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Questions tagged [reputation-leagues]

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2 votes
1 answer

sudden surge of thousands in reputation [duplicate]

on my account page, a link said I'm in the top 2% this week for reputation. I looked at the list and it shows me having a change of +49287 in reputation. Yet I'm back to my humble 358. Just curious ...
AwokeKnowing's user avatar
97 votes
5 answers

Does Jon Skeet ever have to answer another question to remain the #1 user on Stack Overflow?

Looking at Jon Skeet's profile he has an enormous lead in reputation over number 2. Given the huge amount of rep that he gets from up votes on existing answers and that he either hits or exceeds the ...
MikeD's user avatar
  • 1,331
0 votes
1 answer

Relative value of reputation [duplicate]

Is there a way to find out the percentile (in the reputation distribution) of a person's reputation on a specific site? The actual meaning of, say, 5k reputation, is different depending on the ...
sds's user avatar
  • 1,076
12 votes
1 answer

Algorithm for best Reputation League

I always wondered on what algorihm the best league of mine is chosen. I am in the 0.16% of this quarter. That is rank 171 this quarter. But I am also ranked 113th this month. Why is the stat for the ...
juergen d's user avatar
  • 39.3k
-1 votes
1 answer

Aim of user reputation leagues [closed]

What are the objectives of user reputation league? One more point,does Meta SO reputation points are outside of that reputation league?
ridoy's user avatar
  • 341
1 vote
2 answers

How to check user's other time period percentile?

At the user's info, there is a percentile status like top 3% this year Is there a way how to check other (week, month, quarter, all time) periods percentile?
Jan Turoň's user avatar
  • 1,364
1 vote
1 answer

Can I know my position sorted by reputation?

I can find myself in the list of stackoverflow user sorted by their reputations only by searching my user name. What I want to know is: how do I get my position by number? For example, Name ...
zey's user avatar
  • 675
1 vote
1 answer

Reputation gain greater than actual rep

How can I have reputation change greater than my reputation? What is the "change" field even for?
built1n's user avatar
  • 121
1 vote
0 answers

Total Reputation table in Reputation League is not accurate

The Total Reputation counts on the Reputation League pages appear to be somewhat wonky. You should be able to reproduce it on any StackExchange Reputation League, but here I'll use the numbers from ...
Cat's user avatar
  • 1,375
8 votes
1 answer

Leaderboard email sent under incorrect circumstances

This morning, as I checked my email, I noticed the following friendly email in my inbox: Hello, I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for participating in the ongoing beta of Freelancing ...
Chris Forrence's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Reputation League links not working if nobody got any reputation during the league period

The link for sports site on SO is not working here on Other sites such as Stack Overflow are working it is displaying an error. It says it is a server fault. May be ...
NetStarter's user avatar
  • 1,020
3 votes
1 answer

Why are a lot of users' weekly reputation negative?

I came across this page. Why does every user on this page have a negative weekly change?
Mingyu's user avatar
  • 133
0 votes
2 answers

Statistics and reputation

I ended up on the page of danielovich ( First of all: nothing (negative) about this guy. He has a reputation of 497 and behind this the text "top ...
Martin Mulder's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Why are there 0 users on Stack Overflow? [closed]

I was checking the reputation leagues this morning and noticed something odd. As you can see, there are -229,498 users with 1+ Total Reputation. 229,498 is the sum of the rest of the numbers, which ...
Nick Freeman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

StackOverflow user leagues reputation doesn't match

While I was perusing this list today, I noticed that it stated my all-time rep was 412 when it actually is 453 (as of now). Does this reputation take time to update itself? (I had gotten a few upvotes ...
Anish Ramaswamy's user avatar
6 votes
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Quarter reputation > Lifetime reputation [duplicate]

I suddenly noticed my quarter reputation is somehow bigger than total reputation. How can it be possible? I registered in this [fantastic] site on January and feel there must be something wrong on the ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
-15 votes
2 answers

Accept Rate is dead, long live Reputation Leagues!

Once upon a time there was accept rate; it was introduced by Jeff three and half years ago with a bright future and lots of potential. Lots of water flowed in the river since then and it turned out ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How to read the User Reputation Leagues table? [duplicate]

I stumbled upon a page called "User Reputation Leagues" which displays a list of users. I can't figure out what purpose it serves and how to read it, especially the first two columns. I have ...
leaf's user avatar
  • 231
4 votes
1 answer

"Oops! Something Bad Happened!" error for best SQA Week link from Leagues page

Perhaps this is limited to the specific case, but anyway: for the Leagues - Top Stack Exchange users per week, month, quarter, and year page clicking on best this week userpic for SQA resulted in that ...
Peter L.'s user avatar
  • 511
3 votes
2 answers

What does "change" on the Stack Exchange leaderboard mean?

I was just looking at the Stack Exchange leaderboards, and noticed that I have negative "change". However, I have definitely not lost 808 reputation this quarter. What does this value mean?
Linuxios's user avatar
  • 5,574
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0 answers

If I start a bounty, do I need to earn more points to make progress toward Epic? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Bounties and Epic/legendary progress If I start a bounty of 500 points on a question, that amount is immediately subtracted from my reputation. I'm aware that the bounty ...
mgilson's user avatar
  • 1,077
2 votes
1 answer

What is required to show overall reputation in profile

I noticed that in the profile of people with high reputation, they have a percentage of the overall Reputation at the right of the Reputation section. What does someone need to get that information ...
eLRuLL's user avatar
  • 2,048
3 votes
0 answers

How does a user with 737 total reputation have 2,296 weekly reputation? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What does this reputation mean? I've noticed a phenomenon that strikes me as odd. Currently the weekly #1 spot on SO is taken by a certain member who appears to have a total ...
JLRishe's user avatar
  • 136
0 votes
2 answers

User Reputation count mismatch while searching user [duplicate]

If I search for user in Users page it displays old reputation of the user. Example : But original reputation is :
SANN3's user avatar
  • 103
6 votes
1 answer

Some user information not loaded when searching for users in Reputation Leagues

When I search (like "smi") for users in the reputation leagues of stackoverflow, the information of some users is not loaded and the loading symbol ("Loading user information") ...
Jehof's user avatar
  • 4,767
30 votes
2 answers

Fix Accessibility of the sites on the leagues (and other pull downs that share the same code path) please

The User Reputation Leagues site picker seems to be ordered on-site statistics instead of alphabetically: This makes it very hard to find Photography, Physics, and Philosophy (for example) since they ...
bmike's user avatar
  • 8,521
5 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to see top 10% of tags that you have been active in without creating a profile on careers?

How do users who don't have profile on Careers Site see the top percentage of tags they have been active in? E.g. Jon Skeet is top 10% for C#. How do other people see this information for themselves ...
defau1t's user avatar
  • 711
1 vote
1 answer

Compete regionally on Stackoverflow

Your profile most likely has this phrase: top X% this week/month/quarter/year Would be nice if you could enable an option to compete regionally. For example: top X% this week/month/quarter/year ...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Missing from Month Reputation List

This is a followup to this question. The top x% this month has returned to the summary profile page but if I click the link on my profile, I am missing from the monthly league listing: If I change ...
Taryn's user avatar
  • 51.6k
15 votes
1 answer

User league information missing in the profile page

It seems like the "Top 0.18% this month" or similar links are no longer displayed in the user profile pages. Is this a bug or a feature? I personally found the information under these links very ...
Dan D.'s user avatar
  • 377
1 vote
1 answer

Go to page textbox for User Reputation Leagues

The paging on the User Reputation Leagues is very helpful, but sometimes if you're trying to page through the data to different points/pages it can be very limiting requiring 20-30 page loads at the ...
Beltalowda's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

StackExchange Leagues bug [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: I'm ranked twice in the leagues! Something weird is on this page I see this: Am I that big that I need to occupy 2 places? I know I'm not slim, but it's too much :) Also checked ...
Mihai Iorga's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

I'm ranked twice in the leagues!

I'm not as famous as Jon Skeet, but I thought I'd file a bug report anyway for appearing twice. Here FYI - I changed my user name within the period being viewed. I wonder, is Stack Exchange hiring ...
RichardTheKiwi's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Why can't I find myself in the User Reputation Leagues? [closed]

Move along, nothing to see here... whistle Clicking on the "Top <x>% this <period>" link on my SO profile takes me to the relevant page of the User Reputation League for <period>. ...
verdesmarald's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Year reputation greater than total reputation? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Total reputation less than monthly reputation? I was checking the SE year reputation league page, and noticed the guy right above me in the rank has an year reputation greater ...
bfavaretto's user avatar
  • 8,586
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0 answers

User Reputation Leagues reputation score issue [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Total reputation less than monthly reputation? How does a user have a Total Reputation that is less than the Year Reputation? Two Examples:
Jake1164's user avatar
  • 389
0 votes
1 answer

weekly / monthly / quarterly reputation leagues link broken on [closed]

The link for the league, points to a "Page Not Found" instead of either Stack Overflow league (which is still not the expected ...
phwd's user avatar
  • 7,333
44 votes
1 answer

Why is my total reputation less than my monthly reputation?

When I went to the Leagues to see my ranking in the reputation league, I saw this. Is this an error? My total reputation is less than my monthly reputation.
pckabeer's user avatar
  • 551
2 votes
1 answer

Are individual users counted more than once in the "Total Reputation" counts on the league pages?

I am trying to interpret the "Total Reputation" counts on the StackOverflow leagues page: Because the amounts in the Total Rep column end with '+', does that mean that users with high ...
user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

SO reputation league rankings for same score

Does anyone know how SO user reputation leagues work for people who have the same recent score? I was wondering because I checked the league and I saw We all have the same month reputation. However, ...
Dustin's user avatar
  • 1,973
70 votes
5 answers

What is My Rank On Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

How do I know my rank among all Stack Overflow users? Where can I see a list of top users according to their rank on Stack Overflow?
JAVAGeek's user avatar
  • 919
2 votes
0 answers

New League Biased Towards Recent Content

Summary This proposal is for a new league that would track current posting activity, rather than historical posts or necro-rep. There would be no changes to the current system; it would just be ...
CodeGnome's user avatar
  • 6,007
6 votes
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Email to top new users has a link to a page that doesn't mention me

I received the following email from StackExchange: Hello, Congratulations -- you are one of the top new Programming Puzzles & Code Golf - Stack Exchange users for the week of May 28 2012! https://...
Mark Byers's user avatar
  • 3,051
6 votes
1 answer

All Time reputations ranking is several days out of date

The All Time reputations ranking on SO hasn't been updated with new data since late last week (Friday or Saturday). Reputation report: -- 2012-06-01 rep +220 = 40375 1 10848214 (15) 2 ...
mKorbel's user avatar
  • 1,607
8 votes
1 answer

Explanation of columns in reputation league

I think it could be useful to explain somewhere on reputation league pages what the columns actually mean. I balked a little when at first I saw "changes" of ±50k, thinking that to be the ...
eggyal's user avatar
  • 2,857
1 vote
1 answer

reputation change and total reputation?

Am I seeing this right? I noticed a small thing above my reputation gains saying top %... this week/month, and when I clicked on the link I seen this to the side: Total Reputation Total Rep |Users ...
Kirsty White's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Some users are duplicated in the list of Top Users

A few minutes ago I went to Stack Exchange to see the Top Users for Stack Overflow and found this: Hans and David are displayed twice.
Bill's user avatar
  • 489
10 votes
0 answers

Leagues still count association bonus

According to this answer, leagues do not count association bonuses, but at least one league page shows a user (in this case, Catharsis) whose monthly reputation does include an association bonus.
John Pick's user avatar
  • 239
2 votes
1 answer

Improve Percentage Stats on Profile [duplicate]

Currently, when I look at the reputation section of my profile I see something of the format top X% <time period>. Okay, cool. However, recently I've been topping the charts at Christianity.SE, ...
Thomas Shields's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Cumulative users tooltip counts users incorrectly, cooks the books

On the All time leagues page there's a tool tip on the number 190 that reads Cumulative users: 244 What are these numbers supposed to mean? At first glance I thought it meant that Count of users ...
Some Helpful Commenter's user avatar