At the risk of receiving downvotes from both flaggers and mod-supporters, I would say that both you and "declining" moderator made mistakes here.


* Your mistake is of using wrong flag. VLQ description says "answer is unlikely to be salvageable through editing" which makes it a very (**very**) bad fit for link-only answers.  
Thing is, as long as the link isn't broken and is relevant to answer the question, nothing could be easier than _salvage_ the answer by just adding an abstract / summary of the content available at the link. Whenever I do that kind "salvage edits" <sup>([1]( "example"), [2]( "example"), [3]( "example"), [4]( "example")...)</sup> it works like a charm.    
<sup>In my experience, flagging as [Other with an appropriate comment]( "find more detailed explanation here") is safer than VLQ (and than [Not An Answer]( "see MSO questions in respective tag") for that matter) in cases like that. It just leaves less room for moderator to misunderstand your intent.</sup>  

* Mistake of the moderator is that they either  
were unable to recognize that your flag was submitted in a good faith (link-only answers are [discouraged]( "as explained eg here"), you are right),  
or ignored the official guidance in [SE Community Moderator Newsletter]( "see section 'Flags Too Often Marked [declined]'") to dismiss flags as helpful in case of good faith submission.