I wrote an answer on Stack Overflow with some [PowerShell][1] code examples, but there's no syntax highlighting. There are currently [16,396][2] (as of 2014-05-07) questions tagged [tag:powershell] on Stack Overflow. Please add prettified syntax highlighting to PowerShell questions.

These are the one's I experimented with in my original testing.

    <!-- language: lang-ps-->
    <!-- language: lang-ps1-->
    <!-- language: lang-powershell-->
    <!-- language: lang-posh-->


Side note: there are only [1,244][3] (as of 2013-07-10) questions tagged [tag:dart] on Stack Overflow, and it is [already supported][4]


*Close voters, please read my [comment below][5] before casting your vote. I believe Stack&nbsp;Overflow is maintaining their own version now, so forking the original and adding `posh` support would NOT solve this feature request.*

  [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_PowerShell
  [2]: //stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/powershell
  [3]: //stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/dart
  [4]: //meta.stackexchange.com/questions/981/syntax-highlighting-language-hints/75019#75019
  [5]: //meta.stackexchange.com/questions/167612/there-needs-to-be-a-lang-powershell-option-for-prettify-on-so#comment579827_167612