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4 votes
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Deleting closed questions [duplicate]

I searched before asking, and there are indeed similar questions, however I could not find one that matches exactly my situation. Feel free to point me to the right question answer / close this one, ...
Andrew Savinykh's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Why can't I delete my own question? [duplicate]

I'd like to delete a question of mine that was downvoted and has close votes, so I flagged it and asked for a mod to delete it but they didn't. Why can it not be deleted? Here it is. I can ...
z7sg Ѫ's user avatar
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Why can't I vote to delete my own question? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Users should be able to participate in deleting their own closed questions I know this is somewhat covered in this FAQ entry, but why can't I delete my own question? https://...
NullUserException  อ_อ's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Have the rules to delete your own question been changed?

When trying to delete this question of mine, which resulted because of a misunderstanding of how the election system works, I encountered this error: Sorry, this question has answers and cannot be ...
waiwai933's user avatar
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