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71 votes
2 answers

Ignored and watched tags seem broken

For the longest time my ignored tags have been working but today they are not. They work on the home page but not the /questions page. However, if you choose the "Gray out questions" option ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Wildcard tags can no longer be watched or ignored

While editing my watched tags list on RPG.SE, I received an unexpected error message saying that "gm does not exist on this site". The reason why the error was so surprising was that I never had gm ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Inconsistent behavior when adding duplicate tag into Favorites/Ignored Tags List

Step to reproduce Add some tags (between 6-10) into Ignored/Favorites tags Click the area outside the textbox then refresh the page Add the same tags into Ignored/Favorites tags. Repeate step 1-3 ...
masegaloeh's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Things that would erase your “Favorite Tags” list

When I was doing normal editing of my set of “Ignored Tags”, the set of “Favorite Tags” was suddenly emptied. I suggest that if any of your tag lists is more than you can easily remember, make a ...
Arne Stenström's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Misaligned headings on Favorite & Ignored Tags prefs

I don't have any favorite or ignored tags here on meta, and the changes recently rolled out seem to have messed up the alignment when I got to my profile -> prefs. (Happens in Chrome and Safari on OS ...
Laura's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Move the Add Favorite / Ignored Tags boxes to the top

It seems that most people who use the ignored tags feature end up with a fairly long list of those tags. Although one can toggle specific tags, it is sometimes necessary to add new ignored tags ...
assylias's user avatar
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1 answer

Favorite / Ignored tags interface not working?

Since today, the interface to ignore or add tags to favorites is no longer working for me. When I click on the star once, it adds a strange tag to my favorites - something like ...
laurent's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Easier way to add a FAVOURITE or IGNORE Tag

Currently, if we wish to ADD or IGNORE a favourite tag, we need to manually enter this data. It would be so much easier if we can do this via clicking on an ajax link in the modal popup instead. ...
Pure.Krome's user avatar
69 votes
2 answers

What happened to the ignore option in the mouseover on the tags?

In the old pop-up when you hovered over a tag in the question list, there was a link to add to favorites and a link to ignore the tag. In the new design of this pop-up, there's a star to add to ...
Erick Robertson's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

1.5-screen distance between question list and pager

Description I was very confused by the 1.5-screen distance between the bottom line of the list of unanswered questions and the pages-switcher (pager). This is caused due to very long list of ...
linuxbuild's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is the interesting/ignored tags feature having problems?

I thought adding an interesting/ignored tag would update the question list accordingly. Now it gives an error trying to do the update ('k' is undefined). It will remove the highlighting for questions ...
Brandon's user avatar
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84 votes
7 answers

The remove icon on interesting tags is easily misclicked

The safe clickable area for selecting a favorite tag (especially for one letter tags, illustrated above) is quite small compared to the size of the remove button right next to it. Considering that ...
James's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Can't add interesting tag that is a substring of existing interesting tag

It seems you can't "+Interesting" a tag if you already have an interesting tag thats starts with the target tag. For example, if you have "" as an existing tag the system won't let you ...
jwsample's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Interesting/ignored wildcards are lumped with the base tagname in the new popup menu

If you have a wildcard tag as one of your interesting or ignored tags, then the new popup menu that lets you remove or add tags inline will incorrectly link it with the base tag name (truncating the ...
Grace Note's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Collapsible interesting/ignored tags sections

I have added pretty many ignored tags, so the relevant section on the right side is quite large. In fact, it is so large that question page vertical size is usually determined by the right auxiliary ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Allow batch adding or removing tags from interesting/ignore lists

I want to be able to bulk add or remove tags from my watched lists of interesting and ignore using wildcards. So if I entered [php*] into the tag field it would then either add or remove all tags ...
haim evgi's user avatar
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0 answers

Newly added tags are not properly url-encoded [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: After adding an interesting tag, the href is not URL encoded When I add c# as an "Interesting Tag" the link will be: This ...
ZippyV's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Cannot get rid of empty Interesting Tag

I added and removed some tags today on my meta account while testing something (I previously had no tags marked as interesting). Now, however, under interesting tags I see a blank box (same color as ...
Timothy Carter's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Allow wildcards in ignored/interesting tags

I'd like to be able to specify an interesting or ignored tag via a wildcard. May tags which cover similar topics have common roots. For example windows windows7 windows-vista windows-xp windows-...
Nick's user avatar
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38 votes
5 answers

Mark tag as "interesting" or "ignored" from that tag's page

Right now, if I want to add a tag to my list of "interesting" or "ignored" tags, I have to go to the home page, type in the tag name, and click Add. I think this would work better if, while I was on ...