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1261 votes
31 answers

Encouraging people to explain downvotes

Note: If you're looking for a simple explanation as to why comments aren't required on downvotes, see Why isn't providing feedback mandatory on downvotes, and why are ideas suggesting such ...
569 votes
7 answers

Cancelling upvote on comment?

As mentioned on uservoice: For something that can be done so easily by accident, there should be the ability to undo mistakes. I know that I have clicked several times on a comment up-vote ...
fretje's user avatar
  • 19.2k
459 votes
13 answers

Add data.SE style "magic links" to comments

Ask yourself how many times you typed the following in a comment: [meta]( Me, personally, I'm sick of it. Can we have some "magic links" ...
user avatar
377 votes
3 answers

Inline links in comments

Can we please have these? I would like to be able to write something like [Inline Link]( and have it work in a comment instead of "Inline Link -". Case in ...
Alex Budovski's user avatar
221 votes
6 answers

Allow flagging a comment after upvoting it

It's sad to upvote a comment on a post that's subsequently updated in a way that renders the comment obsolete and not be able flag it afterwards. There may well be other cases where one would want to ...
tshepang's user avatar
  • 9,893
191 votes
6 answers

Direct Link to a Comment

The increase in the character limit of comments has led them to become as important as the questions and answers that spawn them. On several occasions (especially on meta) I've found reason to want to ...
ahsteele's user avatar
  • 8,851
191 votes
3 answers

Provide a tool for moderators to migrate comments to chat

One issue we have on Programmers.SE is that people like to have extended discussions in comments on answers and questions. Try as we might to delete long comment chains and educate them about chat (...
user avatar
188 votes
4 answers

Can we get a comments only lock?

Currently moderators have the ability to lock posts, for any of the following reasons: Content dispute (~ edit wars), Historical significance (to prevent great but off topic questions from being ...
yannis's user avatar
  • 56.4k
187 votes
5 answers

Subscribing to questions and comments that don't belong to you

There has been some discussion about getting notified on comments to questions or answers that don't belong to you, and the long-standing wish to be able to keep track of new answers or developments ...
Pekka's user avatar
  • 115k
167 votes
2 answers

Stop inserting invisible characters into comments [duplicate]

Currently, the SE system inserts invisible characters (U+200C and U+200B) into text in comments if there's a "word" longer than 60 characters long, to force a break to preserve the layout. This is by ...
T.J. Crowder's user avatar
153 votes
4 answers

Tell the user who will be notified of a comment

Note 2011/09/20: Jeff's marked this status-completed. I (the person making the request) disagree that what's been done, which is actually an implementation of this other request, meets this request ...
T.J. Crowder's user avatar
150 votes
10 answers

Make recent activity and responses show new comments on questions/answers I have commented on (even if I don't own them)

I'd like the recent activity and responses pages to show new comments on questions/answers I have commented on (even if I don't own them). If I leave a comment somewhere, I am implicitly engaging in ...
Kip's user avatar
  • 31.2k
142 votes
3 answers

Allow more than 1 comment upvote in 5 seconds [duplicate]

This dialog box pops up so much that it's annoying. Please have it removed or allow something like 5 comment upvotes every 5 seconds. At the least, make the box very small or replace the vote button ...
Click Upvote's user avatar
  • 2,604
134 votes
4 answers

Can we get x comment votes per y minutes, rather than one vote per 5 seconds?

I quite often will read a thread of comments, and want to vote up a few of them. I vote one up, read the next few comments, vote up another and get a *giant red box*. I've seen that "You can only ...
dbr's user avatar
  • 23.1k
125 votes
3 answers

Adding a comment should not make me fail the review audit

I just failed these review audits in First Post, I read the question and thought it seemed reasonable but the user was deleted so to be on the safe side I clicked add comment and I failed the audit. ...
Aboutblank's user avatar
  • 1,540
124 votes
2 answers

Allow diamond moderators to comment on deleted or locked items

Moderators should be able to comment on things after normal users are unable to, such as when a post is deleted or locked. As a moderator on Programmers, I try to leave a comment (if necessary) before ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 55.4k
104 votes
7 answers

Drop "not constructive", combine "noisy", reword "rude" and "other" comment flags

The problem Comments are terrible; no one agrees on what they're for, or how long they should be kept. Comment flags are equally terrible, because if no one's on the same page as far as what should be ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
94 votes
9 answers

Should we be allowed to edit comments?

I am a horrendous speller, and my mild dyslexia does not help. Sometimes I typo in my comments, I look at it a few days later and see something that screams to be fixed. But to fix it I would have ...
waffles's user avatar
  • 108k
93 votes
1 answer

Community deletion of comments should raise a moderator flag

At present, truly rude or offensive comments can be deleted by the community with a single flag if they contain particular words or by a group of flags on the same comment. These comment deletions ...
Brad Larson's user avatar
  • 60.9k
93 votes
2 answers

Disable chat migration notification if one of the users has insufficient rep?

Simple request, really. Can we add a detection for the Please avoid extended discussions in comments. Would you like to automatically move this discussion to chat? prompt, so that if one of ...
JNK's user avatar
  • 10.4k
87 votes
2 answers

Allow moderators to flag comments normally

When a moderator flags a comment, the comment is instantly deleted. For a moderator, the only difference between using the “flag” and the “delete” button is that using the “flag” button asks for a ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
87 votes
5 answers

List of Comments on User Tab

I suggested this on UserVoice, but with the discontinuation of that site wanted to move the suggestion and discussion here. A list of all comments on the User Tab would be useful. Recent comments are ...
ahsteele's user avatar
  • 8,851
86 votes
4 answers

Moderators should be able to undelete comments

Since recently moderators can see a list of deleted comments. There should be a possibility to undelete these comments as well, at least for a certain period of time. Sometimes moderators delete the ...
Martin Scharrer's user avatar
85 votes
4 answers

Formal adoption of Pro-forma comments script into SE engine proper

My Pro-forma comments script has now gained quite a following (and it - allegedly - just got bust by upgrading to jQuery 1.7.1). This is a personal request to the team to consider adopting it. Not ...
Benjol's user avatar
  • 17.9k
77 votes
5 answers

Please return the comment rate limit to a flat 30 seconds

Recently, Jeff was inadvertently alerted to the fact that the rate limit on comments was a flat 30 seconds, and that users could button-mash their way to success. Apparently, this was not the original ...
John Rudy's user avatar
  • 17.6k
76 votes
3 answers

Tab name completion for comments please!

I find I'm doing the Unix command completion/IRC name completion thing where I type a few letters of the username and hit tab when I'm entering comments. Please consider adding a bit of JavaScript ...
Pollyanna's user avatar
  • 76.3k
71 votes
1 answer

Lift or reduce the comment rate-limiting timer for moderators

This is easily the most annoying timer on the site: post a second comment too quickly after the first, and the system kicks it back, telling you to wait 15 seconds. Count to 15 too quickly and retry, ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
67 votes
4 answers

Should moderators be able to convert answers into comments?

Example of where it would be useful Another example Clearly, that was the result of an inexperienced user. If a question gets a bunch of replies, then the "comment" could easily get lost in the ...
Jon Seigel's user avatar
  • 40.7k
61 votes
2 answers

Make it possible to retract comment flags

I misread the content of a comment, and flagged it. Then I realized that the comment wasn't what I had initially thought. Would it be possible to have the ability to retract comment flags, just like ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
  • 4,865
61 votes
3 answers

Inform new users about the option to edit their own post when adding a comment

When reviewing close votes, I regularly encounter questions with the following history: New users ask a question which is unclear because it is lacking relevant information. People add comments, ...
oberlies's user avatar
  • 3,623
50 votes
2 answers

Add a "move comments to chat" link in the "mod" menu, instead of only in the flag dashboard

Currently, the only way to migrate comments to chat is if a "too many comments" autoflag is raised on the post, in which case there's a "move to chat" button in the flag dashboard. Could this be ...
Doorknob's user avatar
  • 45.5k
46 votes
7 answers

Notify user when their name is mentioned in comment [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Make recent activity and responses show new comments on questions/answers I have commented on (even if I don’t own them) Quite often on SO, there are extended ...
Zifre's user avatar
  • 1,124
45 votes
2 answers

Treat comments on deleted posts from moderating users like comments from diamond moderators

Comments on deleted posts don't reliably notify the owner of the deleted post about their existence, depending on the exact timing the post owner might never be informed about that comment. There is ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
45 votes
1 answer

Let moderators see the original, unedited version of comments

My question is related to Do moderators see the previous versions of edited comments? and Moderators should see the post as I flagged it, not the edited version. The accepted answer on the latter ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
44 votes
2 answers

Could new users see a notification in the space where the add comment button would be, like "you need a minimum of X reputation to comment"?

I just went to comment on this answer, saying something like "hey thanks that solution worked for me; You know anything about extending it to provide this feature too?" I was confused why I couldn't ...
Owen_AR's user avatar
  • 599
43 votes
2 answers

Allow post editor to see @comments directed at him

There have been times when I have edited a post, left no comments, yet I have made mistakes that were pointed out simply as @comments. That's ok, but unless I actually come back to the post, I will ...
alex's user avatar
  • 10.2k
42 votes
5 answers

Autocomment when voting to close as duplicate

Another solution to this problem: Problem: People are voting to close as exact duplicate without leaving comments. Such votes are invisible to everyone under 3k. A comment is the primary way others ...
Pollyanna's user avatar
  • 76.3k
42 votes
6 answers

Advanced Syntax Ideas

The one useful thing I was ever taught in HCI was always give advanced users "hidden" short cuts and features. Things a noob is not interested in but a power user can easily take advantage ...
Richard Stelling's user avatar
41 votes
4 answers

Show the "add comment" link also to users who cannot add comments

On Drupal Answers, there are many 1-reputation users with an unregistered account who write a comment, or a different question as answer. The fact they don't see an "add comment" link, and they see a ...
avpaderno's user avatar
  • 67.1k
37 votes
1 answer

Add chat oneboxing support for comment links

Since we have direct links to comments now, IMHO it would only be fair for comment links in the chat to be treated on the same level as question and answer links. (This question feels kinda empty, ...
Xeo's user avatar
  • 2,800
37 votes
1 answer

Show moderators a user's deleted comments in their profile

Moderators can see deleted questions and answers in a user's profile, but there is currently no way for a moderator to see all deleted comments of a specific user. The ability to see the recent ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
36 votes
2 answers

Users posting a series of identical comments should be brought to moderator attention

We've had a number of instances over on Stack Overflow involving users who get to the reputation level where they can comment, then spam comments across the site. Due to the lack of community review ...
Brad Larson's user avatar
  • 60.9k
36 votes
2 answers

Please change the wording of the comment generated when mods move comment threads to chat

Currently, when a mod moves a comment thread to chat, the system enters a very curt and borderline rude message that seems to be chastising users for doing something wrong instead of attempting to ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 25.9k
36 votes
2 answers

Allow moderators to edit/delete comments directly from the per-user comment moderation page

A while back, a new dashboard was added to the user moderation tools to allow moderators to view all of a user's comments directly from their profile. It's great for scouring a user's comment history ...
BoltClock's a Unicorn's user avatar
34 votes
2 answers

Can we improve the Move Comments to Chat functionality?

Having the ability to move comments to chat is a great tool to quickly move extended discussions but it can be a tedious process because we've have to perform a lot of steps to migrate the discussion. ...
Taryn's user avatar
  • 51.6k
32 votes
1 answer

Expose the edit history of moderator-edited comments to other moderators

I was recently notified that another moderator on the site had suspended a specific user. I followed this to the source, but found some edited comments. My colleague had removed the offending parts ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

No way to remove accidental upvote on a comment [duplicate]

I frequently upvote someone's comment only to realise I've fat-fingered it (especially easy to do on a touch phone, but I've also done it with a mouse) and clicked someone else's comment. ...
thomasrutter's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Allow for Comment Reply to Usernames With Less Than Three Characters in First Word

I know this is somewhat of a rare request/edge case, but this is becoming really annoying. In the faq, which I've linked to below, you state that for the comment reply system to work, There must ...
Yi Jiang's user avatar
  • 17.7k
31 votes
2 answers

Flagging history should include comment flags

Whenever I tag a comment, I haven't got the faintest idea if someone has reacted on it or not. Once, it took two days before a comment I flagged was deleted. In the meantime, I actually don't know if ...
Repox's user avatar
  • 1,160
31 votes
0 answers

Reduce the threshold for comment deletion with flags

I have it on good authority that it takes six flags from ordinary users to delete a comment. This makes no sense; it only takes five community votes to close a question, and three to delete a post. ...
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