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587 votes
55 answers

We're switching to CommonMark

I’m Ham and I’m a developer on the Teams team here at Stack Overflow. Over the past few months, I’ve been heads down working on the way we turn Markdown into HTML when writing and editing posts across ...
Ham Vocke's user avatar
  • 12.2k
40 votes
2 answers

Dramatic increase in New User accounts - why?

I've noticed a big uptick in "new user" account creation on Bicycles: Zooming in, we can see a cliff between 5 and 12 June 2024. Before that, new users were steady at 6-15 a day. After ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 1,487
4 votes
2 answers

What should we do for the tag wiki of [pre] tag?

We have a pre tag on this site. This tag was previously used in this question: What is a pre vote? , but a user deleted this tag and mentioned that this tag does lack a tag wiki. (see here) I have ...
user1176409's user avatar
35 votes
31 answers

New post formatting

Timeline Date What was changed? Sep 23, 2020 It took me longer than I wanted, but I’ve got some updates for you on our s-prose component. You can see the pull request with my thinking over at our ...
Aaron Shekey's user avatar
  • 14.8k
722 votes
7 answers

Dear Stack Exchange: a statement and a letter from your moderators

Dear Stack Exchange, Inc., We know you know about this already, so we'll keep this brief. The past two weeks have been rough. Lots of moderators have lost confidence in you; for some, it was the final ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
  • 36.3k
573 votes
17 answers

How to avoid "Hot Network Questions" on the sidebar

This may sound like a 'first world problem', but I am quite easily distracted by the 'Hot Network Questions' sidebar, as I find them quite amusing and some of them quite intellectual But where the ...
Mohd Abdul Mujib's user avatar
216 votes
13 answers

Deprecating our mobile views

Update 2 On March 2, 2022 we removed the Mobile button from the footer. This means the mobile views are removed entirely from Stack Overflow. Last week, we also removed the Disable Responsiveness ...
Aaron Shekey's user avatar
  • 14.8k
139 votes
99 answers

A Stack Overflow brick in the Computer History Museum wall

I'm thinking llc / inc should buy a brick in the Computer History Museum Wall. It's for a noble cause -- the CHM is one of my favorite places on the planet, and the money is a non-...
74 votes
1 answer

Possible delay in Data Dump release - now targeting September 5th

As you probably know, it’s time for the quarterly publication of our data (affectionately known as the “data dumps”). The process of copying, uploading, and publishing the data over a notoriously ...
Jody Bailey's user avatar
  • 827
10 votes
3 answers

New tag for the internal image hosting

Now that imgur will soon no longer host our images, the imgur tag would become obsolete. However, I doubt the new upload process, that would host the images internally in Stack Exchange, would work ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
250 votes
34 answers

Can we prevent some of the low-quality questions from entering our system?

Stack Overflow has been wildly successful. And maybe in some ways too successful. I am concerned that Stack Overflow is being inundated by a stream of low-quality questions from users who are ...
19 votes
3 answers

Does the Code of Conduct prohibit content justifying war crimes?

In war it is generally not acceptable to intentionally target civilians. This is usually addressed by either customary international law or by actual international treaty law. Intentionally killing ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
324 votes
13 answers

Enable automatic deletion of old, unanswered, zero-score questions after a year?

Related to Meta Super User efforts: Old unanswered inactive questions with low views/votes and Meta Server Fault efforts: Cleaning house, really old, unloved questions We already auto-remove ...
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Cookie consent going down hill

SE's cookie reject seems to have just got a lot worse. I now have to both opt-out, and then reject "legitimate interest". But that is not enough; I have to then go through all the vendors, ...
CSM's user avatar
  • 339
325 votes
5 answers

TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 removal for Stack Exchange services

Update (2020-02-13): This change was completed last night on the Fastly side. Most of our endpoints now have TLS 1.0 and 1.1 disabled. We’ll be addressing our direct load balancers next. Update (2020-...
Nick Craver's user avatar
132 votes
44 answers

Propose a new 20k reputation privilege [closed]

Right now, the maximum privilege "unlock" is at 10k reputation: We're considering adding a new 20k reputation privilege, but having a hard time figuring out ...
10 votes
2 answers

This tag has no [description]; should it be removed?

The description tag here on this site seems to have no clear use. It also has no tag wiki description, hence the title. Looking through the current uses, I see that many of its uses are covered by the ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
364 votes
16 answers

New three-tiered badge idea: Explainer →Refiner → Illuminator

The difference between a poor or meh question and a stellar question can often simply be someone understanding it and providing it a great answer. I can't begin to count the number of times I've ...
user avatar
228 votes
20 answers

Ban LMGTFY (let me google that for you) links

I've just asked a question on Stack Overflow which was a prime candidate for googling. I admit it was a poor question and with a little bit of research I would have found the answer. It annoyed me ...
Johnno Nolan's user avatar
  • 4,112
102 votes
28 answers

Amusing 404 "Page Not Found" Images for Trilogy sites?

I'd like to have amusing but on-topic images for our 404 Page Not Found page on: Stack Overflow Server Fault Super User Meta By on topic, I mean the 404 image on Stack Overflow should be a ...
137 votes
23 answers

Should downvotes on questions be "free"?

As I'm sure you all know, downvotes "cost" 1 reputation. That is, every time you downvote: -2 to post owner -1 to you This is done to make sure downvotes are cast only when you feel ...
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
109 votes
4 answers

Stop misusing the blog sidebar and restrict it to posts which are actually announcements of network-wide significance

Catija has recently explained that which blog posts get displayed in the side bar for each site depends on a blog tag: It's tag-dependent. Blog posts tagged "bulletin" appear in the ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
54 votes
2 answers

"How Rust manages memory using ownership and borrowing" blog post contains numerous errors

First, a quick disclaimer: I don't know Rust (or Go). So I'm going to focus on only things that are obvious to a programmer unfamiliar with the languages discussed in the post. I'm sure a Rust or Go ...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 28.4k
50 votes
11 answers

Allow new users to flag comments on their own posts

Something that has always bothered us about the new user experience was the amount of guidance we've got out there telling folks to flag rude or abusive comments, but not allowing new users to do it, ...
user avatar
82 votes
4 answers

What is Stack Exchange's official stance on words such as "black list", "white list", "master", "slave", and so on?

I've just had one of my answers edited on Stack Overflow to swap out "black list" and "white list" for "deny list" and "allow list" respectively. There was no ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 785
545 votes
2 answers

Will Stack Overflow boycott GoDaddy because of their support for SOPA? [closed]

GoDaddy has apparently withdrawn their support for SOPA. Read link for more info: Go Daddy’s Position on SOPA, from their website; it is obviously yet to be seen whether they will continue to hold ...
15 votes
1 answer

There is a problem with the [problem-user] tag

We have the problem-user tag, with excerpt that reads: This tag should be used in a question about a user who has been causing problems like spamming, unproductive answers, using abusive language and ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
170 votes
4 answers
10k views button is going away from login/signup screens

If you are not currently using WordPress credentials to sign in, you can safely ignore this post. Otherwise, read on... has retired OpenID support for blogs created after January 2, ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
78 votes
2 answers

Proposal for awarding credit towards First Questions/Answers badges based on First Posts activity

Update (2021-09-14): This is now live See below for details on how it works. Carryover credit for First posts review work is now being taken into account when calculating eligibility for the Reviewer ...
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
91 votes
2 answers

User data in light of Stack Overflow's / Stack Exchange, Inc.'s acquisition

I would like to know how the acquisition impacts our user data, and specifically private user data. I am aware that a large part of our contributions could be scraped from the outside (or even, ...
Levente's user avatar
  • 2,103
91 votes
15 answers

Propose a privilege to sit in the 500 reputation mark

As determined from earlier discussions, the retag privilege serves a lot more confusion and a lot less of its benefit due to the suggested edit system. It must be done away with. It will be done away ...
Grace Note's user avatar
  • 84.9k
150 votes
14 answers

The surest way to gain lots of reputation on Stack Overflow- ask questions [duplicate]

Gaining reputation from answering on Stack Overflow is getting increasingly difficult. There are many talented users to answer most questions within minutes, providing good enough answers immediately ...
192 votes
12 answers

Every "close" has its thorn: replace "close" with "on hold" for the first five days

That's right, I'm starting this out with a pun. Featuring a Poison song. I'm good with it. TL;DR We're looking at replacing [closed] with [on hold]. This sort of thing was proposed in a popular post ...
Jaydles's user avatar
  • 52.9k
34 votes
1 answer

The current SEDE refresh was delayed overnight

On Saturday, January 22nd, we had a failure on a backup share that won't be fully resolved until Monday. We've immediately re-routed backups to multiple secondary locations, so that concern has been ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
  • 43.5k
304 votes
7 answers

The future of meta.stackoverflow and meta.stackexchange

Historically this site, meta.stackoverflow, has been the place to ask questions about not just Stack Overflow, but the functioning of the entire Stack Exchange (2.0) network, including Area 51 and ...
41 votes
32 answers

Suggest a question for the 2013 Stack Overflow User Survey

It's that time of year again! We'll post the survey soon and ask for feedback, but right now we're looking for suggestions for new questions we should ask. So, use the answers to suggest a question ...
78 votes
18 answers

Should the weight of question upvotes be reduced?

After thinking about Should the weight of downvotes be increased? which I declined for the reasons specified in my answer, and Please charge rep for questions after threshold I have a proposal. ...
Jeff Atwood's user avatar
108 votes
11 answers

Is it possible to remove the Careers banner with the dying starfish?

Is it possible to remove the annoying ad with the dying starfish? Certainly, this is not what my career should feel like.
Boris Treukhov's user avatar
148 votes
3 answers

Who is the intended audience for the Stack Overflow blog?

So I can't make sense of the blog. I just don't understand who the intended audience for it is. The blog has posts about: Ads for Teams: 1, 2 Ads for other companies/organisations: 1, 2, 3, 4 ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

Is Stack Exchange contributing back to ProseMirror?

Stack Exchange has released an alpha version of a new WYSIWYG editor based on the open source project ProseMirror. In addition to benefitting from this open source work, is SE giving back to it and ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Green reputation badges on Summary page have black text

There has been change in style for reputation badges on Profile Summary page which makes text harder to read. What used to be white text on green background has changed into black text on green ...
Resistance Is Futile's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

With Stack Overflow Teams moved, where do Meta questions about it belong?

Last year, Journeyman Geek asked this question about where Stack Overflow Teams questions belong. I tend to agree with most of Catija's reasoning at the time Teams is still predominantly a Stack ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 27.5k
151 votes
7 answers

Is it time to re-evaluate the Facebook-Stack Overflow partnership?

It has been 6 months since the Facebook-StackOverflow partnership and mini-site were launched. Is there any data that can be shared publicly about whether the Facebook mini-site has been a success or ...
bkaid's user avatar
  • 5,930
167 votes
10 answers

Do we need a 'reject and improve' button?

Have a look at this simple example: There is a approved suggested edit, and an improvement was added on by a 10k user. The interesting thing is that ...
Yi Jiang's user avatar
  • 17.7k
39 votes
1 answer

Update wording in subject of automated "100k reputation" email

I recently received an automated email from @juan.garza of the Community Management Team. Subject: Bicycles Stack Exchange — You're killing it. Now my immediate thought was "what have I done ...
Criggie's user avatar
  • 1,487
42 votes
4 answers

Remove or make "Highly active question" post notice less visible / annoying

Here's what I've seen today when checked out the question. I suggest to remove this post notice (and just show a message after someone who had not enough reputation tried to answer) or at least to ...
shabunc's user avatar
  • 4,081
91 votes
11 answers

Auto-inserting Stack Overflow affiliate into all Amazon links [closed]

We have officially discontinued the Amazon book affiliate remnant ads, since despite our best efforts they don't perform well for our audience and cannot be made to perform well. We've often wondered,...
87 votes
12 answers

Free Vote-Based Advertising for Open Source Projects

As Stack Overflow has grown, it has become increasingly clear that we're going to have a significant amount of unsold ad inventory for the forseeable future. Thus, we'd like to put that space to good ...
163 votes
2 answers

Writing.SE clamours for graduation

Writing.SE has raised the issue of our desire to graduate a year ago Here it is: we're tired of being a beta site. We believe we have been a consistently successful site, we've been around for more ...
Galastel supports GoFundMonica's user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

Let's Remove The Auto Downvote On Validated VLQ Flags (On Questions)

Currently, flagging a post as very low quality causes two things to happen: The post is flagged for moderator review The community user casts a downvote on the post if the flag is validated ...
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