- Voting
- 5 seconds
- no limit for ♦ mods
- timer resets
- Deleting (treated like voting)
- 5 seconds
- no limit for ♦ mods
- timer resets
- Creating
- 15 seconds
- 5 seconds for ♦ mods
- timer resets
- Editing
- 5 seconds; comments cannot be edited after 5 minutes
- Users < 125 rep, 20 minutes
- Users < 10k rep trip Captcha if more than once per 60 seconds
- Users > 10k rep trip Captcha if more than once per 30 seconds
- On SO, SU, SF and Math (not active on all other sites)
- maximum of 6 questions per day
- maximum of 50 questions per 30 days
Sorry, you are only allowed to ask 50 questions in a 30 day period
- Users < 125 rep, 3 minutes
- Users < 100 rep can't answer their own question for 8 hours
- Users > 125 < 10k rep trip Captcha if more than once per 60 seconds
- Users > 10k rep trip Captcha if more than once per 30 seconds
- 5 edits on own posts per day, more for high-rep users (scales with reputation), does not apply to ♦ mods
You have already edited 5 of your own post today; futher edits are not allowed until tomorrow
- 5 deleted old answers per day (not sure if this is counted along with edits or separately, confirm/refute), does not apply to ♦ mods
- Unregistered Users can't suggest edits on posts < 10 minutes old
- Users < 10k rep trip Captcha if more than once per 30 seconds, or faster than 5 seconds after starting edit
- Users > 10k rep trip Captcha if more than once per 10 seconds, or faster than 5 seconds after starting edit
- 20 reviews per queue per day if the queue size is less than 100
- 40 reviews per queue per day if the queue size is 100 or more
- No review limit for ♦ mods
You have no more suggested edit votes today; come back in x hours.
- load close dialog every 3 seconds
- 1 second between two messages, here's the true throttle curve
- There is a similar throttle for starring (details unknown)
- There is a similar throttle for searching (details unknown)
- 30 votes per day +10 for questions only (Q only votes can't be used after 25 votes cast on answers)
##Changing Usernames
- Once per 30 days, 15 minute grace period. Does not apply to ♦ mods.
- accounts < 2 days old can freely change name
##Showing Upvote/Downvote totals
You may only fetch vote counts once every second
- 5 of a User's own posts can be deleted by them per day
- 5 delete votes (at 10k) with an extra delete vote for every 1k rep above 10k, max of 30, per day
- A question can't be voted to delete until 2 days old, unless 20k+