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Questions tagged [xml]

Use this tag on questions about the use, usage and/or occurrence of XML within the context of the Stack Exchange network. DO NOT POST GENERAL XML RELATED QUESTIONS HERE!

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5 votes
0 answers

Sites.xml is not present anymore in StackExchange data dumps

In recent changes more or less linked to Shifting the data dump schedule: A proposal, I notice that we do not have anymore the Sites.xml file in Stack Exchange data dumps. The file was still present ...
Benoit74B's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

Latest Data Dump has invalid XML and invalid characters

As I have been looking through the latest StackExchange data dump, it seems like a non-compliant XML serializer was used. There are numerous escape sequences that are simply invalid XML such as &#...
Maxwell175's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Stack Exchange site not rendering, instead shows code

Please go to , then go to the bottom and click on Hot Questions feed. This will rediect you to and gives XML code:
Rejith's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Invalid XML characters in Stack Exchange sites' Atom feeds continue to pop [duplicate]

The issue is still not fixed and happened again with this feed:
Léa Gris's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Invalid characters in XML Atom feed

The issue popped again as I initially reported here: issue #15320 Stack Overflow - Other Consequence was that Thunderbird was unable to load the feed, until the invalid characters slid out of the RSS. ...
Léa Gris's user avatar
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0 answers

XML syntax highlighting bug for "<style>" elements [duplicate]

The following XML fragment has incorrect syntax highlighting for comments and nested attributes: <style name="MyApp.ActionBarTheme" parent="@style/ThemeOverlay.ActionBar"> <!-- This ...
rockgecko's user avatar
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Can we use straight XML/XSLT for the meat of the API documentation?

This would make it much easier to create the bulk of language-specific wrappers (using a different XSLT or your favourite XML parsing tool). As it stands now, the documentation contains little ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Invalid XML in Atom feed

The following Atom feed has invalid characters, and is making my reader app crash because the XML library cannot parse it:
kiewic's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to avoid comment color in xml when we have /*

In case that we have /* in the XML code, it compiles as a comment. While, it doesn't mean comment in XML. How can we avoid it. This is an Example. I have tried <!-- language: lang-xml--> ...
Afshin Moazami's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to insert XML in my Stack Overflow [duplicate]

How do I insert XML in my Stack Overflow question? I have tried the code, HTML and other options, but I was unable to get my XML code snippet included in my question in a readable format. <?...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

HTML snippet - Stack Overflow flair creates error in blogger

In the template editor of Blogger, when I try to insert the HTML flair snippet I get the following error: Error parsing XML, line 1000, column 3: The element type "img" must be terminated by the ...
user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Atom XML feeds malformed - redundant empty line? Trying to read it in Opera i was "greeted" with "1st line should be XML declaration" error. I tried few validators: Same error on
Arioch 'The's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can't show xml code? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to nest code within a list using markdown I'm trying to put XML code in this answer, but it's not displaying at all. I tried using the code formatter and then ctrl + k (...
James-Jesse Drinkard's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Is there a nice browser to view a data-dump?

Flipping through text files of XML to try to read what was going on at a dead site makes it difficult to get the gist of it. Is there some tool that will order the posts into Q and A's and sprinkle ...
Nick T's user avatar
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XML highlighting of tag with < in the attribute

I'm still searching for an exising bug report on the google prettify bug list page and I will add one if none exist, but I thought someone here might like to know as well. It seems that XML attributes ...
chown's user avatar
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What's the story/code behind StackExchange's tag storage and addition system? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Which tools and technologies build the Stack Exchange Network? Does StackExchange use a tag-by-tag, XML-based feed of links to content for users, or is their system more ...
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Auto-detect XML syntax even if not indicated by language tags

Like it or not, but XML has become quite common and is showing up in questions that are not directly related to XML at all (i.e. the question is not about parsing/reading/handling the XML, but the XML ...
Joachim Sauer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

XML Syntaxhighlight highlights elements in CDATA [duplicate]

If you manually declare code to be XML, code within CDATA is still highlighted, even though it should be treated as text. Example: <element test="test"> <![CDATA[<font size="2">&...
Kevin Ji's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why does the code highlighter not work with XML? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why isn't syntax highlighting working in a question? I have formatted my block of XML wit the {} button, but it just won't highlight. Is it supposed to, I thought it used ...
user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How to insert sample XML code in Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I am trying to ask a question which contains sample XML code but I can't paste sample XML code in the question. How it can be done?
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

how to ask xml question in stackoverflow [duplicate]

xml is omitted from the question text. the reference has nothing about this ultra rare language.. -thanks
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Search API for the trilogy websites

I was looking at the Unoffical API documentation for Stack Overflow on Meta Stack Overflow and I couldn't find a search API. I was working on a code search like utility and would like to utilize ...
Ritesh M Nayak's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Code rendering bug on closing XML literal

There's a small bug on rendering markdown visible in this answer and copied here.The following seems to work just fine: val schemaXml = <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""> ...
oxbow_lakes's user avatar
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format color error for XML [closed]

The colorization auto-formatting doesn't seem to work too well for XML over at SO. It seems to work properly over here. Check out the color of the XML at the bottom of this question: In XSLT, can I ...
oillio's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

First letters of XML attributes not colored correctly if capitalized [duplicate]

If the first character(s) of an XML attribute are capitalized, they don't get colored in the usual attribute way: <element InitialCap="1" initialLower="2" ALLCAPS="3" SOMEcaps="4" /> It would ...
Chris Farmer's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Clicking "code" and copy/pasting xml (schema) displays only first line

While writing this post I clicked "code" and cut and pasted XML schema into the question. For some reason, all this then displayed was the first line "<?xml. . .". I fixed this by manually ...
user135632's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Posting XML in Stack Overflow

How does one post XML in Stack Overflow? I've tried using <pre> and backticks to no avail. I suppose that I could go through and try indent every line by four spaces but that would get really ...
Zian Choy's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

WMD/Prettify does not support dot character for XML elements [closed]

The WMD (or possibly Prettify) does not support the dot (.) character for elements, despite it being part of the XML Specification. This comes up on StackOverflow with XAML related questions. Below ...
Richard Szalay's user avatar