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Questions tagged [self-delete]

For questions regarding deleting your own question/answer.

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7 votes
2 answers

Collapse deleted answers

One or two answers that I've posted are (upon reflection) so bad and unrectifiable, that I've had to delete them. Fortunately there is a button for this. However, on the question page I can still see ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Is it better to vote to close your own question or delete it?

In any case with your own question, is it better practice to vote to close it or to delete it if it meets a close reason?
Peter Nielsen's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Post notice should indicate a self-deletion even if the author's account has been deleted

When a user deletes their own post, the banner at the top of the post will clearly tell it was done by the post author: However, when the account has been deleted, it will revert back to showing the ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
1 vote
0 answers

Is it okay to delete questions that get poorly received? [duplicate]

I've recently learned about "Help Vampires" as a concept. It's something that's easy to forget about until I see a -1 attach to a question I ask on Stack Overflow, and I instantly feel the ...
Anne Quinn's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Asker deletes his question a minute after I answered it. What can I do? Is this a common pattern? [duplicate]

I'm new to this platform, please bear with me. I answered a question on SO today, where the asker needed a specific SQL query. As soon as I had answered it and before anyone else could read or upvote ...
HalvarF's user avatar
  • 240
2 votes
1 answer

Why is it possible to delete my own post with other's contribution? [duplicate]

I thought that even if for the question writer, it's the most impolite thing to delete own question with other's elaborated answers. Since the question has posted, every participants are able to ...
MyBug18's user avatar
  • 123
5 votes
0 answers

Why this question shows removed "for reasons of moderation" rather than "voluntarily removed by its author"? [duplicate]

The post Don't show “removed from [site name] for reasons of moderation” for self-deleted posts is marked status-completed and if I understand it correctly, if a question was self-deleted then users ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
5 votes
2 answers

Should we let users delete their answers in official swag events after it's already over?

I just noticed someone who deleted their answer in the recent swag contest, apparently because being frustrated at not getting the swag yet. I don't think that's a valid reason to delete the answer. ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Any pending spam flags on answers are dismissed if the question is (self-)deleted

This question is related to a post that showed up on meta.SO today: it seems like (self-)deletion of the question dismisses pending spam flags on answers. This appears to be a bug, since this post (...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Can I see my own self-deleted posts in the delete votes tab only if I have 10k+ reputation?

For users who have privilege to see deleted posts (=10k+ on graduated sites), it is easy to find their own deleted posts simply by searching for deleted:1. For users with lower reputation, there is ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.6k
7 votes
2 answers

Why would a user post answers and then delete them?

On two different beta sites, I've seen the same low-rep user post an answer and then very soon after delete the answer. One answer was certainly valid with no other answer or even good comment (to my ...
Sean Houlihane's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Add option to delete messages in the mobile app [duplicate]

Add option to delete messages in the mobile app. I often use a mobile Stack Exchange app on Android, but when there is a need to delete your question or answer, I can't do it. You have to go to the ...
Даниил Чижевский's user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

How to delete question permanently [duplicate]

Some of my questions weren't important and also my fault. They were downvoted. Even, no expected answer. So, I've tried Google and found the answers were quite easy. I'm also blocked from ...
AA Shakil's user avatar
  • 231
9 votes
2 answers

Show more posts on the "Recently Self Deleted" admin page

I've been futilely searching for a couple of questions that I know were posted on Interpersonal Skills over the weekend - one just this morning. In my search I discovered that we don't show self-...
Catija's user avatar
  • 111k
4 votes
1 answer

Do deletions within the grace period count towards one's personal statistics?

If I post a question or an answer and then self-delete it within the 5-minute grace period, will the deleted post be counted into my statistics (like the "Curious" badge)?
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Should I do anything about self-deleted spam?

I just came across this post: It's spam (It's a vague statement related to the question, but it's not an answer, and the link points to a commercial sales page). It was posted and instantly self-...
Cai's user avatar
  • 14.9k
34 votes
2 answers

Why are self-deleted posts not shown in the 10k Tools?

I noticed on Retrocomputing that self-deleted posts do not show up in the Deleted section of the 10k Tools. Why is this? It seems like it would be useful to have all deleted posts show up in this ...
JAL's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

When deleting own question, do I lose reputation points?

If someone posts a question and then decides to withdraw/delete it, do they suffer a reputation penalty? Note the following message: Delete this answered question? We do not recommend deleting ...
Dave S's user avatar
  • 221
2 votes
3 answers

Is it OK to remove my own low quality question with decent/good answers?

Some time ago, I have put this low quality question. It received a two decent answers, one providing a link to a query that retrieves relevant information related to the subject. Question: Is it OK ...
Alexei's user avatar
  • 1,469
2 votes
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Should I close/delete a question that cannot be answered?

Over a year ago, I posted this question in DB: Issues with MySQL installation I updated a couple of times since, with new information that I deemed relevant. During the weekend, my computer died, ...
erasmortg's user avatar
  • 281
7 votes
0 answers

Don't invalidate NAA flags on answers simply deleted and then undeleted by OP [duplicate]

Quite often I've flagged answers as NAA and my flag has been marked as helpful but the answer has remained days later. Most of the time it's because the answer has been edited, and I can see some ...
PeterJ's user avatar
  • 6,276
21 votes
1 answer

/admin/recently-self-deleted is not showing a self-deleted question

I'm a moderator on Amateur Radio. I recently was surprised to find a question I had ‘helped with’ vanish without a trace from the site (including any references to my actions on it). Now, of course, ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
  • 4,463
5 votes
0 answers

Wrong mouse-over message for self-delete link

The mouse-over text for the delete or undelete link on a user's own question or answer confusingly states “Vote to (un)delete this post”. Clicking the link performs the expected action (message asking ...
Anthony Geoghegan's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Self-deletion gives warning because of negative-score answer

The following question gives me a warning when I try to delete it, because there's an answer there. The problem ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
  • 21.5k
6 votes
1 answer

Self delete on target side shouldn't reject a migration

Aside from the giant mess of revisions, closes, migrations, reopen, reclose and delete that this question is (sorry, 10k Programmers.SE link - though other parts may be visible in the self deleted ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Deleting closed questions [duplicate]

I searched before asking, and there are indeed similar questions, however I could not find one that matches exactly my situation. Feel free to point me to the right question answer / close this one, ...
Andrew Savinykh's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

Is vandalism of own deleted posts tolerated?

Now and then a user will delete their own posts; if they do this too much, they’ll get caught at it. Similarly, if they vandalize their own posts by replacing them with garbage, they’ll get caught if ...
tchrist's user avatar
  • 13.1k
4 votes
0 answers

Delete own answer bug?

I've just attempted to delete an answer of mine (now deleted so only seen by 10K rep users), but on the first click of the "delete" link, instead of the answer being deleted the "delete" link just ...
James's user avatar
  • 20.8k
3 votes
1 answer

Should I delete an upvoted answer that another, better answer has shown to be quite incorrect? [duplicate]

I have a +7/-0 answer, written based on a reasonably careful reading of a particular authoritative text (not the question itself, which was straightforward). Unfortunately, I wasn't careful enough, ...
Nathan Tuggy's user avatar
  • 13.4k
17 votes
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Display date/time of deletion at /admin/recently-self-deleted

The "Recently Self-Deleted Posts" tool for diamond mods (/admin/recently-self-deleted) doesn't actually tell us when the posts in question were self-deleted - we have to click through to each ...
senshin's user avatar
  • 14.1k
17 votes
1 answer

Migrations can be unilaterally rejected by OP under certain conditions

One of our users posted a meta question on main, so one of our mods migrated it to our meta site. The interesting thing is that the user (owning an account on both meta and main by default), deleted ...
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
36 votes
0 answers

Better oversight for self-deleted answered questions

Askers can delete their own question if it has no answer, or if it has a single answer with no upvote. The first case is generally fine: deleting an unanswered question rarely causes collateral damage....
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Deleting self-answered question gets "Delete this answered question" warning

While attempting to delete a question which was answered by myself, and with no other answers, I got the following warning: Delete this answered question? We do not recommend deleting ...
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
  • 21.5k
2 votes
2 answers

Bug in self-deleting a question?

Here are the steps to reproduce this: Post a question (make it a good one) Wait for a reply Wait for it to get an up vote Down vote it (or wait for it to be down voted; although I have not tried this)...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it safe to delete an old post which has no answer?

I have old questions that have no answers, and I want to delete them. Is it safe, or will it deduct from my reputation points, or will it be a reason for blocking my account?
Jerielle's user avatar
  • 133
1 vote
0 answers

What could have triggered a question ban in this case? [duplicate]

I would like to know what triggers a question ban? Is it based on votes? After self deleting a question on programmers, I got a question ban. What's the reason? This question is submitted at MSO per ...
Knerd's user avatar
  • 159
2 votes
1 answer

Should I delete an answer of mine that was accepted but might not be helpful for further visitors?

I read a lot about deleting the own posts, for example: Under which circumstances should I delete my own question or answer When should I delete my posts? Should I delete my answers? But I think I ...
Math's user avatar
  • 148
13 votes
2 answers

Encourage OP to post a self-answer when they vote to delete their question

There are times when a person has a problem, searches, does not find a solution and proceeds to post a question somewhere on the Stack Exchange network, only to soon after figure out what the answer ...
user's user avatar
  • 8,985
2 votes
0 answers

Will deleting/flagging my own post give me back my reputation? [duplicate]

I created a post which was down-voted multiple times. If I delete or flag my post and it is deleted by a moderator, will I get my reputation back?
Carl479's user avatar
  • 129
5 votes
2 answers

Why did a user delete their own question? [duplicate]

I'm disappointed that a couple days ago I answered a reasonable question about git, only to have the user then delete the question instead up upvoting or accepting my answer. I had responded to ...
pattivacek's user avatar
3 votes
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How to remedy this situation, user self answers then deletes answer

A newish (2 months) user asked a question. It was answerable it seemed, even garnished an upvote from a viewer. Here is the question: Trigger Similar JQuery element on different span element About ...
Travis J's user avatar
  • 33.8k
5 votes
1 answer

Issue with deleting my own question [duplicate]

I consider this question of mine badly shaped, so I flagged it to kindly ask for delete. It was declined with reason None of the answers are upvoted, you can delete it yourself. However, I can't: a ...
Jan Turoň's user avatar
  • 1,364
-3 votes
1 answer

Why can't you delete your own question? Why is such a restriction? [duplicate]

I have posted a question Which down-voted and closed. Now I want to delete the question. However I am getting error. Why is such a restriction? Error which I am getting
Satpal's user avatar
  • 312
8 votes
1 answer

Should I delete old questions that never received an answer? [duplicate]

I have asked a few questions that never received an answer. For some of those I have moved on, and don't really care any more, if I ever will get an answer. Should I delete those questions?
DudeOnRock's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Remove downvoted question

Recently I asked a question on Stack Overflow that has been downvoted. Yes, the solution for the problem I had was not the best, but I just asked to get a better understanding of some things and ...
Razvan's user avatar
  • 181
0 votes
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Why I am not allowed to delete more than 5 answers in a day [duplicate]

I want to cleanup my answer due to whatever reasons. I get an error something like I have already deleted 5 post...... Why is this restriction.
Satpal's user avatar
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9 votes
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Is it better to delete or to edit a downvoted answered question?

I have a question that shows poor research. Due to this and my first steps at Stack Overflow I got banned from asking questions. Ever since I'm trying to earn my way back to asking. Recently, I ...
Sergio Basurco's user avatar
26 votes
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Allow moderators to see delete/undelete activity on users' profiles [duplicate]

We get auto flags for 'possible vandalism' related to deletes, and these can be helpful at times in finding 'rage quit' users, or other potential problems. But often, I would like to know if there is ...
Andrew Barber's user avatar
7 votes
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The community generated "Duplicate Answers" flag should be auto-dismissed if the user deletes their answer

If a user duplicates their answer in another post, we get an automatically generated flag in the queue that states "duplicate answers - <link to answer>". Sometimes when this happens, the user ...
George Stocker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can't remove own question

I got -4 and there's a badge for removing under peer pressure. I was thinking it's a good time to get it now (first time I get so downed, haha). However, I can't do that. It says that I need to talk ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar