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Add Mastodon to the "Know someone who can answer?" social media links

Over on we have this banner under questions. Is it possible to add a link to "Share a link to this question via Mastodon"? (Some may prefer to use Fediverse to refer ...
popey's user avatar
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Where are the "Share" and "Tweet" buttons

This site has many interesting questions and conversations. I'm surprised there isn't a "Share" or "Tweet" button anywhere. Today, I copied and pasted a link to a question to my Twitter account. ...
Glowie's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can we have a page that lets us show off a specific badge we've earned?

Is there a way to share a link to an SO page which says that I got awarded a badge? I'm kinda proud of one I just got so I'd like to post about it on social networks like Twitter / Facebook. But I ...
Leopd's user avatar
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Please add back the Social Networking Links on Beta Sites

Recently, one of our users on PMSE, a high rep user and a moderator, pointed out that the Twitter and Facebook share links that appeared to the left of questions are no longer present. I vaguely ...
jmort253's user avatar
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What is the preferred way to mention Stack Overflow from Twitter?

I wanted to tweet something on the lines of "Stack Overflow is awesome". When I do this kind of stuff, I usually use a username (for example: @microsoft) or a hashtag (#linux) I found @...
egarcia's user avatar
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Google +1 support [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Any plans supporting Google+ for link sharing in the near future? I've seen one similar question but for whatever reason it's dead and old. Anyway, now that Google+ is ...
Earlz's user avatar
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It will be nice to share the answers we like on social networks

I came thro a question and i found an interesting answer to it. The answer is obviously the highest voted answer to the question but it was not accepted by the user who asked the question. I felt that ...
brainless's user avatar
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Add button for publishing questions (and answers?) on facebook(/Twitter/whatever)

Sometimes, especially with niche or otherwise tricky questions, I'd like to increase posts' visibility as much as possible. One approach I've taken for this is posting a link to the question as a ...
Oliver Giesen's user avatar