[This tweet][1] by Jeff Atwood was [posted in chat](http://chat.meta.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/390549#390549):

> for those of you seeing scrapers rank above #stackoverflow can you reply with your exact google [sic] query terms? (plain text only, no urls [sic])  
_Tweeted by codinghorror on December 9, 2010 at 7:59 AM_

Since some of us don't use Twitter, I thought it'd be helpful to open up an Meta Stack Overflow post for these reports.

Just a friendly suggestion, those of you who don't usually sort answers by "active" might want to do so while you're on this post.

Jeff Atwood cleared out obsolete reports in April 2012 because Google adjusted its index in the first quarter of 2011. Feel free to re-report anything that ranks highly in 2012.

This post is for reporting __sites that outrank Stack Exchange in search results.__ You may also be looking for [the post for reporting sites that use Stack Exchange content illegally](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/131846/report-sites-that-use-se-content-without-following-attribution-rules-here) (that is, without following attribution guidelines).

  [1]: https://mobile.twitter.com/codinghorror/statuses/12778297536552960?_escaped_fragment_=/codinghorror/statuses/12778297536552960