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30 votes
3 answers

Should the account association bonuses be excluded when calculating totals for chat?

The chat profile for a user includes a reputation total. This appears to be the sum of the reputation from all sites. A few days ago I logged in to a few other sites just out of curiosity, grew my ...
Zoredache's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Chat just took a dive, everything operational or are we headed for bad news? [closed]

Chat just took a dive, everything operational or are we headed for bad news? is "not loading" and pinging times out.
jcolebrand's user avatar
  • 17.4k
8 votes
1 answer

Assign tags to chat rooms

Is (or would) it be possible to assign SO tags to chat rooms in order to indicate what is the focus of particular room?
yojimbo87's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

Chat clean up & owner rules

I'm pretty much every open days in the PHP Chatroom with some other regular folks and I just noticed that stars could need a little clean-up and that the room creator and only owner is pretty much ...
Shikiryu's user avatar
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4 answers

Getting Marc's chat notifications

Unfortunately, the first name of a popular individual here is also a prefix of my username. As a result, I get his chat notifications whenever someone refers to him by just his first name. Is there a ...
moinudin's user avatar
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Chat notification for Chrome doesn't go away, please change that

Ok, we've been giving @marcGravell a hard time and we acknowledge it, so I had this bright idea to actually put in support ticket on it so SOIS can prioritize it. When the notification creates its ...
jcolebrand's user avatar
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1 answer

When I receive a chat invite, please notify me on the parent site and/or through the MultiCollider SuperDropdown™

I haven't really been involved in chat very much, but I was checking it out just now and it turns out I was made co-owner of a chat room! If I hadn't looked, I never would have known. I think it ...
Jon Seigel's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Should the 'chat' link of a SE 2.0 site take you to the site specific chat room?

Currently the chat link on SE 2.0 sites takes you to the area in chat with a list of all the chat rooms. However, I would imagine many users would expect to see the chat link to a room dedicated to ...
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12 votes
7 answers

Feedback wanted: Ability to disagree with flags in chat

Just like the actual Q&A sites (maybe even more so), chat needs a way to govern itself, i.e. put much of the moderating duties in the hand of the community, and not only a tiny group of moderators....
balpha's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Should chat rooms with no activity in X days/weeks/months be removed?

We have 13 pages of chat rooms in chat.meta right now. On the last page, there are rooms that haven't had activity since July 14th. Should old, inactive rooms be deleted? If so, how long does a ...
jjnguy's user avatar
  • 34.1k
5 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't Stack Overflow have a chatroom like

I really found the chat rooms over on to be helpful. Why doesn't Stack Overflow implement this?
Phill Pafford's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What chat.meta.SO and not

SeverFault has Meta.SF and Chat.SF. StackOverflow has Meta.SO and Chat.Meta.SO. SF Chat, if I understand correctly, uses SF login. SO Chat uses Meta.SO login. Took me awhile to realize the ...
WernerCD's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

System Users for Chat

What are the System Users for Chat and what are the point of those users? They always seem to have negative user IDs. I've been able to find 9 current System Users for Chat: Feeds Gaming Meta Gaming ...
Chealion's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Who will moderate the Third Place?

It seems to me that moderating the third place could be a big job. I don't think that we should just extend the current moderators into that role as well. Do you have plans for this? Will you be ...
jjnguy's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Meta Meta Stack Overflow?

Some discussions don't belong even on meta, e.g. when it's pure noise. But sometimes we want to make some noise amongst ourselves, don't we? At least I know I do. I've only been on Stack Overflow for ...
polygenelubricants's user avatar
29 votes
30 answers

Web-based IRC for the Trilogy?

This is a followup meta topic from the blog post. I tend to think that meta is the work part, while Stack Overflow, Super ...