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Questions tagged [support]

Use this tag for requests for assistance with tools and other features on the Stack Exchange Network. This includes understanding how features work and why they work that way, or how to better use them.

24 questions from the last 30 days
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3 votes
1 answer

Why is StackOverflow in Maintenenace mode but not in Maintenance Mode? [duplicate]

Nothing about on going Maintenance post here. But on my main Browser (Firefox 103.0.3 on Windows 10) I get. But in A private browser Window it is not Maintenance Mode or in a different Browser it is ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 187
-24 votes
1 answer

How to report malicious voting? [closed]

I was tried flag post, but all the flags was be denied, how can i report malicious voting? What need i to tell to moderator on flag description? I need some help.
佩奇君's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Bolded number "1" next to chat room when visiting on mobile

When browsing on mobile (Safari in my particular case), I see a bolded "1" next to the Teacher's Lounge room: The bold "1" does not appear when ...
Jeff Schaller's user avatar
-13 votes
1 answer

Why Stack Exchange doesn't seem to care about multilingual spam?

Sometimes SE recieves spam in foreign languages like this (scroll down to see). Why they don't care?
Hephaestus's user avatar
70 votes
3 answers

What is "Answer Bot" and what is it doing?

I found a user on Webapps SE named Answer Bot with an "AI" badge (site profile ID of -2). Here's the profile[1]: Hi, I'm not really a person. I'm an AI that's powered by LLM partners of ...
cocomac's user avatar
  • 16.1k
8 votes
1 answer

How can I close my own question with reference to another post?

I’ve asked a question on Stack Overflow. But somehow I found an answer from some other post. What should I do now?
Sathyapriya Muthukrishnan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I view the category to which a post was saved without visiting the saves list? [duplicate]

Whenever I come across a question while browsing the site and discover that it had already been saved and I want to know to what category I had saved it, how do I do this without checking all my saves ...
Math Guy's user avatar
  • 317
-4 votes
0 answers

Help merging accounts [duplicate]

I am an infrequent user with two login, one tied to my private email address the other tied to my Google/gmail account. From my profile I see I have 6 or 7 accounts as shown in first attachment. I ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
  • 1
-7 votes
0 answers

Why do comments also show up when you want to edit a post? [duplicate]

Why do comments under a post show up when you want to edit that post? I know they should show up for moderators to review suggested edits. But why should the one who wants to edit also see the ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to filter specific tags without including synonyms?

If I want to filter a specific tag that has a synonym, the behavior is that the synonym tag will also be filtered along with the initial tag. On DIY, [electrical] (18k entries) is a synonym for [...
Velvet's user avatar
  • 566
6 votes
1 answer

How do I join a meta site? Where is the "Join this community" button?

I've been on the Ask Different site for 8 years, that is where my most activity is. I want to be able to ask questions on Meta but I don't see how to join.
UXdesigner's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Multi line chat messages are now limited to 10k characters?

Since the beginning of chat, multi line chat messages enjoyed the freedom of not having limit, or more accurate, they could reach around 2 million (!) characters. However, as of few days ago, I ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Chat rate limit appears to be gone

Right now, you can post things in chat without any rate limit. Proof: (Notice the timestamps. I use an userscript but it's unrelated)
Petəíŕd the Wizard's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

You cannot register at this time

When I try to ask a question on, I get the following error: You cannot register at this time. If you continue to find this error, contact us. Already have an account? Log in ...
Alex's user avatar
  • 1,063
5 votes
5 answers

What's the correct site to use when trying to identify a video game from memory?

I just posted this on Arqade: I had some time ago a PS1 or PS2 with a fighting game. There was the character Yulaw. Also Nina was there. I checked several websites and Wikipedia lists. I would think ...
birdpoolcleaner's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How do I sort by lowest score?

I can sort questions and filter by the highest score but not by the lowest score. How do I view the lowest scored questions of all time? And how do I view the oldest of all questions, for example, ...
qa test's user avatar
  • 103
0 votes
1 answer

Where can I ask a question about the internet and web mechanics? Like domain name registration and domain commerce?

The question asks it all. I want to know where Elon Musk bought his domain from and how much he paid for it.
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

(COMPLETED) Public Site API Maintenance -Wed, November 20, 2024, 10:00 PM-11:00 PM EST (Thurs, November 21, 03:00 UTC - Thurs, November 21, 04:00 UTC)

Update: API maintenance has been completed. We will be doing a quick failover test of on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 10:00 PM-11:00 PM EST (Thursday, November 21, 03:00 UTC - ...
Dalmarus's user avatar
  • 4,786
6 votes
0 answers

Unable to post anything on Stack Overflow

I am not able to post my question on Stack Overflow. It just says An error occurred submitting the post but there is absolutely no information about the error. I tried to strip the post of all code ...
Priyshrm's user avatar
  • 161
4 votes
0 answers

Where to post question about key signing for publishing on google play store

I am having trouble with publishing an app on the google play store. I posted a question on Stack Overflow, but it was closed as off topic. I tried publishing it on Android Stack Exchange site, but I ...
Pasqui23's user avatar
-5 votes
0 answers

When I'm answering a question with comments going back and forth, how do I use chat? [duplicate]

When I'm answering a question with comments going back and forth (for more information from the OP), how do I use chat? Do I: create a new chat room specifically for that question, or use a chat room ...
user5127's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Reviewing Low Quality Answers by New Users that Should be Comments

Sometimes, while I am reviewing posts in the low-quality posts queue, I come across some answers by new users that are actually meant to be comments, i.e., they either ask for clarification of the ...
Math Guy's user avatar
  • 317
6 votes
3 answers

Where can I ask a question on whether cooling a phone in a fridge or freezer damages the battery?

I'm wondering: Does cooling a phone in a fridge or freezer damage the battery? I saw a fair amount of Reddit and Quora posts on whether cooling a phone in a fridge or freezer damage the battery but ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

On the homepage, why does it say Community bot modified x hours ago? [duplicate]

I was looking for questions to answer in At the bottom of the image, it says Community Bot 1 modified 3 hours ago. I think users want to see the latest activity of a question ...
user5127's user avatar