Questions tagged [throttling]

The [throttling] tag refers to the rate-limiting of certain actions on SE, such as using the API or posting chat messages

6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How many requests are too many?

I'm writing a small script that makes a large amount of requests in order to obtain data that can't be acquired via the API (for example, getting a user's network profile URL, scraping the network ...
Doorknob's user avatar
  • 45.5k
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Include backoff value (or remaining time) in API backoff violation response

When a rate limit violation in the API occurs, a response such as the following is received: { "error_id": 502, "error_message": "Violation of backoff parameter", "error_name": "...
Jason C's user avatar
  • 26k
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Comment vote throttling makes it annoying to clean up obsolete chat

If I have a back-and-forth of say 4 comments each while refining an answer, I will then need to clean up my comments (presuming they are incorporated into the answer), then possibly flag my partner's. ...
djechlin's user avatar
  • 14.5k
15 votes
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The SE API fails with a CORS error when hitting the rate-limit

I'm experiencing the same/similar problem as described in API has been failing with CORS errors since 11/13 When I run the below stack-snippet that basically makes various calls to the SE API, I'm ...
rene's user avatar
  • 89.2k
12 votes
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Stack Exchange API inconsistently causes CORS errors for client applications after a certain number of properly throttled requests (again?)

After a certain number of sequential requests made in short bursts (normally around 180 requests but I managed to get it down to 50 if the first batch of more than 180 requests succeeds) respecting ...
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine's user avatar
7 votes
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GET requests to methods return HTTP 400 "Violation of backoff parameter" without previously warning to back off

We have the following logic to make GET requests to private async get( apiMethod: string, // can be 'users', 'tags', 'info', or 'questions' url: string, // ...
Raf Blecher's user avatar