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-15 votes
1 answer

Moderators can close question without voting. Do they have too much power to restrict the discussion? [duplicate]

I saw that there are a lot of similar questions. But I noticed that only recently moderators started closing questions bypassing the usual voting, one moderator is enough to close it, like this one. ...
FluidCode's user avatar
  • 467
-5 votes
1 answer

Why was the Community/Moderator hammer used on this question? [closed]

So there's this question How to stop Visual Studio (2019) from adding line on the end of file?, which clearly had some problems, but with patience and effort I was able to work through it in the ...
RBarryYoung's user avatar
-29 votes
1 answer

Please don't allow a single mod the ability to close a question [duplicate]

Recently I asked this question, and it was closed as off-topic (wrongfully, in my opinion). The meta discussion I raised didn't get much activity. All I'm saying, I like Stack Exchange because it ...
Lynob's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

When are questions which build upon each other considered duplicates?

Each Stack Exchange site caters to a mix of experts and novices. This means that some (expert) questions presuppose knowledge which is being asked about in other (novice) questions. In other words, we ...
Metamorphic's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is clearing pending close votes with diamond power / gold tag badge power considered abuse? [duplicate]

Recently, I saw a moderator on Android Enthusiasts telling folks to stop voting to close a question. The mod was clever to find out that the question is actually on topic, and I added that the title ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
-14 votes
1 answer

About moderators' authorities

Note: This is not a personally stuff. This is an opinion declaration for improving SE. From help center: Closing is a democratic voting process where the community identifies questions that ...
lucas's user avatar
  • 123
1 vote
1 answer

Should questions without enough info, but a good + accepted answer, be deleted? [closed]

Example question (paraphrasing an answer on Stack Overflow): My website appears upside-down. Please fix it. LINK Example (and, theoretically, accepted) answer: I see that you applied transform: ...
Mooseman's user avatar
  • 13.7k
3 votes
2 answers

Why do duplicate questions go through a different closing process?

Why is it possible for a question to be closed in two different ways? This one was closed by a single vote (a diamond user): This one took 5 votes but one of them is a diamond user: Would ...
ʞunɥdɐpɐɥd's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Due Dilligence in Marking Questions as Off-Topic

As a BlackBerry developer I consider this question: to be entirely ...
Richard's user avatar
  • 93
3 votes
4 answers

Do you stop getting helpful flags once you can vote to close? [duplicate]

I noticed that once I hit 3,000 rep and could vote to close I seemed to stop getting helpful flags. The behavior is different too. Before I would flag a post for being non-constructive or whatever, ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Please stop bounties from turning off community moderation [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why can't we close questions with bounties? Allow users to vote to close bountied questions How to prevent your question being closed? Just post a bounty on it tl;dr: ...
blahdiblah's user avatar
  • 16.3k
42 votes
3 answers

As a mod when should I vote to close content that is not flagged?

I know mods are supposed to step in to quickly close seriously problematic posts and otherwise allow the community to vote to close a post. But what about when there are four close votes on a ...
Zelda's user avatar
  • 33.1k
22 votes
6 answers

How do we ensure new users to SE on SE 2.0 sites are not discouraged by question closure and encourage question improvement?

"Don't make me use my brain" edition: How do we correctly convey the intent behind close voting on SE 2.0 sites and encourage question improvement, with particular focus on natives (i.e. non SO-...
user avatar
-2 votes
6 answers

Should moderators close questions for reasons other than obvious violation of the rules?

I'm going to ask this, even though it has some resemblance to other questions, but I think it's important to ask this question in this manner, because it has some semantic meaning that the other ...
Erik Funkenbusch's user avatar
0 votes
7 answers

Should the amount of votes required on a site increased based on the number of moderators? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Make Moderator abilities relate to Rep Inflation With the high number of 10K moderators on SO, would it be more effective to have the amount of votes required to move, close or ...
BinaryMisfit's user avatar
  • 27.7k
-5 votes
1 answer

Isn't it time to set the bar higher to obtain moderation tools? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicates: Make Moderator abilities relate to Rep Inflation What to do about rep inflation? As the SO is growing the number of users with more than 3K rep is also growing. I believe ...
user131638's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Moving a closed question

There's several older questions I just stumbled across, which at the time were closed as "not programming related", but should now be moved to SuperUser. How should these be dealt with? Reopening ...
dbr's user avatar
  • 23.1k
7 votes
6 answers

User Admins too zealous in their closing of questions [closed]

Stack Overflow should be a place for both experts and those who are just getting into programming. I am a self-taught programmer and I can attest for the fact that the most difficult thing about ...
Tyler's user avatar
  • 219
12 votes
3 answers

Closing an earlier post as a duplicate of a later one [duplicate]

Suppose there are two questions that are very obviously duplicates of one another. The one that came first has maybe a few votes and no answers. The second has double the votes of the first and ...
Kyle Cronin's user avatar
  • 37.9k