange. On March 2, 2019, I scored 200 reputation and I was not "...
simhumileco's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

The query on Stack Exchange Data Explorer returns different results from Stack Exchange website

I am running this query on the Stack Exchange Data Explorer (for Stack Overflow): select owneruserid , row_number() over(order by rep desc) as ranking , rep from ( select p.owneruserid ,sum(...
Anoroah's user avatar
  • 345
-10 votes
1 answer

On which site is it easier to earn reputation? [closed]

From my experience, it's fairly easy to earn 200 reputation a day on Stack Overflow if you write a few decent answers. Meanwhile, it's incomprehensibly hard to earn 200 rep on Android Enthusiasts a ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Top x% labels missing on some user profiles

On some user profiles, there is a "top x%" label: But this is not shown for some users: Why is that so? I don't see any settings to hide this.
Avery235's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why the links with "leagues/{site-name}" do not work for all sites?

Typically when you go to reputation league, the url looks something like{id}/{site} or{id}/{site}, etc. The link contains ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
6 votes
0 answers

Reputation leagues - displaying profile picture for the non-entry exist periods

In the Stack Exchange Leagues page, if there is no entry for the period of month, quarter and year, some user's profile picture is displayed in the leagues page. For an example in the Stellar and ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 39k
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0 answers

How am I at the top of this list? [duplicate]

I have recently received some reputation which made me eligible for the association reputation where you get 100 reputation for every site you have account on stackexchange. I was just looking at the ...
KumarAnkit's user avatar
7 votes
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Consider not showing reputation change when showing the all time league?

Showing the "reputation change" on the all-time league is confusing: Reputation Change Rep Change* Users 10,000+ 14,624 5,000+ 31,851 2,...
robocat's user avatar
  • 171
5 votes
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In the annual rep league, why isn't the difference between rep earned this year and total rep always the same?

In the annual rep league here on Meta Stack Exchange, it shows that I've earned 9,876 rep this year, and 10,359 rep overall. (It's updated every day at 0:00 UTC, and I so far have earned 1 rep today, ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot find myself in Stack Overflow rating

Why don't I see myself in users rating on Stack Overflow, and don't have top x% rating link? I have 371 reputation, and as I understand I need only 200 to be in rating list.
Anton Rodzik's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

bug in the reputation league - some sites not selected in the drop down when viewing their rankings [duplicate]

For example on: In the drop-down at the top of the page: If you switch between the sites, many of the times it ...
rtpHarry's user avatar
  • 341
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Selected position of combobox on reputation league page is broken [duplicate]

Changing the selected item in the dropdown combobox on the reputation league page works wrong for many sites: It seems that numbers of sites (communities) are changed somehow and not synced on ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is the number in league link changed?

Today I noticed that the number of community (?) is changed in the reputation league address. E.g. it was 355 before and now is 609 for Stack Overflow in Russian: The old link now refers to a 404 ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
2 votes
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Data availability: Data Dump vs. API / SEDE

I am trying to find out if ALL the data available from the API and through SEDE queries is available if I took an offline data dump. So for example, Could I get the user reputation as of a ...
cnf's user avatar
  • 463
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Link to league table in Area 51 Discussion Zone leads to 404 error [duplicate]

The "top 10% overall" link goes to this URL: which is a 404 error.
Tim's user avatar
  • 21.3k
21 votes
1 answer

User reputation league site switcher doesn't show the selected site name

In the Stack Exchange user reputation leagues page, if I select any site in the site switcher it will be set as Stack Overflow or some random site in the drop down list's selected site name. For the ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 39k
-18 votes
3 answers

Don't show inactive users on the current top users

There are users that have earned thousands of rep that are in the (yearly) reputation leagues, but they haven't logged on in a couple years. It's usually a case where the user has decided, for ...
Welz's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

No top user for most sites in users league

In the Stack Exchange - Top Users tab, for most of the sites there is no top user displayed. I didn't see any error or warning in the browser's console and network tabs. GIF for the same: ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 39k
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0 answers

What was the reason to change ids in the links to reputation leagues?

Reputation leagues are located at the url{id} where the number at the end of the url determines the site. You can find reputation league for example at the bottom of ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
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1 answer

Annoying animation on reputation leagues

If you check the leagues (you can find me here), there's a very annoying animation with some users: Yet, when you hover over the users that have that problem: And, when you try to move the mouse ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Leaderboard not showing correctly

As shown in the pictures, the leaderboard percentages on my Stack Overflow page are not showing correctly. I was until yesterday top 2% of the Quarter, always been keeping up and improving my stats, ...
fabOnReact's user avatar
4 votes
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Why is Adam Lear showing up as "top user" this week, by default when 0 users earned any reputation?

For example Stack Exchange Leagues page says that Adam is the #1 user of the week on Augur (scroll to the bottom of the page): But if you click there are no users: Same behavior can be found on ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
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0 answers

How SO decide which "top %" to show? [duplicate]

I've been active in SO for about 3 months and i was wondering why sometimes SO show those top 5% this month and others top 2% this quarter. My questions are: How SO decide to show monthly, quarterly,...
alseether's user avatar
  • 141
-6 votes
1 answer

Why don't I appear in the Stack Overflow ranking? [duplicate]

I have a reputation of over 300 on Stack Overflow. I was searching my name in the Stack Overflow ranking (link) to look up my position. But it doesn't appear. Question: Is there another condition ...
Henry Navarro's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Scrollbars on the User Reputation Leagues [duplicate]

I recently went on to the yearly User Reputation Leagues for Puzzling, and to my surprise, some of the entries had scrollbars for seemingly no reason: I investigated further, and it appears that ...
boboquack's user avatar
  • 331
1 vote
1 answer

Listed twice in the weekly reputation [duplicate]

I (Slarty) appear to have two entries in the weekly reputation score listing
Slarty's user avatar
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0 answers

Reputation league inconsistencies(/lag?) [duplicate]

According to the Gaming reputation league I'm in 11th place with 759 total reputation and 709 quarter reputation. But in reality I have 779 reputation. This could be due to a delayed update of the ...
Fabian Röling's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why do the rankings for the current period have me at the top when I am a lowly pleb?

When I view the rankings for Stack Exchange, I am at the top for whatever is the current period (week, month, etc), which is obviously incorrect as I am not Jon Skeet :) However, if I view the ...
Kendall Lister's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Past && YTD percentile ratings to describe your rep on a resume

If you're a top user, how do you describe your rep on the resume? I've noticed my SO profile has had "top 2% this year" on 2017-06-24, but 2017-07-29 shows "top 2% this week", which may be a better ...
cnst's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

Thousands separators in reputation leagues

I found today that reputation was difficult to read because there is no thousands separators for rank and rank change values in reputation leagues. (I saw this for Stack Overflow.) So for now it ...
NatNgs's user avatar
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1 answer

Why am I not appearing on the Ranking page?

This question has probably been asked before, but I just can't find my name. Here someone is asking about not appearing on the Ranking page, but the reason that he didn't find his name is because he ...
Peter Haddad's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Incorrect numbers in Reputation Leagues [duplicate]

In the current monthly Reputation Leagues, one user has more monthly reputation than total. Could this be a counting error or is this an issue because an inconsistency in caching or the methods of ...
ㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
  • 558
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Moderator diamond missing in User Reputation Leagues

While browsing the User Reputation Leagues for Super User, I noticed that DavidPostill's moderator diamond ♦︎ was not being displayed next to his username. Shouldn't the usernames for Stack Exchange ...
Stevoisiak's user avatar
  • 15.2k
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Users with same "quarter reputation" have different "top [ ]% this quarter" ranking

Midnight UTC just passed 45 minutes ago, and the "quarter reputation" & "total reputation" numbers in the leagues page have updated. However, it looks to me like my "top [ ]% this quarter" number ...
Max Power's user avatar
  • 161
14 votes
1 answer

Suppress “Stack Exchange” part of site names on the list of top users

This is a follow-up to status-completed report Suppress “Stack Exchange” part of site names in the lists of sites. The list of top users has recently developed the same problem: incessant repetition ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Reputation error in reputation league [duplicate]

My total reputation in the league is shown as 4249, but the year reputation is shown as 4443. How can the year reputation be greater than total reputation? I didn't offer any bounty.
Optimus Prime's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a ranking of the valuable flair of all combined Stack Exchange profiles?

Is there a ranking of the valuable flair of all combined Stack Exchange profiles? Like the one there is for each community but for all of them together?
Pablo's user avatar
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How to know my top overall ranking

In my profile I see top n% this quarter. For some users I see top n% overall. How can I know my top overall ranking?
Max Koretskyi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Understanding reputation leagues

When I look at my week user reputation it says I'm 0.81 on it at rank #4. I don't understand the stats that I see there: What do the different stats mean? I understand total reputation and week rank (...
Experimental Rocket's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Wouldn't it be nice to have user reputation league page across all sites or shortly, a combined-flair top?

Recently I came across this profile and I have realized that there is a small category of elite users that are active on several Stack Exchange sites. Why is there no user combined-flair league ...
Alexei's user avatar
  • 1,469
18 votes
1 answer

"Stack Exchange" is used improperly on reputation league pages

The Reputation Leagues sidebar explains: These friendly reputation leagues are an informal way of tracking your reputation within the community on a particular Stack Exchange. which does not ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can't find myself in the User Reputation Leagues

Can't find myself in the User Reputation Leagues when select "Week" tab: Even when I type a name: If I choose another tab, e.g. "Month", then can see my profile on the first line:...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

List of sites is sorted weirdly on the leagues page [duplicate]

There's a reputation leagues page here and the listbox with sites is sorted by site creation date, I suppose, and it looks kinda like this: Not very easy to alphabetically find a site you're looking ...
user1306322's user avatar
  • 10.6k
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Track reputation breakdown in Leagues for users with reputations under 200

The Stack Overflow Leagues page displays the count of users per reputation segment. Recent snapshot (with percentages added for perspective): Total Rep Users Portion --------- --------- -------...
Bohemian's user avatar
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Clicking on the "Top X% this <time period>" link on profile pages on Area51 discuss returns 404

Clicking on the rep league lines that read like "top 2% this quarter" returns a 404 page. Example in point:
Magisch's user avatar
  • 25.6k
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In small sites, what about showing "top 3" or "top X" for best users in a given period instead of "top XX%"?

When going through the profiles of the top users you can find things like: And the same occurs for Darin Dimitrov (ranked #2), BalusC (#3) and all the way until Daniel Roseman (#46): they all get ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Add reputation history to SEDE

A similar question was posed quite a while back, without much specificity. The only answer identifies the taxing nature of a SEDE query on the server in order to get a rough estimate of the user ...
Werner's user avatar
  • 13.6k
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Scoreboard based on recent actions

Currently, all of the monthly and weekly scoreboards seem to measure reputation gained based on all posts (I'm a new member, but this has been my experience so far, and I couldn't find any meta posts ...
Jedi's user avatar
  • 371