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15 votes
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No notifications for followed posts

For the past several hours I have not been receiving any notifications about posts I have followed. The timestamp for the last followed post notification I received was 2021-07-06 16:23:20Z, and in ...
Eric Wofsey's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

How can I get a notification when someone else's question is reopened?

Does a feature like this exist? A question has been closed, because the user must write it in a better way. I have already an answer for it, and it would be great to have an alert/notification when it ...
aborruso's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Add button to watch questions/get notified on edits, comments, etc [duplicate]

I often have the situation that I read a question and leave a comment requesting an edit to provide more information by the OP. Currently, I add the phrase that he/she should please also write a ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Could users receive notifications for further edits/rollbacks on their edits?

Users whose own posts are edited are already notified. However, I would like to propose that, where I edit someone else's post, I can choose to be notified of subsequent edits. Or, perhaps these could ...
halfer's user avatar
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