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44 votes
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Please streamline VTC-as dupe in the review queue

I am trying to be a good sport and work on the close queue. Some days I use up all my votes, most days I don't. I hate to be a whiner, but there is a ton of clicking to agree with a possible dupe: ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
  • 75.3k
30 votes
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Vanishing close-votes when the original version of a duplicate is deleted?

I voted to close this question as a duplicate of this earlier question (now deleted, after being closed as off-topic and voted down to -6), so did one other user. The author of both questions deleted ...
user229044's user avatar
  • 11.2k
27 votes
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Auto generated close as dupe comment appears only after a full reload

When casting a close vote (non binding) or raising a flag to mark a question as duplicate of other question, the auto generated comment "Does this answer your question? [duplicate target link]&...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
18 votes
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Voting to close as duplicate no longer up-votes the auto-generated comment

Until fairly recently, if I voted to close a question as a duplicate, the system would automatically up-vote the existing "possible duplicate of Foo" comment (if there was one). This no longer seems ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
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What do askers do after the first vote to close as duplicate?

When a question gets a single vote-to-close identifying a possible duplicate, a large banner appears only to the asker of the question saying that the question has already been asked and may have an ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
  • 75.3k
12 votes
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When a close-duplicate vote is retracted, the OP only banner and auto generated comment do not get removed

This is similar to this report, but refers to the header that gets added to a post body. See here, on Super User for an example. As of the time of posting, the duplicate vote was retracted, but both ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 55.4k
11 votes
0 answers

Cannot vote to close as duplicate sometimes

I'm voting to close mark "Premium SSL" vs "Stanard SSL" certificates - Any reason why I would want a "Premium SSL"? as a duplicate. It already has 4 votes to close as a ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
9 votes
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Why was the network-wide close-as-duplicate comment change not announced here?

Since yesterday the automatic comment posted when closing or flagging a post as a duplicate was changed from Does this answer your question? [question title] to This question is similar to: [...
Joachim's user avatar
  • 9,007
9 votes
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Allow marking questions as duplicate even when out of close votes

Now that we have a great UI for allowing people to close their own questions as duplicates, I think we should be able to offer that UI to people even if we are out of close votes. Proposal: if out of ...
durron597's user avatar
  • 11.7k
9 votes
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Remove mark as duplicate

I know that it has already been requested that a user is enabled to remove his close vote and it has been rejected here. Still a have a case that is a bit more special. I had two tabs of ...
Ivaylo Strandjev's user avatar
8 votes
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Please allow close voting when viewing a suggested duplicate in the Close votes Review Queue

I would love to see an improved workflow for when I review a duplicate question. My current workflow looks like this: Read the question that is nominated for closure Read the suggested duplicate ...
Luuklag's user avatar
  • 36.2k
7 votes
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Show previous duplicate votes in app

Currently the Android app does not provide a way to vote to close as duplicate of a question someone already voted to close for. For example, if user A votes to close question A as a dup of question ...
Doorknob's user avatar
  • 45.5k
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Older question (with answers) being closed as duplicate of newer question (without answers)

I have just had "Should the [table] tag be removed"? closed as a duplicate of "Can we start cleaning up [table] tag and burninate it ASAP" The questions that was closed is 2 years old, the question ...
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
  • 27.7k
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What to do about non-duplicate question about to be closed as duplicate?

I'm a little concerned about a question I recently asked. Someone came along and voted to close as duplicate but it seems that was done without reading the two questions (you can see the other ...
John's user avatar
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Show duplicate header in the VTC preview

Currently, when I try to close a post as a dupe of another post which is a dupe, I get: Obviously, I'd like to find the original dupe link. For that, I need to open in a new tab, and then get it: ...
Manishearth's user avatar
  • 79.3k
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Closing Duplicate Questions on StackOverflow?

Twice today (11/17/14), I saw duplicate questions asked within 6 to 12 hours of each other (by separate users who copied and pasted almost identical text). I went to flag them as duplicate, but you ...
Chrismas007's user avatar
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Mobile: unusable Close as Duplicate dialog

I can understand how it's useful to see exactly which question you are nominating as the original, non-duplicate one when voting to close a question as an exact duplicate, but this presupposes that ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 15.1k
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Recommend Deletion in Low Quality Posts (answers) review queue: Give a form comment for "Don't post a link to a duplicate question"

This answer, for example, shouldn't exist. Instead. it should be flagged, or, with sufficient rep, voted to be closed. Can we get a reason like this: Instead of posting a link to another question ...
Mooseman's user avatar
  • 13.7k
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Are “close as duplicate” votes being timed out too quickly?

This question (now closed) is clearly a duplicate, the asker confirms it is a duplicate in a comment and at 5 people has mark the duplicate comment as helpful. The top voted answer is also a link ...
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
  • 27.7k
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Add "Search My Activity" to the "Close as Duplicate" dialog

When I'm the first person voting to close a question as a duplicate, I know it is because I have interacted with the question before myself. Is it possible for the default search to be in the active ...
cpilko's user avatar
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When voting to close as duplicate, please give a visual indicator of the automatically added comment

I like to have input into the comments on SO in my name, but occasionally forget that voting to close something as a dupe (and other actions?) is going to automatically post a comment, ostensibly by ...
blahdiblah's user avatar
  • 16.3k
4 votes
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Comment lock does not prevent automatic duplicate comments

Question comment locked Autodupe comment later Is this intended?
Robert Columbia's user avatar
4 votes
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Let gold tag badge duplicates prevail above those of other close voters

I just closed a question as duplicate of another with my gold tag badge dupe-hammer (timeline). I used another duplicate target as the one another user suggested which had just one vote until the ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
4 votes
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Suggest linked questions in vote-to-close dialogue

Sometimes people will mention possible duplicate questions in a comment, and these get put into the Linked sidebar. But when I vote to close the question, this question doesn't appear in the ...
Barmar's user avatar
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Please tweak the behavior of the dupe "does this answer your question?" message so it does not suck

I have no problem with my question being closed as a dupe; hey, I got an answer! Yet, the way the "Does this answer your question" message works is not great at all. Let me explain. I post ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
  • 36.4k
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When are questions which build upon each other considered duplicates?

Each Stack Exchange site caters to a mix of experts and novices. This means that some (expert) questions presuppose knowledge which is being asked about in other (novice) questions. In other words, we ...
Metamorphic's user avatar
3 votes
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Implement pass-through results for "Closing -> Duplicate" search window?

By "pass-through" I mean: If the search terms or pasted URL in the "Closing -> Duplicate" search window would (through ordinary search) display a question with zero answers, AND If that question has ...
Wildcard's user avatar
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Show number of exact duplicate votes for each URL

For the rare cases where a question is in the process of getting closed as a duplicate of more than one other question, can the close summary dialog show the current votes? It does so in parentheses ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
2 votes
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Duplicate dialog in iOS app doesn't detect URLs from other sites

I just erroneously closed this Meta Stack Overflow question (timeline) as a duplicate of a totally unrelated question. How did that happen? Well, I was using the Stack Exchange iOS app. I followed ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
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Close Vote Queue: Duplicate question issue

While reviewing a question in the close vote queue on Board Games I noticed an issue where a suggested duplicate was already closed as a duplicate of question I was reviewing. What should happen if ...
Joe W's user avatar
  • 1,461
2 votes
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Search results when closing as duplicate have duplicates, not sorted well

When I want to close something as a duplicate, I almost always try to use the search in the "close" dialog box, but end up getting frustrated and resort to using site search in a new tab. Here is a ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding a duplicate to a reopened post gives an "invalid request" error

I just tried to add a duplicate to the existing one. In the meantime, that post got reopened. Since I was still in the dialog, I didn't see that. When trying to click the Add button, this "invalid ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
1 vote
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Add clarification link to "Possible duplicate" automated comment

Some people when receiving "Possible duplicate" comment (if someone voted to close the question as a duplicate), take it personally and put angry comments, that historically their question was asked ...
Michael Freidgeim's user avatar
1 vote
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Contents of question X is dupe of old question Y, but X (only) has tag feature-request - close as duplicate?

See this close vote review on SO. The misunderstanding in/from the warning described in the question has already been explained in an older question. But the new question has an feature-request tag, ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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Additional comments for 'possible duplicate' disappearing

Sometimes I find more than one good candidate to close a question as a duplicate of. In this case I vote to close once, and post the other candidates as separate comments, exactly in the form of the ...
GSerg's user avatar
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Can two questions cover identical ground without being duplicates?

In my opinion, memcpy() vs memmove() and What is the difference between memmove and memcpy? both cover the exact the same question. Normally I'd flag one of these as duplicate of the other. However, ...
nikolas's user avatar
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Use most-selected duplicate as the first duplicate shown in the banner

When a question is closed as a duplicate, it appears that the choices for the duplicate question links are presented in one of three orders1: Most answers First duplicate chosen Undefined Any of ...
user7116's user avatar
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