Questions tagged [spoonfeeding]

Spoonfeeding is the meta meme name for giving the answers to questions asked by users who haven't done any noticeable research.

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-6 votes
4 answers

Is "spoon-feeding" banned like it is "help vampire"?

As an ESL, low proficient speaker moderator of an English-only site, I frequently take terms and phrases from the Stack Overflow blog and Meta Stack Exchange and the link sources. Is "spoon-...
10 votes
2 answers

Is it ok to ask to explain a certain piece of code on SO? [closed]

Is it OK to ask on SO for help in explaining someone else's working piece of code, from Open Source projects or library examples etc.? Or does this belong somewhere else?
-10 votes
3 answers

Since when is spoonfeeding not allowed? [closed]

I've probably missed some great debates in here, but I want a status report. What has happened with our rules over the past half a year in here? Spoonfeeding was always encouraged in here, as far as ...
98 votes
7 answers

Are code questions without an attempt now on topic [closed]

Background The close reasons have recently been changed, this includes the removal of the old close reason: Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Tell ...
11 votes
3 answers

Do I deserve downvoting for answering spoon feeding answers? [duplicate]

I have just answered a question in which the OP has not put any effort. I did not find any rules here for downvoting spoon feeding answers. Please ...