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12 votes
2 answers

Incomplete support for webp images on chat

Recently support was added for webp images across all the network. Yet, chat was left out. As a result, webp images used in chat do not get oneboxed like other images. I don't know if this is a small ...
ꓢPArcheon's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Some images uploaded in chat cannot be visited via the link

This is an intermittent failure and I cannot find a good way to reliably reproduce it. Some times when uploading an image in chat it shows up but the link leads to a page that says "oh no, that ...
VLAZ's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Links to comments in chat are not oneboxing

Posting a link to a comment as the sole body of a chat message allows the comment to be one-boxed. However this is currently not working.
Peilonrayz's user avatar
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6 votes
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SEDE [Post Link] magic column not compatible with chat one-boxing for answers

I am filing this as a bug report but I am not sure if the "bug" is on the SEDE side or the chat side (or if this should be a chat feature request). Issue: SEDE links to answers (or anything ...
Jason C's user avatar
  • 26.1k
17 votes
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120 views posts not oneboxing

Stack Exchange/Stack Overflow blog posts are supposed to onebox, as per this meta post but it looks like anything with the .blog TLD doesn't onebox anymore. (See this chat message for an example). Can ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Comments don't onebox

Here is the problem. For some reason Arqade comments don't onebox (I tried with http and https) I tried to onebox the comment
TuxCrafting's user avatar
14 votes
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Short post links with a trailing slash don't onebox in chat

Post links of the form http://{site}/q/{PostId}/ and http://{site}/a/{PostId}/ do not onebox in chat. I think they should. (Origin of such links: I'm in the habit of deleting UserId from short links, ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

One-box is messing with my URL

Not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but I noticed today that if I link to a room's info page, it annoyingly one-boxes a link to the room, which is not a link to the info page! That's it. I'm gonna ...
M.A.R.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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Chat oneboxing is broken for feeds from Medium

Worldbuilding has a blog hosted on Medium, and we have a chat feed for new posts. It used to onebox those posts, but 6-8 weeks ago that broke and we now get text posts with no links, which makes it ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

XKCD onebox broken in new mobile chat

Since the interface is not beta anymore, let's open a bug that's bothered me for a while :-) The xkcd onebox isn't responsive at all. Half of the comic will be too far on the right. Probably a small ...
Florian Margaine's user avatar
3 votes
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Some definitions don't one box nicely

define: everyone define: helping In chat, this looks like: Yea, broken icons - but that's not the issue. Its how its rendered. Helping is nicely rendered. Everyone is not. The Wikitionary for ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Oneboxing comment links extracted from pages opened via Facebook doesn't work

I've opened a question using a facebook link:
Bartek Banachewicz's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Links to comments from review don't onebox

Last night, I tried copying a conversation from comments into chat, so it could be discussed there. However, the comments didn't onebox. A little bit of experimenting in the Sandbox revealed that the ...
MTL's user avatar
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15 votes
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Oneboxing is broken with the new blog

Good news: we have a new blog! Bad news: this kinda broke oneboxing... Can chat be updated to accommodate for the new blog?
hichris123's user avatar
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12 votes
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Incorrect path to Wikipedia favicon in chat onebox

In Stack Exchange Chat, the wikipedia icon does not show up correctly in the onebox: I checked the code on the Stack Exchange chat page and it points to // This doesn't ...
nhinkle's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Pasting permalink to deleted chat message reveals deleted content

In Chat, if you delete a message, and then paste a permalink to that message, the onebox will show the full content of the "deleted" message. This works for non-moderators (verified on chat.SO). It'...
nhinkle's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Careers onebox seems outdated

Afaik, "Careers 2.0" is the old name for Careers.SO, and there is no logo where it usually is in oneboxes, just text. So the logo is not working and all instances of "Careers 2.0" should probably read ...
user1306322's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

Oneboxing a onebox from a different chat server generates a weird URL

So if you try to onebox a onebox from a different chat server, this weirdness happens. Basically, it generates this URL:
hichris123's user avatar
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5 votes
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Oneboxing doesn't work for questions from Related/Linked panel

As the title says. How to reproduce: Open any question. Click any question in the Linked / Related right panels: Copy-paste the link into the chat. It doesn't work because the link address is ended ...
yo''s user avatar
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Chat room links with text after them get converted into one-boxes

Whenever you post some link that usually converts into one-box, if there's any text after it (space character between the link and text) then it doesn't get converted. Except for chat room links. Try ...
user1306322's user avatar
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Wikipedia oneboxing only works for languages with a two-letter code

While idly chatting over at Software Recommendations (boring room name, I know. Anyone have any better ideas?), we noticed that Simple Wikipedia articles (like this one) don't onebox. There just shown ...
Undo's user avatar
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Oneboxing a Stack Exchange post using HTTPS does not work

When you post a link from Stack Exchange into the chatbox using HTTPS, the link does not onebox. However, if you change the link to HTTP, it works. See the screenshot below: HTTPS URLs should onebox, ...
reikyoushin's user avatar
6 votes
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Incorrect oneboxing for Wikipedia page

This Wikipedia page is not displaying properly when oneboxed in chat:
NagaJolokia's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Amazon logo in oneboxed Amazon links is pixelated

When I post a link to an Amazon product page in chat, the Amazon logo in the onebox is very fuzzy: Can someone increase the resolution of the Amazon logo?
bwDraco's user avatar
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18 votes
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YouTube Mobile Links in Chat Not Oneboxed Correctly

Recently, I have been chatting on my mobile device more frequently, and have noticed a slight error in the way that thumbnails of Oneboxed videos are displayed. I tried to post a mobile video, using ...
Pip's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Wikipedia onebox is dropping random text

Random text is getting dropped from Wikipedia oneboxes. See this example. Screenshot: This occurs regardless of HTTP/HTTPS and of whether a redirect URL is entered into chat. I initially thought the ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
16 votes
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Reduce how finnicky YouTube oneboxing is in chat

I recently posted a link to this YouTube video in chat: Here's the link to the message in chat that didn't onebox:
casperOne's user avatar
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8 votes
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Oneboxing Wikipedia includes processing instructions like __NOTOC__

Someone oneboxed the Wikipedia Poblano article in chat, and it showed up with NOTOC in front: __NOTOC__ is a MediaWiki processing instruction, of course, and really ought not show up in chat. (Also, ...
derobert's user avatar
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Gist oneboxing does not work when username is included

Gist oneboxing fails to work when the url of the gist is like this: (see here) But they work fine when the url is like this ...
Amith KK's user avatar
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Launchpad oneboxing doesn't work for bugs specifying a package

Chat supports oneboxing for Launchpad bugs for projects other than Ubuntu. For example, linking to shows the bug description. However, bugs in Ubuntu ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Preview new HTTPS Wikipedia links in chat

In chat, Wikipedia links normally get oneboxed. A while ago, support for secure Wikipedia links ( was added: Add support for secure Wikipedia pages to Onebox. ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
9 votes
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Add Wiktionary to Chat Onebox

Chat already oneboxes Wikipedia links, so it would surely be quick and easy to add support for other MediaWiki sites. I'd particularly like to see Wiktionary added. Please.
TRiG's user avatar
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Onebox for nonexistent user's question looks ugly

Liveupdate phone number forms and test for international numbers - that guy has a rather long nick and no gravatar since he doesn't have an account on Code Review. A part of his nick is shown below ...
ThiefMaster's user avatar
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8 votes
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Oneboxing of deleted users' comments in chat results in empty links

For the funs, I wanted to link to this comment in chat. On-site, the user name is not clickable since the account has been deleted. In chat though, the username is linked to: The link is ...
slhck's user avatar
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7 votes
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In-line code tag not properly displayed in chat preview

Proof of the bug: I'm sorry I have no theory as to what could be the cause.
Johannes Schaub - litb's user avatar
9 votes
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Stack Exchange / Overflow blog messages don't onebox [closed]

There was a new blog post on the Stack Exchange / Stack Overflow blog today, but the Blog bot's message didn't onebox anymore: In fact, links don't seem to onebox at all, ...
slhck's user avatar
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Make oneboxing work for comments in chat [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Add chat oneboxing support for comment links As the title says, now that comments are linkable, I would like them to be oneboxed to appear similar to this one, when they are ...
sbi's user avatar
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37 votes
1 answer

Add chat oneboxing support for comment links

Since we have direct links to comments now, IMHO it would only be fair for comment links in the chat to be treated on the same level as question and answer links. (This question feels kinda empty, ...
Xeo's user avatar
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Oneboxing in chat is broken

Oneboxing in Chat - be it Stack Exchange Chat or Stack Overflow Chat or Meta.SO Chat seems to be broken - questions, answers, users - none of them seem to be Oneboxing. Other remote URLS seem to work, ...
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
6 votes
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Oneboxing for SO answers is broken

Seems like the short links obtained from the "link" button on answers has changed recently, and these new links (like are not considered by the oneboxing ...
R. Martinho Fernandes's user avatar
12 votes
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164 views links are not oneboxed in chat

When pasting a URL ( into chat, I see the "working" indicator image for a second or two, but a onebox is not created. Editing the post and removing ...
Brant's user avatar
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Onebox Blogoverflow links for chat

It would be nice if the Community Blog sites (i.e. * are oneboxed like the StackOverflow blog links, questions, and so forth. Jeff mentions that this only works with a whitelist of ...
Tony Meyer's user avatar
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4 answers

Wikipedia Chat One-Boxing doesn't always pick the correct image from the article

This is Where does the chat get the thumbnail on Wikipedia links from? turned into a bug post Someone was complaining their head felt heavy in chat so I decided to link them to a possible solution: ...
Nick T's user avatar
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Secure Wiki Oneboxes don't link to secure Wikipedia pages

Thank you very much for adding support for secure Wikipedia pages in Onebox. However, I've noticed that secure Wiki links get converted to normal links when they're Oneboxed. Can this be fixed?
Iszi's user avatar
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13 votes
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Add support for secure Wikipedia pages to Onebox

I use HTTPS Everywhere in Firefox, and so all of my requests to Wikipedia (among other sites) get automatically re-directed by the browser to their secure site. This gives me headache when I want to ...
Iszi's user avatar
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Numbers mysteriously stripped from inlined Wikipedia articles in chat

Case in point. For those too lazy to click, the original Wikipedia article reads: The Mariana Trench [...] is currently estimated to be up to 10,971 m (35,994 ft) deep. [...] The trench is about 2,...
ЯegDwight's user avatar
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Twitter threading for magic links

Can we have threading for the twitter magic links? For example: alt text Should say "Tweeted by ArdaXi on August 8, 2010 at 9:31PM in reply ...
tzenes's user avatar
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SO Blog Magic Links for Chat

Hey can we get to be a magic link too? Similar to: Image
tzenes's user avatar
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