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Questions tagged [reputation]

Measurement of a user's contributions to the site, and the extent to which the community "trusts" that user with extra privileges.

33 questions from the last 365 days
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-3 votes
0 answers

Is reputation harder to earn today?

I recall seeing on another, non SE website: Most reputation that will ever been earned on this website has already been earned. For new users, it's a slog to the top. That is, older users with a few ...
stickynotememo's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What is the reason for gaining 2 reputation points on accepting someone else's answer? [duplicate]

This question has been bothering my mind for quite some days now. When a user accepts an answer to their question, they gain 2 reputation points unless it is a self-answer. What is the reason for this?...
Math Guy's user avatar
  • 317
2 votes
0 answers

How does downvote feedback work? [duplicate]

If you don't have the necessary reputation to downvote something on a given site, it'll say: Thanks for the feedback! You need at least 125 reputation to cast a vote, but your feedback has been ...
DaemonsMercy's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Give the edit posts privilege to users with a history of good suggested edits [duplicate]

Currently, the only way to unilaterally edit posts is to have 2,000 rep (1,000 on beta sites). Many users, for one reason or another, have experience editing but don't post very often, and hence take ...
Starship's user avatar
  • 7,940
-22 votes
1 answer

Why does the community bot only have 1 reputation? [duplicate]

I recently edited my post from an unlogged browser, and the edit goes to the community bot, as its profile also says: I do things like ... Own suggested edits from anonymous users So why can't it ...
Apoorva Shukla's user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

Show to what site the reputation belongs when hovering over the reputation counter on the top bar

I recently had a sinking feeling in my gut: my reputation had dropped by 1/3! Serves me right for posting crappy questions. But wait, it turns out that number is referring to each individual Stack ...
Dan Jacobson's user avatar
  • 1,280
-2 votes
1 answer

What will happen if a user who initially have the bounty privilege but lost it during the duration of the bounty? [duplicate]

There's nothing in particular about this, just that I'm curious. Let's suppose a scenario: A user gains reputation, and got the "offer a bounty" privilege (awarded upon reaching 75 rep ...
Luke L's user avatar
  • 226
-27 votes
3 answers

Let answerers keep their rep for deleted questions that they had invested time and effort in

In the last month or so, an abnormally and extremely large number of my answers got deleted. There was no reason for deletion, it happened just because the question(s) with which my answer(s) were ...
Luke L's user avatar
  • 226
4 votes
1 answer

What can I do if originally accepted and upvoted answers suddenly got a large number of downvotes? [duplicate]

The last two weeks saw an exceptionally (and to some extent, abnormally, since I'm new to SO and don't have much posts) large number of downvotes to my answers. Most of those answers originally got at ...
Luke L's user avatar
  • 226
-14 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange points system exploit discovered [duplicate]

There are a number of users who are gaining points by either creating posts and having their friends upvote, or else they are copying another (often accepted) answer, and then rephrasing it. Although ...
csharpforevermore's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

API returns reputation history events for deleted posts, yet no post_deleted events are included. Why? Bug? What do I do?

This SE API request for user 30382 of Mathematics site returns the following items: ... {"reputation_history_type":"post_downvoted","reputation_change":-2,"post_id&...
avm23's user avatar
  • 183
-23 votes
1 answer

Allowing Moderators/high rep users to accept answers on behalf of askers [duplicate]

Relates to Asking users to accept answer when they comment that it answers their question. Has there been any discussion of allowing users with high levels of rep to accept answers on behalf of ...
Brennan's user avatar
  • 55
-25 votes
4 answers

The moderator blocked user accounts due to voting violations [duplicate]

The situation occurred with two accounts: self SVBazuev and my daughter's AnnaBazueva. When she sees a question that she can answer, she does it. We often use one device, it happens like this: I look ...
SVBazuev's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

New User Barriers: The Reputation System's Impact on Participation [duplicate]

I'm new to StackOverflow and would like to use it more, but I'm a little confused about the reputation system. Why do you need reputation to do things like comment or vote? It seems like a barrier to ...
Mick's user avatar
  • 17
4 votes
0 answers

Why did my reputation only increase by 2 for an upvoted answer? (reputation cap is not a factor)

Today, an answer I wrote to the question 'Why did Joseph Goebbels allow an all-Jewish Orchestra to exist and perform in Berlin from 1938 to 1941?' on History SE received an upvote. My reputation page ...
Lars Bosteen's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Does downvoting reputation loss get regained when an answer is deleted? [duplicate]

Obviously, reputation is regained when a question or answer is deleted. And reputation is subtracted (-1) on my downvote- as in when I downvote a post. But what happens if I downvoted a answer, lost 2 ...
security_paranoid's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

The alignment of rep and badges is off on the top bar

I'm not sure if this has been raised elsewhere, but on the user awards in the top bar, the alignment of text for the reputation and badges is off, and it's a bit annoying: --> Meta Stack Exchange ...
Robotnik's user avatar
  • 4,656
-10 votes
2 answers

Why is a user's reputation re-calculated when one of their posts is deleted?

When a user's question or answer gets deleted, their reputation gets re-calculated. Like if my answer gets an upvote, and then gets deleted, I lose my ten rep that I gained from the upvote. I guess I ...
security_paranoid's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why doesn't reputation show under usernames on MathOverflow? [closed]

I landed on a MathOverflow page from the Hot Network Questions (HNQ) section and I noticed that user reputation doesn't show under their username. why is that?
machine_1's user avatar
  • 359
3 votes
0 answers

What happens to a user's pending edits when they subsequently gain enough reputation for their edits to be applied without peer review? [duplicate]

For example, on the Law stack 1,000 reputation earns one a privilege so that Edits to other users’ posts are applied immediately And In addition, users with this privilege level can also begin ...
user 55905's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is it allowed to give all of one's reputation points away via bounty? [duplicate]

If a person wants to leave, would they be able to give away loads or all of their points through bounties (reward existing answer mainly), or would that be flagged as some sort of offense and shut ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

Not getting reputation for deleted-then-revised answer? [closed]

One of my answers was deleted for not having enough context around a provided link. After revising and posting an answer with more explanation, I still have not received the reputation for the answer.
user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

Protected questions should have a higher reputation requirement for editing and approving edits

When a question is protected it requires a certain minimum reputation to answer it. At least on politics SE this is mostly used for questions that are highly politized or opioniated. And it works in ...
quarague's user avatar
  • 159
3 votes
1 answer

User activity reputation graph missing on Cross Validated

Typically there was a user reputation cumulative graph on the activity page. For example, mine for Meta Stack Exchange looks like this on Feb. 28, 2024
Carl's user avatar
  • 1,489
5 votes
0 answers

Long loading time on reputation page

When I open my Stack Overflow profile page (when logged in) it takes a long time for the page to load. The first request takes at least 7 seconds. This is easily reproducible. It happens in all ...
aioobe's user avatar
  • 2,778
-4 votes
1 answer

Is my reputation and reach on my Stack Exchange linked to my Stack Overflow profile? [closed]

I just linked my Stack Overflow profile to my meta.stackexchange profile. Is the platform going to link both reputations and reach together?
samweke's user avatar
  • 115
-9 votes
1 answer

How can I assign a bounty and the "accepted answer" checkmark to more than two equally good answers?

I posted a question and added a 100 point bounty. I got (so far) three equally great answers. Each of the answers approached the problem from a different angle. All three answers are independent. All ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Incorrect displayed reputation difference after suspension/unsuspension [duplicate]

Bug: the displayed reputation difference on a user profile page is sometimes (always?) incorrect after an account suspension/unsuspension, e.g.:
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why have I been able to access the Suggested Edits queues when I have <2K rep? [duplicate]

Back when I had around 850 reputation on the Mathematics Stack Exchange, I got a review task in the Suggested Edits queue for this question of mine. The thing is, this was back when I had way less ...
CrSb0001's user avatar
  • 411
-21 votes
3 answers

Question downvotes issues in regards to the points system [closed]

I noticed that recently I am losing reputation points due to a question that gets downvotes. I don't understand how I got the points in the first place, but that's a different story. I don't want to ...
Morco's user avatar
  • 115
-14 votes
1 answer

Could altering the level of reputation required to view and comment on deleted answers improve people's trust in the impartiality of the site?

I believe that trust in this platform and the quality and impartiality of the information it provides is very important. For this question, my assumption is that one of the things we want to do is to ...
phil1008's user avatar
  • 364
-15 votes
2 answers

It appears that people are making simple edits and answers just for reputation points

I hesitate to ask questions on Stack Exchange as usually I will get lots of edits and answers, but usually the edits are formatting and spelling, and the answers are simplistic (e.g., read the ...
Tom Cumming's user avatar
-17 votes
3 answers

Feature of posting a question as an anonymous guest user (without having an account) is not useful and it leads to incorrect answers / comments

Posting a question as an anonymous guest user (without having an account) is allowed but for commenting 50 reputations are required. A guest user (who doesn't have an account) can't accrue any ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 15