**Meme:** Bart **Originator:** [Bart][1], in [chat][2] **Cultural Height:** The usage of the iconic glasses by as profile images by multiple users. ![](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/91aef7668303115d1faecbc3fb582253?s=65&d=identicon&r=PG) **Background:** Bart, his glasses, his smiting stick and his stars are legendary in the [Tavern on the Meta](http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/89/tavern-on-the-meta), as evident from the topic of the room "*MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF STARS!*" **Usage:** If Bart posts a message, ★ it! [1]: http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/users/161198/bart [2]: http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/search?q=bart&Room=89&page=1&pagesize=50&sort=stars