Questions tagged [support]

Use this tag for requests for assistance with tools and other features on the Stack Exchange Network. This includes understanding how features work and why they work that way, or how to better use them.

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2 votes
1 answer

Access to Area 51 Private Beta Commitment made under different User ID that can't OpenID [closed]

I signed up a commitment to the Theoretical Computer Science Area 51 under an email address that can't OpenID. I then sign in with my Google OpenID and don't see the commitment. I log out and then ...
A Student at a University's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I use Area 51?

I just committed to an Area 51 proposal and I am unable to do anything except view example questions. I have 51 reputation points so I am supposed to be able to comment and vote, but there is nothing ...
Modern Hacker's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can't run certain queries against SO on OData

I can't run f.e. this query against SO. SU, SF and Meta are working fine, but SO just tells me to hold tight while my results are fetched...but no matter how tight I hold my PC and Modem, it doesn't ...
Time Traveling Bobby's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Email notifications based on comments?

If someone comments that they need a code sample or they asked a question and then I do, how do they get notified that the stuff has been posted and they should go back and continue the answer? If ...
Tony_Henrich's user avatar
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122 votes
13 answers

Deleted Meta Questions Archive

Some keep deleting questions with a lot of discussion, both relevant and/or historical, and we can't search on deleted questions. Some of them are locked so that they cannot be undeleted, so I'm ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Why was the user Summon ousted from SF?

Why was the user Summon ousted from SF? His correct reply to his own question Windows Server 2008 - Connecting to was deleted and the question distorted through editing If community ...
Gennady Vanin Геннадий Ванин's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Questions are being closed without unanimous votes

This question: Got closed and migrated to SF after I cast the 5th close vote. But counting mine, there were ...
NullUserException  อ_อ's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Where can I ask a question about employment? [duplicate]

I would have thought would have been the place, but I don't see a forum. I have a question about advancing career positions in IT.
NibblyPig's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Support for Chat feature in Stack Overflow

I was feeling the need of a chat enabled service for discussions on Stack Overflow. Don't you think, it should be implemented?
Shrikant Soni's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How can I associate my account on a Stack Exchange site with my Stack Overflow account?

I remember back in the day when ServerFault and SuperUser started up StackOverflow users could associate their StackOverflow account with newly created SuperUser / ServerFault account and get a quick ...
Justin's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How can I get started on is extremely confusing, crowded, and hard-to-figure-out for even an experienced Trilogy user such as myself. I'm having a really hard time understanding it because it ...
studiohack's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Can I filter my favorites by tags?

Can I do it? If not, can it be a feature request?
tugga's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Stack Overflow inline code [duplicate]

I'm a Stack Overflow n00b, but I believe it's an invaluable resource, and really has been so far to my deving on different projects. Anyway, I have seen users write inline code. In other words, they ...
Qcom's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

StackExchange Metas: use them for technical questions/bug reports or not?

I just registered at english and was going to post a little bug report on meta.english concerning the look of the site. But then, I read the questions already posted there, and there were literally ...
GSerg's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

User "consecutive" count - how sure are you that it's working?

Yesterday I visited Stack overflow - probably two or three times. Same thing with the day before (Saturday) and I know every day last week while at work. This morning at 8am I see "visited 253 days, ...
Adam Eberbach's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Max time limits in each stage for a Area51 site proposal?

It is stated in Area51 FAQ that: A site goes through several phases before it launches to the public. If the site loses focus or momentum during this process, it will be closed down and the ...
Majid Fouladpour's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

Possible invalid merge of [cpp] into [c++] [closed]

Somehow the tag synonym [cpp] for [c++] got official and then merged, seemingly without anyone noticing that cpp is the C preprocessor. For normal users that info is gone now after the tags were ...
Georg Fritzsche's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Questions about badges

How does the badge awarding process work? Does it just run queries periodically for all badges? If so, how often does the system run queries to award badges? And finally is there a way for me to see ...
NullUserException  อ_อ's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Why is my Math Overflow account not automatically associated with my other accounts?

I logged in Math Overflow and quickly went through the motions of associating it with my other accounts. Unfortunately, that is not so. My Math Overflow profile page doesn't have an "Accounts" tab ...
Kit's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Why can't I ask this question?

Hi everybody, I found with the help of Google an hour ago. In the footer I found some links that I clicked through and eventually came to this Q&A site called App Dissect. In ...
user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Making a stack exchange site to discuss problems for an upcoming exam

I have to prepare some students for their upcoming exam, and I wondered if I couldn't just create a stack exchange site where students could ask questions and other students discuss them. Only if they ...
Helper Method's user avatar
205 votes
1 answer

Adding links to Comments [duplicate]

While giving comments many times I wanted to add links to my comment. But instead of using some short hand like Read "this" (this is a link in this case) I had to write Read "http:\\". ...
Prasoon Saurav's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Not getting any email confirmation mail from Area 51

I was creating a proposal on Area 51 and i got a confirmation page, which says i need to confirm my email address. But i am not getting any mail. Checked my email address, Double checked my inbox, ...
Mohit Jain's user avatar
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1 answer

My question (on Stack Overflow) has recent activity by Community user (the background process), what does that mean?

A few months ago I asked a question, and the next day I got the solution so I posted my own solution. Now, after 2 months there is activity by Community User (the background process). What was the ...
Mohit Jain's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Preventing question deletion after answers are provided

A useful question recently appeared on SO about DI constructor injection in Scala 2.8, and I provided what I think was a useful answer. However, the question disappeared soon after I submitted my ...
anovstrup's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Can't associate ubuntu.stackexchange with SO

I can't associate my account at ubuntu.stackexchange with my account at stackoverflow or other sites (meta, se, su etc.). When I click Associate with Stackoverflow button I get this popup user Id ...
Juha Syrjälä's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Consecutive Day count reset this morning

I have read a lot of the posts on here about consecutive days and how they are calculated, but I am not sure that I can explain this one...which is disappointing since I have been trying to get the ...
Tommy's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is there a possibility to store an interesting question with answers in some kind of a "Favorites" area of my account?

I won't like to use browser bookmark feature, because I use several browsers and read Stack Overflow from different locations. Is there any button to mark a question as interesting, so they could be ...
mbaitoff's user avatar
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2 votes
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What is the use of "This is a Great Comment"?

I wish to know the use of "This is a Great Comment". How does it help the person who has posted the comment and also to the person who has posted the question?
Ankur Mukherjee's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Where can I find help?

By going to the different stuff here, I was wondering, if there shouldn't be a help section in Stack Overflow?
Nishant Shrivastava's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there any better way to evaluate my reputation?

How can I evaluate my reputation on Stack Overflow, or get a report of a detailed breakdown of my reputation?
Pankaj Mishra's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How long after posting 10 questions/answers does it take for my commitment to be fulfilled?

My understanding from the other similar questions is that you post 10 (questions + answers) and once the site goes public beta (if it isn't already), your commitment is fulfilled. I have just posted ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Careers has a nominal fee to weed out non serious applicants, and yet everyone can file for free if they want

From the FAQ page: Why are you charging the job seeker? Shouldn’t the hiring managers be paying for everything? When hiring managers search through CVs, they want to know that they’re ...
Andreas Bonini's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Formatting on the Trilogy

I'm curious about how different formatting works in the Trilogy sites. Especially the font size. how does one make fonts larger or smaller than the standard size? I understand the other basic stuff, ...
studiohack's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Which edit actions can move a post into Community Wiki mode? [closed]

Surprisingly, I couldn't find a straight answer to this. It's not entirely clear in the Community Wiki FAQ. There are (at least?) four different types of edit actions: Body edits Title edits Retags ...
Aarobot's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What happens when a site fails to meet the beta requirements? [duplicate]

What happens when a site makes it to beta, but isn't good enough to become a real site by your requirements? Will it be removed from SE altogether? Or will it be in beta forever? I'm just wondering..
Jouke van der Maas's user avatar
0 votes
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Will the "official" moderators of area51 proposals become moderators on this meta too?

So far every single moderator of a non-beta stack exchange website became a moderator on meta too. I never agreed with this; besides the fact that we have enough moderators already I don't see what's ...
Andreas Bonini's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Finding Stack Overflow/Exchange users based on geographic area?

I want to find Stack Overflow/Exchange users in my area. Is there an easy way to do that?
Micah's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Combo Tag Stats are no longer available?

At least back when I originally posted this, I could look at the stats for participation in certain tag pairs and other groups. But as Georg Fritzsche notes, it only displays the first tag now. In ...
Grace Note's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Why is the 'newbie' tag not allowed?

Why is any tag with the word 'newbie' not allowed here? Each time I try to submit a question with this tag, I get an error message in bold red letters: Oops! Your edit couldn't be submitted because: ...
augustin's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Could someone delete noise offensive offtopic comments?

There's one angry user who leaves comments with obscene language on my questions (actually, he also downvotes me and some other users as '...
Roman's user avatar
  • 365
7 votes
3 answers

How can I search for questions that do NOT include a given tag?

I was led to believe that -[tag] would do this, but it doesn't appear to.
Bobby Jack's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Account association bonus not applied?

What is the exact source of the 101 point reputation bonus I get every time I create a linked account on another trilogy/area51 site? I ask because I currently have linked accounts on 7 sites and ...
Nathan Taylor's user avatar
125 votes
3 answers

What are the criteria for questions to be selected for Hot Network Questions?

I really like the new Stack Exchange home page, where certain questions from the Stack Exchange Network are presented, along with a hotness rating that is described as "arbitrary" in its ...
Maxim Zaslavsky's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Favorites Change junk

I keep getting notifications about favorites changing, but I've pored through all my stuff and don't see anything to tell me WHAT changed. Searched here, I do see others with this same quandary, many ...
user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

How do I uncommit from a Stack Exchange proposal?

I've wanted to uncommit to the Ubuntu Stack Exchange for a while - when I first committed, it seemed good, especially since I use Ubuntu. However, I don't like the direction that the community has ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

How do I add the Stack Overflow profile icon to my blog? [duplicate]

How do I add the Stack Overflow profile icon to my blog?
user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why can't I edit my own comments on my own question more than two times?

I created this question, got an answer, commented one time (comment #1), edited that comment twice, then added a new different comment (comment #2), deleted comment #2, and then could no longer edit ...
bgoodr's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Reputation "bug" on new meta sites? [closed]

On, I have a different reputation than However, on the other metas, my reputation is identical to the "parent" (see, etc). Is this ...
warren's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Possible sock puppet at Area 51

Look at the comments here: US-only (now). I do not know whether other countries also call it dmv. How do I update the description? – 51local ↵ 6 hours ago 51local - do you see an edit button ...
Tobias Kienzler's user avatar

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