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Questions tagged [score]

Means the total number of upvotes minus the total number of downvotes.

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14 votes
0 answers

Change the style of answer numbers on the question page to make positive-scored answers stand out

Currently, on pages that show a list of questions, the number of answers is displayed in one of three styles: Gray font without a surrounding box, if it has 0 answers; Green font in a box with green ...
16 votes
1 answer

Why does querying for a post with -2000 votes return one with -1?, for a reason unbeknownst to me, returns solely How is it possible that "I" (the user Krumelur) exists twice?, which has ...
13 votes
0 answers

"Score of" loses translation after voting on question

In the review queues the score of a question (related to the currently reviewed item) is displayed, e.g. in the low quality posts queue: Here all looks fine until you make a vote on the question. ...
46 votes
0 answers

Decrease the required view count to prevent Roomba deletion when score = 0 on smaller sites

The required view count to avoid auto-deletion of a question when score = 0 is too high. As an example: had 562 views within 1.1 year. This is way more views ...
12 votes
0 answers

The behavior of popup vote totals losing their +/- sign if the absolute value requires 3 or more digits triggers awkward, sudden paragraph reflows

On the vote-total popup, the leading + or - is suppressed once the total hits three digits: Demo: Demo: Demo: Demo: This happens in both the 🟢 upvotes on the top and on the 🔴 downvotes on ...
5 votes
0 answers

How does searching by relevance work when searching a score range or threshold?

When I search for score:.-1 (for posts with a negative score) by relevance on Stack Overflow, I get a variety of questions and answers from a varying number of years ago. How are these results ranked? ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I see the average and median question scores for a given tag on a given SE site?

How can I see the average and median question scores for a given tag on a given SE site? E.g., what is the average and median score for the questions that have the tag bug on Meta.SE (I took this ...
12 votes
1 answer

Answers in top Network Posts showing incorrect score

There is already a question Top Network Posts showing incorrect score which is posted around a month ago (which was fixed). My question reports a similar issue of showing inaccurate scores along with ...
4 votes
0 answers

upvoteCount contains post score, and downvoteCount is unused

According to Property Expected Type Description downvoteCount Integer The number of downvotes this question, answer or comment has received from the community. ...
0 votes
0 answers

After expanding the primary vote count of an election nomination, the displayed score is no longer shown as 1 or -1 on casting a vote as before

According to this answer, the minimum displayed score for a nominee in the primary phase can be "-1": Note that if a candidate has a negative score, the score will be shown as 0, or as 1 or ...
10 votes
1 answer

Why does the Tags section of the profile count questions asked, but not their score?

Note: This question addresses part of what I'm asking here, but not everything. I also want to know why the number of questions for a given tag is included if the score is not. Also note: This ...
6 votes
1 answer

Post score showing inconsistently on flag history page and general layout wonkiness

Starting a few minutes ago, I noticed that my flag history on multiple sites now shows post score for only some flagged posts rather than all of them, as was the previous behavior. Considering the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

What counts towards the score? [duplicate]

I am a bit confused by how the score system works, and I did not find any post online to address my question. If for example, I have an answer with one upvote - does that count towards the score of ...
-14 votes
2 answers

Feature request: Vote to clear the score (reset upvotes + downvotes to 0)

I would like to propose a new mechanism to help demote and occasionally remove stale content from the site. There are two important cases where this is currently a problem: Poor questions by new ...
6 votes
0 answers

Trailing whitespace in collapsed vote score

This one is a design nitpick that I think is worth posting because I've noticed it repeatedly. There's a trailing whitespace in the collapsed vote score if we select it: But if we compare it with the ...
7 votes
1 answer

Can we start indicating that there is an accepted answer at the start of the Answers section on a question?

I was on Stack Overflow looking for an answer to a question. The default (I presume) sort didn't look hopeful, but I wanted to know if there was an accepted answer to look for or to just sort by score ...
188 votes
8 answers

What are the most upvoted/downvoted questions and answers on the sites?

What are the most downvoted questions and answers on Stack Overflow, Server Fault, Meta, and Super User history to date? Similarly, what are the most upvoted questions and answers on SO, SF, Meta, ...
77 votes
4 answers

Use "score" instead of "votes" in the list of questions

When viewing questions in the normal, "Interesting Questions" tab, (or any other view for that matter), the question's score is displayed to its left, and is labeled "votes". But is it the correct ...
4 votes
0 answers

Inconsistent tooltips for the post's score on flag history page between questions and answers

On the flag history page, each post shown has its score as a number on the left-hand side. Hovering over this brings up a tooltip. However, whether the number itself is included in said hovertext ...
-16 votes
3 answers

Should answer scores decay? Discussion on making answer rankings for older questions more dynamic

Folks, this has nothing to do with reputation. It’s about ranking answers. Please stop trying to close it as a duplicate of one of the decade old discussions about reputation. I think it would be ...
110 votes
8 answers

Can we exempt negatively-scored accepted answers from getting the top spot? [duplicate]

Similar to this request but narrower, I'm suggesting we make a particular exception for negatively-scored accepted answers (those with score less than zero, or some other threshold like -3), so that ...
10 votes
0 answers

Incorrect answer score for a top post in my Network Profile

I've experienced the same error described in Answers in top Network Posts showing incorrect score for my answer about the solvability of y = xeˣ. Its score has remained constant at 6 for a long ...
2 votes
0 answers

Users don't see their tag score on `tags/[tag]/topusers` if score is negative

I've noticed that users don't see their tag score on tags/[tag]/topusers if score is 0 or negative. Is that by design or a bug? E.g., on my side, I don't see myself on
1 vote
0 answers

Why aren't the votes separately being shown in our own questions timelines anymore?

I have seen before, that I could see votes on my own questions separately (e.g., upvotes and downvotes). But now I can only see the net votes score without separation to upvotes and downvotes.
5 votes
0 answers

Top Answers in network profile shows incorrect score

This post of mine has a score of 13, but the network profile page shows that it has 14: This seems to be a recur of this bug; @Catija's answer says it's been fixed. Can we fix that (again)?
-10 votes
1 answer

Reset question score partly upon re-opening and staying open

I mostly write from a perspective of but the idea is general. Question that get closed typically also accrue downvotes, the score is mostly negative. A small part of these questions ...
5 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to see which percentile I'm in for the given year?

I see on my profile below my reputation score "top x% this month". My questions are: 1) Is it possible to see which specific percentile I'm in? I don't know if they just show "10%" for everyone in ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is there any way to view an answer's score over time? [duplicate]

I'd like to see the time-graph of how many points an answer (or a question, I guess?) had. Can I get at that data (even in a raw form, to shove into Excel!)
3 votes
0 answers

Post scores of 1000+ do not show up correctly on the Stack Exchange Android App [duplicate]

The link to the question above : How do I update a GitHub forked repository? The votes show up as a breakdown of upvotes and downvotes. This bug seems to be applicable for both questions and answers ...
10 votes
0 answers

Questions with a score of -1000 and lower are not rounded in the iOS app [duplicate]

Questions with a score of 1000 or higher are rounded, e.g. 1380 becomes 1.4k. This doesn't happen for questions with score of -1000 or lower, resulting in a very small text (it's readable in the ...
24 votes
0 answers

A display of a post's score shouldn't claim to be a display of the post's number of votes

On certain tabs in your activity page, there is a number next to a post which is labeled as referring to the number of votes. For example, in the Bounties tab: However, this is not quite an accurate ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why are heavily-downvoted accepted answers still listed first? [duplicate]

The answer that sparked the question is this one where the answerer provided a completely wrong answer to the question and was consequently heavily downvoted. However, the answer seems to have ...
4 votes
1 answer

What was the original intention for automatically deleting old, unanswered questions with +1 score and a deleted owner?

According to this answer to How does deleting work? What can cause a post to be deleted, and what does that actually mean? What are the criteria for deletion? (which is tagged faq), the Community user ...
-16 votes
1 answer

Downvoting Of questioning or answering [closed]

If I fare badly in questioning or answering. I attract downvotes and hence receive negative scores. In spite of this fact, I have earned the Peer-pressure badge even downvoted. What do you do with ...
6 votes
1 answer

Top Network Posts showing incorrect score

There's a post in my list of Top Network Posts that is showing an incorrect score. The second post listed there shows a score of 14. But if you actually go to the post you see that the score is 15. ...
-13 votes
1 answer

What is the point of showing publicy a new user's question vote count more than -1?

Mostly I am on where new/experienced programmers share their knowledge. When a new user asks his first question, the question can be downvoted because the user's question is a bad ...
-5 votes
1 answer

Sort Answers by Projected Score Instead?

Currently, the default sort order for answers is by "Votes". This is simply upvotes - downvotes. It fails to consider the fact that some items simply have fewer votes because they are either newer ...
5 votes
1 answer

How do I determine the score of my questions?

I have been banned from asking questions on a Stack Exchange site. I now want to edit the questions I have asked with a negative score. Where can I see my question score?
1 vote
1 answer

Number of answers as tie breaker for top answerers in tag

Totally not in my own interest, cough cough… Currently the top two users in the "minecraft-commands" tag on gamingSE of the last 30 days have the same score, but a different amount of answers that ...
18 votes
1 answer

Are questions by veteran users better received than questions by new users?

This now deleted question (10k only) stated that questions by new users are generally received worse than other questions. It was based on anecdotal (n=1) evidence, but are there some statistics from ...
2 votes
1 answer

Query to show the highest voted post in each tag

Is there a query that will list the highest voted post (question or answer) for each tag on a site?
-6 votes
1 answer

Which negatively voted question has the most answers?

Out of all the negatively voted questions on SE, which one has the most answers (at the time of this post)?
3 votes
0 answers

Do a question's (answer's) score affect its rankings in seach engines' results? [duplicate]

Typically, top SO-related results in Google search are highly upvoted questions (answers). It rarely happens to me to land on a question with negative score. I wonder if scores somehow affect the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Correlation between the score and the answer

A question has a score of x. Its accepted answer has a score of y. On any site on SE, you notice that if the above was substituted for most questions, then y is usually more than x. For example I ...
29 votes
1 answer

Disqualify a question from Hot Network Questions if it has more answers than net votes

It's been fairly well established at this point that the Hot Network Questions mechanism can sometimes cause a question to blow up out of control (basically because they cause an influx of visitors ...
6 votes
1 answer

Distinguish zero score answers with upvotes

Recent posts about bumping questions by Community ♦ led me to the question: Should questions with 0 score answers be in the Unanswered list, if those answers have a non-zero count of votes? My ...
-4 votes
2 answers

In the bounty reminder email, don't suggest me to improve my question if it has a positive score

A week ago I started a bounty on my question How can I bundle my tests which use Sinon.js using Rollup.js? Now the bounty has ended, but I haven't received any answers. I got an email saying this: ...
4 votes
1 answer

Obtaining the distribution of upvotes on questions for specific Stack Exchange sites

I'm wondering if there any way to obtain, for a specific Stack Exchange site such as Philosophy, how many questions exist that have 0 upvotes, 1 upvote, -1, etc.
5 votes
0 answers

Should the front page say "score" rather than "votes"? [duplicate]

This is just a minor detail, but the number we see on the front page is not really the number of votes. It's the score of the question. For example, the number 161 here is the score, not the votes. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why the high voted answer is missing in hottest answers list?

In the weekly hottest javascript answers list I am unable to find the answer of @Dennis Cheung which was given on Jun 4 at 5:22 and at the moment has 99 upvotes. However the answer by @Baadshah given ...