* If the duplicateness is discovered shortly after the question is posted, the solution is to **close as duplicate**. * Then the prospective voters will see the duplicate banner and are expected to go vote on the master question (or both). * If the fact is discovered after both posts have coexisted for quite some time and accumulated a hefty sum of votes, the ideal solution is [**merging**][1]. * The catch here is such posts are often not _exact_ duplicates but rather "closely related", or have different focuses. * For the purpose of the site's M.O., this means that answers for one will not fit if moved to the other verbatim. * Of course, they can be edited to fit, but drastically changing a post's meaning would be appropriating its votes (because people voted on a different post that what you would make it into). * So, in these cases, the "least evil" solution seems to be **just prominently link them to one another.** [1]: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/158066/what-are-merged-questions