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Why was the network-wide close-as-duplicate comment change not announced here?

Since yesterday the automatic comment posted when closing or flagging a post as a duplicate was changed from Does this answer your question? [question title] to This question is similar to: [...
Joachim's user avatar
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Comment lock does not prevent automatic duplicate comments

Question comment locked Autodupe comment later Is this intended?
Robert Columbia's user avatar
50 votes
1 answer

New (December 2019) duplicate automatic comment makes literally zero sense when voting to close as a duplicate of an unanswered question

A few days ago, the automatic comment when voting to close a question as a duplicate was changed from: Possible duplicate of [x] to: Does this answer your question? [x] While some people may ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
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Add clarification link to "Possible duplicate" automated comment

Some people when receiving "Possible duplicate" comment (if someone voted to close the question as a duplicate), take it personally and put angry comments, that historically their question was asked ...
Michael Freidgeim's user avatar
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Automatic “possible duplicate” comment is not made, if presumed duplicate is linked in a deleted comment [duplicate]

The following just happened to me here: I posted a comment on a question: Related: [Link to other question] I made up my mind and decided that the related question was not only related but a ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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If the link has been posted (say as a related link), the possible duplicate comment doesn't appear [duplicate]

These comments essentially explain it: (can be found here) Roombatron5000 added a related link. Then Shadow Wizard voted to close as a duplicate, but because the link has been given, the "...
Tim's user avatar
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Auto comment "possible duplicate of ..." missing on voting to close as duplicate

Please refer to the following question: bash: Bash: bad array subscript The user had posted an identical problem a while back. I posted a comment referring to the same and voted to close the ...
devnull's user avatar
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"Possible duplicate" comment is not appearing when I vote to close [duplicate]

Starting a few days ago, when I vote to close a question as a duplicate, I don't see the auto comment when I'm returned to the question. I have to refresh the page to see it.
Barmar's user avatar
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Auto generated close as dupe comment appears only after a full reload

When casting a close vote (non binding) or raising a flag to mark a question as duplicate of other question, the auto generated comment "Does this answer your question? [duplicate target link]&...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
12 votes
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When a close-duplicate vote is retracted, the OP only banner and auto generated comment do not get removed

This is similar to this report, but refers to the header that gets added to a post body. See here, on Super User for an example. As of the time of posting, the duplicate vote was retracted, but both ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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32 votes
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Stop generating "possible duplicate" comments

When a question has pending close votes, the system now adds a banner indicating that the question might be a duplicate: But the first user to vote still generates a possible duplicate comment: ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

The link in the comment from marking as duplicate breaks on trailing whitespace [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Auto “possible duplicate” comment should use trimmed title? When marking At what time will the upcoming Ubuntu release be made available? as duplicate of On what ...
Lekensteyn's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

“possible duplicate” comment should be re-added if it's been deleted

Background: when I saw this question, it had 2 votes to close as duplicate, but it didn't have the usual automatically-generated comment. What happened was that the first closer changed his mind and ...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
-6 votes
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Upvoting the automatically created duplicate comment could count as half a close vote

So low-rep users could help closing duplicates without flagging. No other close action of course, that would render the rep-requirement useless.
Tobias Kienzler's user avatar
25 votes
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Automatic "possible duplicate" links are removed even if the question isn't closed as a duplicate

I see that the system automatically adds "possible duplicate of..." links when voting to close as a duplicate. Earlier today, I voted to close Why is SVN better than VSS? as a duplicate of SVN? VSS? ...
Greg Hewgill's user avatar
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Auto-posting who is voting to close is inviting trouble

Referring to the new feature here: Autocomment when voting to close as duplicate I'm really not happy about this. For starters, it came as a surprise (the original idea was posted in the middle of ...
Mark Henderson's user avatar
118 votes
7 answers

Capitalize "possible" in the automatically inserted comments when you vote to close as a dupe

The comment reads: possible duplicate of [link] The missing capitalization bothers me a lot; it should be Possible.
Andreas Bonini's user avatar