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Questions tagged [revoked-badges]

For questions about badges which have been revoked (maybe even mysteriously) and under what circumstances badges are revoked.

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-25 votes
2 answers

Can we help users avoid "mark of shame" badges?

Several badges are effectively a "negative" tag on a user. For example, Peer Pressure is a permanent mark that a user had a post with unusually high numbers of downvotes at one point; the fact that ...
ais523's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why are badges not "unawarded" on deleted questions and answers? [duplicate]

I saw this question on Stack Overflow: How does this user earn the Popular and Notable question badges without a corresponding question?, and it made me wonder why badges are not "unawarded" like ...
user avatar
35 votes
1 answer

Revoked mortarboard badge? [duplicate]

On May 30, 2011, I earned the Mortarboard badge. You can see it on my profile using the WayBack Machine. (I also commented on it in a meta post the day after I earned the badge.) I am wondering why ...
Jeff's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

I lost my JavaScript badge [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do “badges” work? What are tag badges? How do they work? I earned the JavaScript badge a while ago. Today, I earned the jQuery badge, and I see that there'...
Jashwant's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

User with unwarranted badges

I am curious about how this user got sooo lucky. Just look: But wait .... that is not all. As you see, he managed to get two Reversal badges in the same day ... with posts scoring just 3 upvotes (...
Dr. belisarius's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can I get my gold badge revoked?

I asked the extremely popular question: Do most web 'programmers' (not designers) use wysiwyg editors or hand code their HTML? When I asked it, I intended it to be a poll type of question (yeah yeah, ...
John MacIntyre's user avatar
93 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to lose badges?

Is it possible to lose badges after they've been awarded?
Luiscencio's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Can the Electorate badge be revoked?

For the sake of a simple example, say you vote for exactly 601 questions and 1800 answers. Congrats, you've earned Electorate. But what if your next ten votes are all for answers? Then you'd be at ...
Pops's user avatar
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