When a spoiler blockquote contains text, the text transitions in smoothly using a CSS transition. If it contains an image, the transition is abrupt.

[I've shared a brief animated gif of the transition as-is][1]

If the CSS were changed from:

    .spoiler:hover img {
        visibility: visible;
    .spoiler img {
        visibility: hidden;


    .spoiler:hover img {
        opacity: 1;
    .spoiler img {
        opacity: 0;
        transition: opacity 0.5s ease-in;

[The image transition would be much smoother][2].

Live example:

>! this is a test this is only a test  
>! ![placeholder image][3]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/FG1NZ.gif
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/GEPfL.gif
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/i7a5e.gif