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Sequencing of favorite vs ignored tags

I have a favorite tag : arduino-duemilanove This relates to the Arduino board the Duemilanove. I have an ignored tag: arduino-due These are totally different boards (devices), despite the ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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Favourite / Ignored tags conflict

Let's say I have java as a favourite tag and c# as an ignored tag. If somebody tags a question with both java and c#, it is ignored and does not appear in my list of newest questions. I would ...
assylias's user avatar
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remove favorite and ignore tags

how does one remove a favorite tag or an ignore tag? thanks
Ray Tayek's user avatar
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How is ignored tags / interesting tags implemented

Just out of sheer cusriosity: How is ignored tags / interesting tags implemented? Specifically, filtering of questions is implemented server side or client side?
flybywire's user avatar
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How can I see questions about "java" -- no, I mean really about *java*? [closed]

I like to peruse all the questions about the Java language, class libraries, JVM, etc., in part to learn about these things and in part because I have decent expertise on many of these areas to share. ...
Kevin Bourrillion's user avatar
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Add a series of tags at once

Is it possible to add a series of tags to the interesting or ignored tags? For example adding *boring* to ignored tags, would be the same as adding boring-questions, boring-answers and also-boring ...
Veger's user avatar
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Why can a tag be marked both as interesting and ignored at the same time?

Why is it allowed to add the same tag to the interesting and ignored tags' lists?
Eimantas's user avatar
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Is it possible to mark the same tag as "Interesting" and "Ignored"?

Can you mark the same tag as both interesting and ignored? If you can, what is the resulting appearance of a question with that tag?
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