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Vanishing close-votes when the original version of a duplicate is deleted?

I voted to close this question as a duplicate of this earlier question (now deleted, after being closed as off-topic and voted down to -6), so did one other user. The author of both questions deleted ...
user229044's user avatar
  • 11.2k
28 votes
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Low Quality review queue erroneously showing "Close" instead of "Recommended Close"?

I was in the Low Quality Review queue, and the following review confused me: It's showing eight "Close votes", which should be more than ...
LittleBobbyTables - Au Revoir's user avatar
27 votes
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Possible to vote to close questions with active bounties

Over on RPG, I was able to close vote this question after it had a bounty posted: As you can see, it currently has two close votes. And I did some testing right here on meta (shout out to Journeyman ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
27 votes
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Loading next item from the close vote queue takes longer and longer

As a regular close vote review tasks handler I'm pretty used to the user experience, including the performance of load times of the next review task. When reviewing close votes I'm always filtered on ...
rene's user avatar
  • 92.1k
27 votes
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Auto generated close as dupe comment appears only after a full reload

When casting a close vote (non binding) or raising a flag to mark a question as duplicate of other question, the auto generated comment "Does this answer your question? [duplicate target link]&...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
22 votes
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Questions with active bounties still aren't eligible to appear in the close vote queue, and pending reviews are still invalidated upon bounty starting

Today, the system was changed to allow users to vote to close or reopen questions with active bounties. However, it looks like a detail was missed when making this change. For a long time, questions ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
22 votes
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Community ♦ flagging freeform closed posts for comment

On beta sites, when a post gets closed without comment, Community ♦ flags it for moderator attention. Apparently, a comment entered through the freeform close reason doesn't count: As you can ...
Manishearth's user avatar
  • 79.3k
19 votes
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Closing 'own' question leaves a nonsensical comment

(Comment link; it was not auto-deleted as suggested in a comment) Notice the color of the username's background. It is the question asker. When closing own question, the new auto-comment does not ...
ymb1's user avatar
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Funny thing happened on my way through the review queue

I was reviewing first posts earlier today and something strange happened when I flagged a question NARQ: immediately after submitting the flag, this is what I saw: I didn't vote to close - I don't ...
User1000547's user avatar
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18 votes
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Voting to close as duplicate no longer up-votes the auto-generated comment

Until fairly recently, if I voted to close a question as a duplicate, the system would automatically up-vote the existing "possible duplicate of Foo" comment (if there was one). This no longer seems ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
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Loading next item from the Close Vote Queue ends in an error

I'm filtering on a specific tag in the CVQ over on SO where I'm pretty sure the queue doesn't have much review tasks left. After the loading takes incrementaly longer1 on every next item from the ...
rene's user avatar
  • 92.1k
14 votes
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Question had enough close votes to be closed, but was not closed

This question on Stack Overflow required 4 votes to close, despite the requirement on Stack Overflow being only 3 votes to close a question. A similar bug was fixed and marked status-completed in ...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 28.6k
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So you're saying that multiple close votes from users can total up to one?

I know this is an extremely small grammar problem, and that it is rather pointless to fix it, but when a question has 4 close votes and you hover your mouse over the "close" button for about half a ...
mindstormsboi's user avatar
14 votes
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Please stop throwing away my custom close reason on error

Maybe I don't have the most reliable connection, or maybe this is a problem on Stack Exchange's side or somewhere in the middle. But the bottom line is that my custom close reason often gets ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
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The information on close-votes aging mechanism in Help Center is out of date

Network-wide Help Center on Cast Close And Reopen Votes page still says Close votes age away harmlessly after 4 days if the threshold is not reached. Each new close vote resets the timer, and close ...
masegaloeh's user avatar
13 votes
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My comment wasn't posted when voting to close as "Other" as the final vote. Is this a bug?

This might be a duplicate of No comment posted when question is closed as off-topic because ... > other Reference question: Ballistic Coefficients in a Zero G and Perfect Vacuum I was the final ...
JBH's user avatar
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Why can you go through the motions to close a question with a bounty?

I note that the question about closing questions with bounties has come up on various occasions, with the 'official' question here. However, I don't think anyone has responded to a little comment ...
kcrisman's user avatar
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Too Broad is the new Too Localised

I found a(slightly annoying) transition issue with the close system. This deals with questions that had outstanding close votes at the time of the overhaul. While this may not be a problem for ...
Manishearth's user avatar
  • 79.3k
12 votes
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System gets confused when I try to close a deleted question

After reopening a deleted question to see if doing so would cause the author to be notified, I tried to re-close the deleted question. The Close dialog is functional, but when I click the "Close ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
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When a close-duplicate vote is retracted, the OP only banner and auto generated comment do not get removed

This is similar to this report, but refers to the header that gets added to a post body. See here, on Super User for an example. As of the time of posting, the duplicate vote was retracted, but both ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 55.4k
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Can the tool tip for the close votes review number be changed to denote the amount of votes and the amount of flags?

I recently asked this question where I noticed that the review item had a "(5)" for the number of "votes" it received to be closed. It confused me, since 5 votes on Arqade is what ...
Timothy G.'s user avatar
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Itty bitty radio buttons

It seems the radio buttons on mobile safari for VTC options after selecting “off topic” are tiny! Tested on IPS and SO and see the same behavior. See images below. EDIT: I'm running iOS 11.1.1
scohe001's user avatar
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Crooked-looking Close Reason Dialog

Just noticed this while reviewing a few close votes: This is without any close votes attached to the question. This is with close votes attached to the question of this particular type. This seems ...
Makoto's user avatar
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Cannot vote to close as duplicate sometimes

I'm voting to close mark "Premium SSL" vs "Stanard SSL" certificates - Any reason why I would want a "Premium SSL"? as a duplicate. It already has 4 votes to close as a ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
11 votes
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The default "off-topic" close reason cannot be selected from the new close dialog

The default "off-topic" close reason on Meta is This question does not appear to be about Stack Overflow or the Stack Exchange engine that powers the Stack Exchange network, within the scope ...
user avatar
10 votes
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Cannot review a close vote item even though I can vote to close it, if I previously cast a vote and it aged away long ago

I just got this review item in the close queue, and was surprised to see "This item is not reviewable": Going to the question at stake, I noticed this comment of mine which means I have cast a ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
10 votes
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"Flagged Posts" preview behaves strangely after voting to close

Over at /tools/flagged/?subtype=close I have seen some odd behaviour while reviewing posts. Initially the post looks like this: I press Close Question and vote to close. Then it looks like this: ...
nneonneo's user avatar
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Comment length is not validated until the close vote is submitted

When I try to add a one character long comment to a question the "Add Comment" button will do nothing (because validation fails) - that okay. Yet if I click "Close" on a question, select "offtopic ...
sharptooth's user avatar
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Misleading text on Help Center page about Close Votes

The Help Center page Cast Close And Reopen Votes contains some text which (probably because of changes in the flagging system) is a little bit misleading: Note that once you gain the reputation to ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
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Close votes review bug when daily limit is reached

SE site: Scenario: - I'm reviewing the "close votes" section. - I only have one more close vote for today. - I choose to close the question I'm reviewing. ...
Marius's user avatar
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I just cast the sixth close vote on a question

put on hold as off-topic by toro2k, Wayne Conrad, Uri Agassi, eugen, MikDiet, Undo 10 mins ago Can anyone see the problem here? Yes, I just cast the sixth close vote on this question. Pretty much all ...
Undo's user avatar
  • 50.8k
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Asked to approve own close votes

If I vote to close a question, then review close votes, I sometimes see that same question again. So it seems I get to approve my own close votes. I find it hard to believe that is by design. Is it a ...
Raedwald's user avatar
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Can't delete own comment when revisiting Close Vote review page

When reviewing Close Votes, I sometimes leave a comment. I noticed that after reviewing, when going back to the review item, I can edit the comment but not delete it; the 'Delete' link which is ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
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There's no server side check for Close Vote reviewing your own question

As many of you know, you'll never get one of your own posts in the Close Votes review queue. This is by design - of course you would vote to leave your own question open. However, if you have 10k ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Questions that get edited in the close review queue and get another vote aren't pushed to the review queue again

According to Shog9♦, a post that gets edited in the close review queue and gets another vote should be reintroduced to the review queue. Apparently this doesn't happen when: the person that edited ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 15.4k
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Community auto-flags Off-Topic -> Other questions closed by a mod

On Music and other beta sites, we have a feature enabled where Community automatically flags questions when they are closed if they have no comments left on them. This was incredibly annoying till ...
user avatar
7 votes
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Help center page on closed questions still incorrectly indicates that feedback on closure is private, when as of recently, it's no longer so

The /help/closed-questions page on every site says: If your question is closed, you will receive private feedback on the reason why it was closed. However, following this change to the close notices,...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
7 votes
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"No longer reproducible" close reason uses much smaller font sizes compared to the other close reasons

This seems to have popped up today. The "No longer reproducible" close reason now has its own header and the explanation text is much smaller: (Might need to zoom in a touch or test it ...
Ollie's user avatar
  • 26.9k
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Can't un-upvote an auto-upvote on an auto-generated comment

I made a poor decision on this post, and agreed with the existing close vote. That automatically upvoted the close-comment with an orange upvote. I re-read the question though, and realized that I ...
Carcigenicate's user avatar
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Last review does not show up in review queue history nor review actions

So, I did a close vote review and it was my last close vote (though still had surplus review tasks). This was on For me, when ...
user avatar
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What happens to a close casting window if you close a question from the flag tools tab?

Steps to reproduce: Be careful, this is very specific situation. Go to flagging tools and try to find a question, which is going to be closed (question, which has 4 close votes) and click the close ...
TLama's user avatar
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Remove Close Votes as duplicate of older questions when duplicate is deleted

I have this to review in the Close Votes queue. The question has 3 Close Votes as duplicate to a question that is deleted. Should the Close Votes as ...
Jehof's user avatar
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Close vote review queue tag filter broken?

I have the close votes queue tag filter set to c# questions only. However, I still got this question in a review: I was under the impression adding that ...
Mansfield's user avatar
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Voting to close a question makes it show as "on hold" even when it is not

I was checking the flagged posts, and I found one with a closing vote; I read it, and I agreed to vote to close it. Right after I did it, the question was shown as on hold. It is still open, ...
avpaderno's user avatar
  • 67.1k
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Bug when clicking through closing options

Steps to reproduce: Go to Close Votes review page. Click "Close" -> "off-topic because..." Choose "Other", change your mind, choose something else: now "Vote To Close" button is inactive until you ...
sashkello's user avatar
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Review close vote queue tag filtering produces a timeout error

This issue was raised last year here, but it still happens when filtering close votes on obscure tags. For example the CUDA tag doesn't have a lot of questions, and it has even less close votes, and ...
talonmies's user avatar
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Why didn't this question go through close votes review?

I flagged this question as off-topic, but my flag aged away. Since I'm not aware of Meta having the same problem with close votes as Stack Overflow, I was curious to see why my flag aged away, so I ...
Donald Duck's user avatar
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"Review" UI does not reflect close vote limit

The UI on does not indicate that you are out of close votes in the way it indicates other limits being hit. Indicators that should be made: Close Votes section ...
Jason C's user avatar
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Does the close review queue hate R questions or does it just hate me?

It was mentioned in the comments of this recent Meta question that a user was experiencing long delays between questions in the close review queue. I have been experiencing the same thing, when I use ...
joran's user avatar
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Retracted Close Votes shouldn't be listed under 'Profile > Votes' indistinguishable from retained ones

The title pretty much says it all. When one votes to close a question, retracts their close-vote, and then goes to the Votes tab on their profile, the question is still listed there as "Closure&...
41686d6564's user avatar
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