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346 votes
12 answers

New UI encourages askers to confirm or dispute duplicate votes

As of the 9th of March, the banner shown to askers whose questions have attracted at least one duplicate close vote has a couple of new options: If the author clicks the first button, they're shown a ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
118 votes
7 answers

Capitalize "possible" in the automatically inserted comments when you vote to close as a dupe

The comment reads: possible duplicate of [link] The missing capitalization bothers me a lot; it should be Possible.
Andreas Bonini's user avatar
96 votes
4 answers

Should I vote to close a duplicate question, even though it's much newer, and has more up to date answers?

I have seen this many times, a question is being asked because a previous, duplicate question was asked and answered a few years ago and has no longer relevant answers. The recommendation is to edit ...
Eran Medan's user avatar
  • 1,291
80 votes
1 answer

Boost duplicate post search results by incoming link count

When you try to close a post as a duplicate, you are given the opportunity to search for the dupe target. Still, searching for that dupe target you know exists is hard and more often than not I have ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
73 votes
5 answers

Award accepted answer reputation for finding duplicates verified by OP

Consider the following theoretical situation: New user asks a question: Why does my program process a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? I see this question, I can: Vote to close as ...
durron597's user avatar
  • 11.7k
71 votes
3 answers

Grant the OP a binding close as duplicate vote [duplicate]

Since the changes to the close as duplicate mechanism it is a lot more visible to the OP that there is/might be a duplicate to their question. Empirically, I've noticed a lot more people agreeing, in ...
ben is uǝq backwards's user avatar
67 votes
5 answers

Help us find duplicates efficiently

I have recently started using a new device and I am discovering Just how immensely helpful the various browser caches are on my earlier device for locating duplicates just how erm, poor the Closing->...
user avatar
64 votes
4 answers

Is it my responsibility to search for duplicates & vote to close before answering?

I obtained the "vote to close" privilege this week, and today after providing a very quick and correct answer I received a downvote (among several upvotes) for answering what others determined to be a ...
Michael Berkowski's user avatar
64 votes
1 answer

Meta duplicates don't require an answer. Don't suggest there is one when that's not true

This request was sparked by this particular question. The vote to close as a duplicate on meta, in contrast to the main site, does not require for the duplicate to have an answer. Yet, the closure ...
Bart's user avatar
  • 60.6k
54 votes
1 answer

Improve UI flow for "close as duplicate"

At the moment, to agree with a "possible duplicate" suggestion, one has to See the "possible duplicate" comment in the first place - sometimes difficult if there's a lot of other ...
Pekka's user avatar
  • 115k
54 votes
1 answer

Create CW answer for every "Vote to close as duplicate" vote

Shog once suggested an better way of dealing with duplicate votes by making each suggested duplicate an answer that could be voted on. Let's do it! One of the biggest advantages of that idea is ...
Pekka's user avatar
  • 115k
52 votes
3 answers

Changes to "close as duplicate" (part deux)

I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. Due to me being an idiot miscommunication, a partial change snuck out early, and even though we announced it we didn't really explain why we made the change. ...
David Fullerton's user avatar
51 votes
3 answers

Link to duplicate answer in 'marked as duplicate' section

Using your typical duplicate answer as a reference: I think that the "has an answer" text of the duplicate section should either be linked to the duplicate answer. Or, if that's untenable, clicking ...
Brendan's user avatar
  • 925
51 votes
3 answers

Add an alert when answering a question that has at least a close vote as duplicate

I have one feature-request with the objective of having duplicate questions with no answers: To (try to) avoid people answering duplicate questions, add an alert that says the question has a probable ...
juan's user avatar
  • 33.4k
51 votes
2 answers

Confirming that my own question is a duplicate by voting to close should have immediate effect

Someone voted to close my question as a duplicate. I agreed, so I cast my close vote (I have enough reputation to vote to close). A question is closed immediately when the asker agrees that it's a ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
50 votes
1 answer

New (December 2019) duplicate automatic comment makes literally zero sense when voting to close as a duplicate of an unanswered question

A few days ago, the automatic comment when voting to close a question as a duplicate was changed from: Possible duplicate of [x] to: Does this answer your question? [x] While some people may ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
44 votes
2 answers

Why do close votes expire?

I nominated this question to be closed as a dup. I see that two other people upvoted my comment, so they might have voted to close it as well. Now, we didn't gather enough votes, and all close votes ...
ripper234's user avatar
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44 votes
0 answers

Please streamline VTC-as dupe in the review queue

I am trying to be a good sport and work on the close queue. Some days I use up all my votes, most days I don't. I hate to be a whiner, but there is a ton of clicking to agree with a possible dupe: ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
  • 75.3k
42 votes
5 answers

Autocomment when voting to close as duplicate

Another solution to this problem: Problem: People are voting to close as exact duplicate without leaving comments. Such votes are invisible to everyone under 3k. A comment is the primary way others ...
Pollyanna's user avatar
  • 76.3k
41 votes
2 answers

What is the proper behavior when someone abuses the close-vote superpowers?

I got this question in the re-open vote queue. I noticed it is marked as a duplicate of a question titled Complete and utter nonsense, which was a bit suspicious. So I looked at the bottom of that ...
Eran's user avatar
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39 votes
4 answers

Prevent circular close as exact duplicate loop [duplicate]

I was browsing SO today when I stumbled across these two questions: ...
Powerlord's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

Allow same user to add multiple links as possible duplicates

When searching for duplicates of a question often multiple ones turn up, but when voting to close only one of them can be specified. It would be useful to be able to add more than one duplicate link ...
sth's user avatar
  • 16.4k
34 votes
3 answers

Should the "closed as duplicate" message be altered?

Here's what the closed-as-duplicate message looks like: marked as duplicate by johndoe1, johndoe2, johndoe3, johndoe4, johndoe5 May 5 '55 at 5:55 This question has been asked before and already has ...
Frank's user avatar
  • 2,716
32 votes
2 answers

Stop generating "possible duplicate" comments

When a question has pending close votes, the system now adds a banner indicating that the question might be a duplicate: But the first user to vote still generates a possible duplicate comment: ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
30 votes
0 answers

Vanishing close-votes when the original version of a duplicate is deleted?

I voted to close this question as a duplicate of this earlier question (now deleted, after being closed as off-topic and voted down to -6), so did one other user. The author of both questions deleted ...
user229044's user avatar
  • 11.2k
29 votes
2 answers

Change wording of "Exact Duplicate"? [duplicate]

I like the UI and the cleanliness of the Stack Exchange sites, but one thing that bugs me is the wording of the notification that something is a duplicate. I have had many questions closed because ...
CoffeeRain's user avatar
  • 1,743
28 votes
2 answers

Strongly separate duplicates from "the rest" in close votes review queue

##Update: I wish I could downvote decline justification twice. "You can already filter down by close reason." Oh really , Do you see many reviewers using filter? Do you see Steward badges ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 11.3k
27 votes
1 answer

Improve the user experience for duplicate closures

Duplicates are one of the most important features of the entire Q&A system. They are the consequence of the decision to create a repository of knowledge and to try and increase the signal-to-noise ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
27 votes
1 answer

Subsequent duplicate close votes should automatically upvote the possible duplicate comment

When voting to close as a duplicate, an automatic comment is generated, that's good. But sometimes that comment is lost in the influx of other comments, not visible to viewers or sometimes the OP (...
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
27 votes
0 answers

Auto generated close as dupe comment appears only after a full reload

When casting a close vote (non binding) or raising a flag to mark a question as duplicate of other question, the auto generated comment "Does this answer your question? [duplicate target link]&...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
26 votes
1 answer

Review queue should give me duplicates with low vote count

Given the new Mjolnir, I have a feature request. I'd prefer it if when the review queue wants to give me a duplicate on a tag in which I can single handedly vote and close, that it's give me one that ...
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Cannot see duplicate votes when out of close votes

When you have close votes remaining, you can always see duplicates used as close votes by pretending you're going to close vote (select the 'exact duplicate' reason) and proceed. But, after the ...
user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Automatic "possible duplicate" links are removed even if the question isn't closed as a duplicate

I see that the system automatically adds "possible duplicate of..." links when voting to close as a duplicate. Earlier today, I voted to close Why is SVN better than VSS? as a duplicate of SVN? VSS? ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
  • 26.1k
24 votes
3 answers

Opinions on closing an older question as a duplicate of a newer question [duplicate]

What's everyone's opinion on closing an older question as a duplicate of a newer one, if the newer one is clearly the better resource? I'm looking at a special case right now, where the two were ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

The title of the inserted link for a duplicate question should be properly escaped

This question was recently closed as a duplicate of (![]+[])[+[]]… Explain why this works. However, the inserted link blows up as the weird title does not get escaped properly in the resulting ...
hammar's user avatar
  • 10.7k
21 votes
5 answers

Choose the same question as others suggested when closing question as dup

When closing a question as duplicate, currently you can view what other people suggested as a duplicate. But when you cast your own vote, you still have to manually enter in the question ID or search ...
lc.'s user avatar
  • 4,914
20 votes
4 answers

Should dupehammer wielders use their powers to wipe obviously incorrect close-as-duplicate votes?

Occasionally, a user will cast a close-as-duplicate vote that's clearly incorrect. If that vote closes the question as duplicate, a gold tag badge user in a tag for the question ("dupehammer user") ...
ais523's user avatar
  • 2,200
20 votes
2 answers

“Vote to close” button enabled prematurely

Possible Duplicate: No biggie, but when closing a question as exact duplicate, entering a question ID and then deleting it, the following situation may occur:
Konrad Rudolph's user avatar
20 votes
0 answers

Don't say I marked something as a duplicate when I didn't [duplicate]

If I vote to close a question for some reason (perhaps "unclear"), and then the question is marked as a duplicate, it says marked as duplicate by T.J. Crowder, Someone, SomeoneElse, AnotherPerson, ...
T.J. Crowder's user avatar
19 votes
0 answers

Dupehammer "marked as duplicate by" shows only the gold-badge user, removing previous voters [closed]

Using the new Dupehammer (name subject to change?), I closed a question which was on the Close Votes review queue: How can I call my c# functions from an external js file The question already had two ...
Kobi's user avatar
  • 9,638
18 votes
4 answers

Show possible duplicates in the main post before it's closed

At the moment links to possible duplicates are inserted in the question text once a question is closed. It would be better to insert the links right away as soon as someone votes for it as a duplicate....
sth's user avatar
  • 16.4k
18 votes
0 answers

Voting to close as duplicate no longer up-votes the auto-generated comment

Until fairly recently, if I voted to close a question as a duplicate, the system would automatically up-vote the existing "possible duplicate of Foo" comment (if there was one). This no longer seems ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
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Close-Vote impossible due to "question does not have an upvoted or accepted answer" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Duplicate target erroneously rejected although it has upvoted/accepted answers I'm getting this information since lately: This question does not have an upvoted or accepted ...
Tim Schmelter's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

How best to respond to "I want a better answer" duplicates?

I think this is a common scenario on every Stack Exchange: User 1 asks question A Question A gets answers X, Y, and Z User 2 asks identical question B, but adds arbitrary condition excluding answers ...
Aarobot's user avatar
  • 35k
17 votes
2 answers

Display notification when the question you are answering is voted as dupe [duplicate]

It'll be nice if a notification is displayed when you're writing an answer to a question and someone else votes it as a dupe. Today, I answered a question and when I submitted, I noticed that it's ...
mmx's user avatar
  • 17.2k
17 votes
0 answers

How do we get question “owners” to close their question as a duplicate? [duplicate]

I often see comments like: possible duplicate of XXXX May 27 '13 at 0:35 @abc Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. The question is then left with 1 close vote. When I review the ...
Ian Ringrose's user avatar
  • 27.7k
17 votes
0 answers

What do askers do after the first vote to close as duplicate?

When a question gets a single vote-to-close identifying a possible duplicate, a large banner appears only to the asker of the question saying that the question has already been asked and may have an ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
  • 75.3k
16 votes
2 answers

Improve “Close as exact duplicate”

The UI to close a question as an exact duplicate is quite hard to use. Due to the sheer number of duplicates, closing questions is a common activity. The UI should not impede this unnecessarily (while ...
Konrad Rudolph's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Duplicate Close dialog misleading when given an off-site URL

I found a user had posted the same question question on both SU and SO. I voted to close as a duplicate on SO, and pasted in the SU link. It brought up the SO question with the same question number ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Askers should be able to close their own question as a duplicate [duplicate]

Okay, take this question: I found out that there was essentially a ...
Billy ONeal's user avatar
  • 11.2k

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