What you are seeing is (likely) the [fastest gun in the west][1] phenomenon. Many people post a somewhat comprehensive / mildly correct answer as quickly as they can to start gathering votes, then quickly revise their answer to be more comprehensive and accurate. Additionally, you should not be harassed by people through private e-mail. Your e-mail address is not visible to anyone but you or site moderators / staff. Its very likely you put a link to your web site in your profile, which contains your contact information. There is really only one golden rule on the SE sites, **[Don't Be A Jerk][2]**. If someone is harassing you, telling you not to participate or otherwise ruining your experience, e-mail team@stackoverflow and report it before it degenerates to the point that you kill your account. The reputation system is not perfect, but its far from being as broken as you fear. Even if you don't come back, I'd still report the behavior to the SO team - just make sure you provide ample data to back it up. [1]: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/fastest-gun [2]: http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2009/04/a-day-in-the-penalty-box/