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Questions tagged [winter-bash-2015]

For questions about the Winter Bash (holiday hats) to celebrate the end of the year 2015.

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30 votes
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Winter Bash 2015 post-mortem

I was a big fan of Jon's approach to wrapping up Winter Bash last year, pairing the traditional blog post with a deeper dive here on meta. So I'm stealing it continuing to implement a successful ...
Pops's user avatar
  • 69k
12 votes
1 answer

Could we get some detailed hat stats for 2015?

I am still missing the ideals presented in Collect hat stats please and How many hats did each site get?. The Hats off blog post doesn't satisfy. For each site: What is the ratio of Thalia to ...
user avatar
43 votes
27 answers

What should we do for Winter Bash 2016? [closed]

This is in the same vein as Winter Bash closing remarks - ideas for next year as What should we consider for next year's Winter Bash?. I figured we might as well have one for this year. . . So, ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
  • 32.8k
25 votes
0 answers

Will you publish Winter Bash 2015 source code for snowball animation?

I like the snowball animation for Winter Bash 2015 - do you plan to make the source code public? It would be a great inspiration for making similar animations for our own projects!
milanseitler's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

2015 Secret Hats: Is the Archimedes hat still up for grabs? [closed]

I would very much like to earn the Archimedes hat. The two tips for earning this coveted hat are the following: Solve these riddles and it's yours. (Sound familiar?) Running naked through the ...
Mari-Lou A Слава Україні's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

My winter hats don't work "An error occurred while changing the hat" on [closed]

The error that appears in a little red box: An error occurred while changing the hat My winter hats broke after I added an account that had an old question linked to it. During the merge process it ...
Clay's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

I did not get the Greeter hat

On biology stack exchange, I had reviewed a new first question and upvoted it. Then I edited it. The edit was definitely in the post body. After I edited it, I did not get the hat so about 20-30 ...
TanMath's user avatar
  • 156
17 votes
2 answers

Can we add a badge having similar criteria as Weed Eater hat?

I suggest that we turn the Weed Eater hat of Winter Bash 2015 into a permanent badge. I'm not sure what name it should be given, or what color the badge should be. Perhaps we can introduce several ...
Eran's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to share my Darth Vader winter hat display picture on facebook?

As a part of winter bash, Stack Exchange is celebrating the end of the year with hats! I love my SO display picture with these cool hats! Is there anyway I can save them and then share them? I ...
Karup's user avatar
  • 173
18 votes
1 answer

Wrong image alt text on Winter Bash 2015 [closed]

I had just a network issue while loading the main page on my mobile and I was greeted with a Winter Bash 2013 text. I had to double check the url, it seems that the alt text is broken.
rekire's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What exactly is the process to earn Hat Trick hat? [duplicate]

I am changing my hat on profile for three different days wearing different hats. I also earned hats on Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Still I have not got this hat.
Rohan Sanap's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Will the hat be removed if my question is deleted? [duplicate]

I earned a hat by posting a question on meta site. Will the hat be removed if the question is deleted?
Rohan Sanap's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to get Researcher Hat?

How i am supposed to get a Researcher Hat for Winter BASH 2015? I tried to use the site search functionality on 3 consecutive UTC days.
shishir's user avatar
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-10 votes
1 answer

Flip Flop is missing some colours!

Warning! Spoilers!
Zizouz212's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What exactly is the Fan-hat-ic hat? [duplicate]

With the Fan-hat-ic hat what is based off from? I swear I've seen that design before but i just can't think of where. Also if the reason isn't obvious, why is it associated with fanatics (which is ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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0 votes
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Why did Winter Bash 2015 go down? [duplicate]

It appears that Winter Bash just went down. The Winter Bash site now redirects to http://stack Additionally, the snowflake and my hats have disappeared from my view. Is this a ...
James Dunn's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

Where did the hats go?

For some reason, I can no longer access the Winterbash 2015 page--when I try, I get redirected to the Stack Exchange promotions page instead, just like Winterbash is over. Except, we should still have ...
Gwen's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Users with the highest number of hats, per site

How can I see the users who earned the highest number of hats until now on a per-site basis? The maximum I saw was 19 (earned by two users) but I don't think this is the actual highest one.
Tarik's user avatar
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17 votes
0 answers

Double hats on profile page [closed]

I just earned a tag badge, and the "Congratulations!" box had another copy of my hat-tally added to it: Whaddup-wid-hat?
Werner's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Please could hats be ordered by when they were earned?

Like several others, I've been keeping an eye on the leaderboards for Winter Bash 2015. One thing I've found annoying is that when people gain a new hat and change position, it's not always clear ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Why didn't I get the Hairboat's revenge hat?

According to the secret hat trigger list: So I left this comment: It's been over 4 hours and I still don't have the hat. What gives?
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

Can we get some hints for the 2015 secret hats?

We're a week into Winter Bash 2015, and a lot of secret hats have been found. How do you get these secret hats for yourself? Well, figuring that out is half the fun! I mean, you could be boring and ...
Pops's user avatar
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0 answers

Why can't I see hats on my phone using the app [duplicate]

I am loving the winter bash and I love that there are things to do on your phone to get a hat. But then you can't see them on the phone. You can't even see a list of earned hats. I am using the ...
Moises Zaragoza's user avatar
5 votes
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Zombie page when actual last page got exactly 20 items [closed]

Few minutes ago, I clicked the last page in the Stack Exchange Network Leaderboard: Just to be greeted with an empty and sad page: Manually going to the previous page (2186 at the time) ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What is the exact required timing to get the “Speedy Delivery” hat?

The short description for the Speedy Delivery hat reads answer within 30 minutes of the question being asked, scoring 3 and getting accepted I am not sure as to how the timing works here. Do I ...
luk2302's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Missing hat in the list

This guy have 5 hats but it reflects only 4, hope this is bug. Confused how he opened the closed question.
Bala's user avatar
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429 Too Many Requests error on winter bash site

After looking through the top 20 pages of the leader board on the winter bash, if I go to the next page I get this error: Too many requests. Wait 40 seconds before requesting this resource again. ...
David's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Hat on profile disappears after acknowledging an earned badge [duplicate]

On the Activity section of the profile page, there's a little blue hat in the top-right corner of the badge section. When I receive a badge, it gets partially covered by a congratulatory message. When ...
Gwen's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

One click to my community Leaderboard

Yes, I do check my community leaderboard frequently, hard for me to go every time over there. Is there any chance to get direct link in snowflake menu?
Bala's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Choose Winter Bash language

For some reason the Winter Bash page is in Spanish. It might be because in my Accept-Language HTTP header Spanish has more priority than English. But the Spanish page is so confusing for me, because ...
Oriol's user avatar
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0 answers

A bug with the Hats Beanie display [duplicate]

I recently noticed this bug while visiting a new site: Having the beanie overlapped like that is rather annoying to be honest. Not sure if it is a wrong z-index value or relative positioning issues.
J Sargent's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

z-index on badge icon is incorrect with hats overlapping it

See that image above. The hat comes out of the gravatar and overlaps the badge count. What should happen is that the hat should cover the badges. However, it doesn't cover the badge icon. Now the ...
Universal Electricity's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Does delete votes count for "vote early vote often" hat?

Let me keep it simple. Related to "vote early vote often" hat, what's the exact criteria? "cast a total of 250 votes on any seven consecutive UTC days" is it up, down and delete votes taken ...
SouravGhosh's user avatar
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14 votes
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Winter Bash - no Greeter hat

On this Post: Click on link using VBA I did edit it I did upvote it Its his first Post I didn't get the Greeter hat. Did i miss something?. Additional Information: That one upvote also triggered ...
TobiasR.'s user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Melpomene hat is not awarded for flagging spam?

The description of the Melpomene hat reads: "participate in successfully closing or deleting a question". I've found that it is awarded generously: you don't have to have be able to cast close votes ...
S.L. Barth is on's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

"Congratulations! Thanks to your efforts you have earned" box appears on top of the hat picker

Normally the hat picker is on top of the "Badges" box in your activity tab, but when there's a "Congratulations" there, the hat picker appears behind it: Also, as @MikeMiller mentions, the hat ...
ff524's user avatar
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14 votes
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Spanish translation for Greeter hat is incorrect

Recently, I have been having trouble getting the Greeter hat. I live in Argentina, so therefore, Stack Exchange sites shows me spanish text when available. This is the case for hat descriptions. ...
Matias Cicero's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Are some hats manually awarded other than Archimedes?

This is just a curiosity that I had after reading this post: Can I lose a hat? Probably this is not the explanation here, but I was wondering if the Hairboat hat is awarded manually, which could ...
ꓢPArcheon's user avatar
  • 34.8k
6 votes
1 answer

Can I lose a hat? [duplicate]

Yesterday I had the secret hat described as Hairboat's Revenge, but now I have lost this hat, is it possible?
Jorgesys's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Make it clear that certain hats can be awarded earlier, in their description

Time based hats, e.g. A New Hope can be awarded as soon as 12-14 hours before the actual time stated in the hat description, as explained nicely here. However, this is far from being trivial, and ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
-21 votes
1 answer

Winter bash 2015 : People crazy about hats [closed]

I saw Users get crazy to wear different hats. But I really think is this worth anything. There will be no value of your hat after some days. Your hats will be taken off forcefully. Really big reason ...
Shabbir Dhangot's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

What positive behavior is each hat encouraging?

Hats are like badges you can wear, it's well known. Badges exist to encourage and reward positive behavior and contributions; in theory the same goes for hats, including the hidden ones. I'm willing ...
Mathieu Guindon's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Timey Wimey hat not awarded

The description of the Timey Wimey hat reads: edit 5 questions that were posted more than a year earlier I believe I have fulfilled this criterium on Stack Overflow: how to calibrate the ...
S.L. Barth is on's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Got Hat Trick, at 199 [duplicate]

The description for Hat Trick is: hit the reputation cap on three different days First of all, I'm not complaining :) I received this hat (hard to say "earned") a couple of hours ago, without ...
janos's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Carl Fredricksen hat. Is it awarded immediately or at end-of-day?

I would like to know if the Carl Fredericksen hat is awarded only at end-of-day or if it is awarded when the 'threshold' of >= 5 upvotes is reached.
David Tansey's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Got Hat Trick, but haven't hit rep cap

The description for Hat Trick is: hit the reputation cap on three different days I just earned this hat, but this is my reputation today so far. Note that I have two accepted answers, so I didn't ...
Barry's user avatar
  • 480
2 votes
1 answer

Carl Fredricksen hat. What is meant by "upvote"?

The description of the hat states: at least 5 upvotes from 5 different users in a UTC day with no downvotes What kind of upvotes are we talking about? For example, are comments upvotes taken into ...
Paolo M's user avatar
  • 170
8 votes
1 answer

Can Community get secret hats?

The Community user can get hats, just like any other user, and moderators of a site can dress its Community user in her hats. But can she earn secret hats? Currently she has only these 5 hats, none ...
ff524's user avatar
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2 votes
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Hats borked in chat: Hat appears in top-right corner of user image [duplicate]

Possibly related to this question, I noticed a bit ago that occasionally there is an issue with the hats in chat. Here's a screenshot to demonstrate: As you can see, @AidanMueller's hat is fine in ...
Pip's user avatar
  • 311
1 vote
1 answer

Why Winter Bash details are not updated in Android App [duplicate]

Why Winter Bash details are not updated in Android App. Even there are hats for using app. Details such as : How many hats How many i gained Etc..
Rakesh KR's user avatar
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